Well it's been nearly a week since I've been able to put any posts on the blog.  Hope you all haven't given up on me.  Especially those who lurk.  I know followers are true blue.  So glad to have all of you!

This is being posted on Thursday Nov 4 but I've dated it the Friday we first started having all the trouble.

To explain what happened:
First we were shocked to find that our data usage was so high and we were nearing our 5GB Verizon air card limit with 3 or 4 days left in the month.  We've been looking into that carefully since we neither stream videos nor watch movies.  We just do the normal emails, web searching and this blog.  But Friday we had to cut out everything but email to keep the numbers in control until they roll over on November 3rd. 

Secondly during this time we moved from Ocean Pond Campground in the Osceola National Forest to Stephen Foster State Park inside the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge.  There is very little signal at all in the refuge.  We were able to get the minimal flag, not even one bar, on the air card with the Wilson trucker antenna.  So we could still do email but even when the data usage rolled back to 5GB on Wednesday, there was not enough of a signal to post anything to the blog.   We also haven't been able to use the cell phone with our Virgin Mobile Service using the Sprint network.  I'll be be switching my phone to Verizon next month since their coverage is clearly much better.  Although I LOVE the no contract with Virgin Mobile opposed to a 2 year sentence with Verizon.

Hope our experiences with all of this will be helpful to you.

Today we moved to Crooked River State Park on the coast and have 4 bars again and 5GB of usage so we're good to go and I hope to have the days we missed posted a couple a day and caught up by the week-end.

Hope you've missed us!!   On to tell you about what we did while we were incognito  :-)   Beginning with Saturday October 30.

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