A Referral Post to those who have followed us

January 29, 2020

In 5 days it will be a year since David's death.  It seems impossible.

For those who followed this blog for any or all of the 9 years that David and I full timed, you will know that my previous post was my final one here.

For reasons I’m sure you understand, I’ve started another blog to chronicle what it is like to go from full time RVing as part of a couple, to living life as a single after all these years. 

I've had a very difficult time this past year and with trying to get a new blog started.  I’ve given up many times but that story is in my new blog.

If you’d like to see what has happened in these nearly 12 months, you can find me at On My Own    I'll try to fill in the gap for those who wonder what I've been doing in these months and where to now that I'm on my own.  Not that I have it figured out by any means but time has passed.

I have published my first post and hope to see you in the comments there.  I can use all the support I can get.  Many thanks to those of you who repeatedly encouraged me to do this.
