Want to know what’s on the West Side of Rocky Mountain National Park?



Well if you do then you’ll have to use the link below to the blog I posted this evening since blogger won’t put that post on the blog roll again. 

The blog is published so it’s not the insane number of pictures that I post.  It just isn’t on the blog roll.   Blogger clearly likes many of you better than me.


Read it from this link:  What’s on the West Side of Rocky Mountain National Park.

Please comment there, not here since I will be deleting these dummy posts.

Many thanks for following.  Your comments make this worthwhile.



  1. I just checked my "blogroll" and NO one is listed, much less their recent posts. That's a first! Maybe they are undergoing some "construction".

  2. I reloaded the page and everyone is back. This post is listed, but as "3 days ago" even though this page says it was posted today?


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