Saturday at the Rally

April 16th
We’re on the last day of the rally seminars
and my favorite sessions are today.

First at
8:00 AM
was Boondocking/Solar. 
We’ll be boondocking next week
at Elkmont in The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 
No electricity and no showers in their bath houses. 
There is a dump station but
it’s at the Sugarlands Visitor Center
about 5 miles from the campground.  
That’s also where you fill your tank with fresh water.

We’re pretty sure we can handle the boondocking tanks situation. 
We can go 6 days without making any
changes in our current way of living.
Not sure about the fresh water but we'll see. 
I hope some day a few solar panels
will be on Winnona’s roof to just top off the batteries.

Next was Howard’s session on Choosing Campgrounds/RV Parks.  

I heard this talk last year and found
that he pretty much uses the same system I do
but it was great to hear it again and be reminded
that I’m not the only one who spends
trying to find the special spots we like the best.  

We aren’t RV Park or resort folks. 
We don’t need cable or full hook ups
and prefer to be as far out in the boonies
and one with the critters as we can get. 

So boondocking will be great for us. 
Otherwise, State Parks,
National Parks, Corps of Engineers Campgrounds,
National Forests are the places we like.

At 10:30 Linda did a very informative session on
Packing your RV for Full-Timing. 
Her lists of things to consider and what they feel were essential
are right on the money I thought. 
It’s all about weight and placement. 
You just can’t bring everything.

The final seminar was
Traveling to Alaska by RV. 
Bill Napier showed great slides of his trip
by caravan and gave us all a lot to think about
in terms of joining a caravan and what to expect.

After lunch,
was one of my favorite parts of the rally,
the open rig walk throughs. 
Last year we were just at the beginning and went through everything. 
Class A’s, 5th wheels, trailers
to confirm our decision to choose a class A.  
This year that decision is firm
but we wanted to see what sorts of modifications
folks had made to their rigs
and how theirs differed in ways we might want to imitate. 

We got tons of great ideas.  
Although we mostly went through the class A’s from 33’ to 43’,
we did go into a couple 5th wheels of friends,
including Dan & Trisha who are parked next to us.
And this is Dan's great drying rack design

for the rear of a rig.  I like this so much better than
those flat hang off the ladder designs.

Here's the creator Dan sitting at a session table with Syl.
Sadly I don't seem to have a shot of Trish. 
Or at least I can't find it as I attempt
to get caught up on all we've done

We also saw Cindy's darling little Casita,
which she'll be living in while working at Yellowstone this summer.

We went in the only Truck Camper on the open Rig tour,
A Lance, which is amazingly spacious
and has a full size refrigerator.  

Because we were so hurried in going through the rigs last year,
we didn’t put Winnona on the walk through list this year.  
But we actually should have
since we did have enough time
and we would like to show folks
that you can full time in 34’
which enables you to “qualify”
for all state and national parks in terms of length. 

And besides Winnona is such a sweetie,
everyone should get a chance to meet her.

We were Table #4 at the dinner tonight, same table, different number
We got called FIRST AGAIN!!  
Can’t be lucky this many times so
we’re saying “Thank you Howard & Linda”
whichever one of you was drawing the numbers.  J

First, second or 3rd for every meal. 
This one was a catered dinner of roasted chicken,
BBQ’d ribs (of which I ate far too many),  
veggies and German Chocolate Cake (one of my all time favorites). 
You can see why I eat too much.

We ended the night with a rousing 70’s dance party
in which the tie dye, forehead bands and peace signs were everywhere.  
There was even a table to decorate your pet rock.   
We danced,
and line danced
and did the locomotion
and danced some more.

Here are John Howard Lennon
and his Yoko
being accompanied on air base by Madam Gin.
At the party’s beginning we gave Howard and Linda
the Family Hug Jug Surprise-  
a gift from us all to them
as a thank you for all they have done
to make this life style a reality for so many people.

They are an inspiration
as well as a wealth of knowledge both in person
and on their web site   
They even inspired Winnona’s license plate.

And they were surprised, which was great.
Everyone did a TERRIFIC job of keeping it a secret.
And with 160+ people, that’s saying something!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like such fun! :) How lucky you are! Never forget it!


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