Next Stop SEVERE-ville

Sunday & Monday
April 10 & 11, 2011
Abrams Falls Trail
Great Smoky Mountains National Park

We rolled in to RV Plantation in Sevierville, Tennessee
(yes, pronounced Severe-ville),
right next door to Dolly’s home town of Pigeon Forge,
at about 4:00 and backed into our site #432 with no trouble.
  The site is on the river but
 we happen to be in the bend of the road
which makes our site and the two adjacent to us
the narrowest of those on the river. 
We also have an industrial site
rather than a lovely treed far bank
as the view from our backyard. 
Had I known, since I may well have been the first person
to make a reservation THE day Howard announced the rally,
I would have definitely made a better choice.
this isn’t a park we would normally stay in
so we won’t be spending much time looking at the view. 
And luckily we have great neighbors to be cozy with.

We’re here for the RV-Dreams Rally
which officially begins on Tuesday April 12. 
But unofficially started on Sunday evening
with a VERY large group of, I’d guess 60,  early arrivals.   
So as soon as we’d done the minimal set up, 
we joined all the other folks who’d also brought their chairs
and some who were very kind and brought food
including Nancy Mills who brought her addictive candied pecans
which I neglected to take a picture of. 
Actually forgot to bring my camera to this gathering totally.
However, luckily, there are lots of other RVers who were there
and have pictures and blogs so I’m sure mine won’t be missed.

Our hostess, Linda Payne, made several announcements
and then walked around the circle
(at some points 3 chairs deep)
and introduced every single person by name. 
How do you do it???? 
I hope you will be giving a seminar on remembering
and memory during the rally.  J

We met up with our friends Gin & Syl from Clayton, NC
who drive Winnona’s very slightly smaller twin sister Wanda. 
She’s 32’ to Winnona’s 34’. 
We have learned SO much from these two
about the Brave
and the great modifications they made to her
as well as about wifi, TV, tires
and pretty much everything
about being on the road in this coach. 
We are in debt to them FORever for sure. 
This time Gin introduced me to a GREAT drink made with coconut vodka.  Anyone who knows me well knows that

it’s FOR ME.

After grabbing a bite of dinner,
we went on over to Wanda and visited with them
and Smudge, who seemed to be in fine form     
MMMmmmmm  good! 
The friends and the drink.
Now WHY didn't I think to bring the camera for a picture of these three??


Thanks to the Research and Organization Queen NANCY MILLS
(ever after known as the ROQ),
we went on a great 5 mile hike to see Abrams Falls.

The drive from the park was about 30 miles
but more than half of that was in the park
and boy is it beautiful.  
Wildflowers lined the road. 
We got to the Cades Cove Loop and half way around
we found the trail head. 
Traffic on the loop wasn’t too bad this time of year
but I’d sure hate to drive or bike or walk around it
during the summer.

Nancy knew exactly everything about how to get there
and had a big EASILY readable trail map.
Way to go NANCY! 
Bill had his GPS and could give us elevation update changes. 
We had all packed lunches and water. 
We were Set to go.

And off we went - Nancy and I on the initial bridge
It was a beautiful day for a hike
although the temperature
got into the, very unusual for April,
mid 80’s.

Here is just a small sampling
of the wildflowers on the trail
We passed so many trillium we began to
refer to it as Trillium Trail.


Some shots along the trail which followed Abrams creek the entire way.
I think the GREAT Smokies
have very liberal view of "creek". 
Sure looked like a river to me.

Bill and Nancy at the half way point.

Rocky Top

Bill studies the cautions on approaching the falls

which are just on the other side of the bridge

And here they are,
Abrams Falls.

The falls and the "creek" were named after
Cherokee Indian Chief Oskuah
whose village once stood several miles down stream
who later took the name Abram.

How’s this for the premier picnic spot?
When I complimented Nancy on the great table,
she said she knew the owner!

Thanks to Nancy for this picture of the 4 of us.

Thanks to David for this picture of a fellow water lover.

As in the Appalachian Mountains everywhere, both in
our former backyard and here, all hikes begin going down
and end going UP.
Definitely NOT my favorite pattern.
Let's do the hard part first and get it over with!!

THANKS to Bill & Nancy
for a
On our way back and stopped at both
Cades Cove Campground
Elkmont Campground
to scope out boondocking
for hopefully a week or so after the rally ends.

Boy I'd love to get a site on the river in
It really is our kind of place.

What a GREAT two days with wonderful friends.

Lucky Lucky us!!
Life sure is GRAND!!


  1. You're in one of our favorite areas! If you stay in GSMNP after the rally, be sure to hike up to Mt. LeConte. We did it last October via the Alum Cave Trail. Simply beautiful! Have a great time!

  2. Whenever I've hiked in the Smokies it seems that all trails out were uphill, and all trails back were uphill! Sort of like walking to school 2 miles, uphill each way.

    You are now in my most favorite part of the country, and it's especially wonderful in early spring.

  3. Looks as if you had a marvelous beautiful day, we enjoyed the area a few years ago while visiting with friends. Have a marvelous time, hopefully we will be able to attend one of RV Dreams rally's.

  4. What terrific pictures with terrific people! I need to say hi to you guys tomorrow!

  5. Great Photos...

    Great Hike...

    Great Friends...

    GREAT DAY!!!

  6. Awesome pictures of your hike. What will you kids do next? ;c)

    Sure was great to meet you live and in person! Looking forward to lots of fun at the Rally.

    Zoe says "Hi", too. Actually, it was more like "Woof-woof".

  7. those hikes sound wonderful! We're definitely taking notes. we're out west, but I can't wait to get back to the east coast..


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