Another Bump in the Road

Huntington Beach State Park
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Well we had 2 sets of instructions to get to Larry’s by 7:45.  The one David got from the gal at Larry’s which he apparently didn’t really understand but thought google map would be fine.   The google map one which seemed very easy given that Larry’s was only 14 miles away from the campground.  BUT which turned out not to be at all right.

We left at 7:15 to go 14 miles and got there at 8:15 after calling Larry’s twice on the way up route 17 and 17 business and Rt 544 and Market Commons and……….SIGH

So it’s 8:15, that’s still fine. we leave Larry's with visions of paying only for the AC and fingers crossed that it just needs to be recharged.  We call Larry at noon.  They haven’t started on it yet and we will have to spend the night in Larry’s parking lot rather than in our lovely $30 RV site.

Spent most of the afternoon trying to get reservations at the campgrounds I “assumed” we could just go to since it was mid week.  Hunting Island State Park in S.C was to be our next stop 165 miles away.  But they were full up according to both their on line reservations and the girl at the park.  Perhaps they would have the same "full" situation as we found here but it wasn't a chance we could take sadly since it looks like another fabulous South Carolina state park.  So I was able to get us in at  Skidway Island State Park near Savannah, a 200 mile drive.  OH WELL.  At least we have reservations now and don’t have to be concerned.   Moral here:  If you are on a time table………make reservations. 

And then the amazing thing happened.  I get an email from Nancy Mills saying that while she was working at Home Depot on Route 17 she thought she might have seen us go by.  WOW Nancy, what eyes and what a memory!   Isn't that JUST AMAZING that we were driving down the road in front of her store and she saw us.  I'm blown away by this and so, we heard, was Bill.  We met Bill and Nancy at the RV Dreams Rally this past April and really enjoyed our time with them and have enjoyed their blog.  So in the midst of all these discouraging events here they come to the rescue.  

We made plans to get together for a bite at Subway as an excuse to get ice cream at Painters.  Back to the ocean to get cheered up and then off with Bill and Nancy for even more cheer!

After great conversation, terrific stories, many laughs and getting to know them better, we were on our way to camp out in front of Larry’s Auto Clinic for the night.   We got there, got our keys, plugged into the electric.  No power.   Bump #????   So after 20 minutes of checking everything possible.  David called the night number and left a message.  Larry called back and said the extension cord we’d been given was no good.  Thanks AGAIN to Howard, we have a 50 foot extension cord so we were not in an unairconditioned coach on a back road in a sketchy area in South Myrtle Beach.  Compare this photo to yesterday’s camping spot. (Winona is third from the left)  ……..

Tune in tomorrow to see…………will Larry’s finish the work on Wednesday?  Or will Sherry and David be camping again in Larry's Lovely Lot while their terrific site at Huntington Beach sits empty two nights in a row?   Will Workhorse cover all the costs or just some of the costs?  Will the air conditioner need only recharging or a new compressor?????

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are having so much trouble! I know what it's like with the Brakes. We have been going through that for the last year or so...

    Just one recommendation about the AC. We have found that we get better gas millage if we run the generator and the house AC rather than using the chassis AC.

    Hope you get everything fixed and back on the road again soon!!!


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