Snow Play

After a great breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes we went out to play in the snow.
Here's Winnona hunkered down in the barnyard.

And a Winnona eyed view of the farmhouse.
Enough snow to make it pretty but not enough to have to shovel.
Just right.........

Until we tried to go sledding.  Because the fields were mowed earlier in the fall, the grass was a little too tall and the snow a little too little to make it possible.  But this team gave it a valiant effort for a while trying to make a "sled run" by pushing snow over onto the trail.  But finally they gave up and we went for a hike.

Down to the pond which was mostly frozen except for a couple of nose holes.  Whose nose we aren't quite sure.  Probably snapping turtle we think.

Everything is downhill from the farm house.  Unless of course it is uphill from there.  That's what happens when you live in the foothills.  There's Winnona in the distance.

From the pond we hiked down, down, down to the stream.  Which was still flowing beautifully over the rocks.  I was the only one who ventured ALL the way down as you can see from this shot.

We walked all around what we call the white trail, even when it's not snowing, and took this shot of the fields and mountains on our way back UP. 

Check out that wood lot.  No wonder the house is so warm in this very cold December weather.
There is NOTHING like a wood stove to warm you down to the bones.

Here's the woodsman bringing some more back in to the stoves.  Any one wanting to help split is more than welcome. It's great exercise and food is provided to keep up your strength!  J

Later on Winnona put on her new socks and here she is modeling them.

Carrie leaves tomorrow and we'll be sorry to see her go.  But 2011 is right around the corner and we have LOTS to do so we'll have to stop this playing stuff and get busy.  J

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your post today. Nice photos and the countryside is lovely.

    We won't be up to help split wood, but thanks for asking ;o) Leaving for Florida in a couple of weeks for a couple of weeks!!

    So we want to wish you two a Very Happy New Year!!

    Sure hope we all get our TODOS done so we can ALL go out and play!!

    Take care guys and Happy New Year!!


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