Final Post

Wednesday February 6, 2019

Many have noticed I've not been blogging for the past 3 weeks.  At first it was because I cannot make the Live Writer "fixes' work for me and I find blogger impossible for all but nearly pictureless posts like this one.

But then also because David's condition began to seriously deteriorate. 

We found out in mid January that there were no more myeloma treatments that he hadn't already tried and eventually failed.   Carrie came to visit and brought baby Colin for 4 days at the end of January.  David went into the hospital the day before she flew home.  Her last visit with him was there.  He died on Sunday February 3.    He had turned 72 years old less than a month before and had battled this horrible disease bravely and without complaint for 7 years.

This blog was started to chronicle The Direction of OUR Dreams.  Without him there is no OUR and no Dreams so the blog will end with this post.

Even though we both knew this illness was fatal neither of us ever gave up hope.   I'm in a fog, attempting to believe this has actually happened and he will never hike or kayak beside me again. I'm just trying to cope with this devastating change in my life.   I have no idea what is next.

Thank you all for your friendship and a BIG thanks to those of you who cared enough to be faithful commentors, some of you for many many years.  You have become my friends and I value you.  I'm so glad we were able to meet some of you in person so you could experience for yourself the kindness, the gentleness, the strength and the love that was David.