Clean OUT continues............

Birthdays end at midnight
we did keep eating the cake all day today.  J
Yum, yum!

Had a great farm breakfast as you can see.
More YUM YUM!!

 And then set out to empty the attic.

Found  NINE empty suitcases used for previous travels.
  Out they go.
Got Winnona just in time.
No “body scans” or paying to check luggage.

Golden Books inside one suitcase
and two trunks with Carrie’s childhood toys,
duplos, blocks,
Cabbage Patch
and American Girls Dolls and clothing.
Dress up clothes including silver and gold lame heels
I think they were a size nine. 
You know how GREAT they looked on
8 year olds!! 
they can do everything
those ruby slippers could do

Purple Play phones
more heavily used then than the real thing is now  J
As well as animals and dolls made by hand
in the 30’s and 40’s
by her namesake,
her Great Great Aunt Carrie.

Good Morning and Good Night Doll. 
One face on the front,
and the other on the back

A Kermit the frog made in the 80’s just for her
and a manufactured Phineas frog

Lots of memories.

Did you still have the toys of your grown up kids
stored somewhere in your house?? 
Or what about your parents?
Do they have your toys stored???
(that question’s for you Nellie and all the other "youngsters"!!)


  1. Nope. Nothing left after the big purge. Remember the memories, not the stuff :)

  2. We didn't have kids so no issues about that kind of stuff. My Mom downsized from my childhood home about 9 years ago and I had NO problem getting rid of my old stuff.
    Keep memories...throw out stuff...

  3. I'm glad we kept some of the stuff...I hope it will come in handy if you ever get grandkids ;) ;)

  4. With 16 moves in our past...we just don't keep STUFF!!

    But we have a ton of memories and can't wait to start some new ones!!

    Glad to see you are getting back to task...we really need to get travelling with you two again ;o))

    See you soon, Nancy

  5. That is part of our cleaning out issues, our kids left a lot of their stuff behind. Hopefully they'll come and get it before the trash man does!


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