To The Lighthouse Part I

Friday May 20, 2011
Hackberry Campground Site 20
Palo Duro Canyon State Park
Canyon, Texas

With apologies to Virginia Woolf for the title.

We’re off to the light house.
Trail that is.

We managed to get breakfast eaten, lunch packed,
camel backs filled and be on the trail by
7:30.  It was wonderful being out that
early.  I was wishing we had gotten out
earlier, say 6AM, but we haven’t adjusted
our go to bed times well enough for that yet.
But I’m working on it.
Up at Sunrise and down at Sunset is what I love
this time of year.

The canyon gets too hot to hike, in my opinion,
by noon these days and the colors are much
more vivid before the sun gets over
the rim to shine on the walls.

Clearly I’m not the only one who
with this opinion.
This is the trail head sign.
Lighthouse hike 160

But we were SO lucky.  It was actually
cloudy and looked like it might rain until
about 11AM.

No rain though sadly.

But it did give us a much more pleasant hike
for all that additional time.

Lighthouse hike 007

So come along for the hike……

Lighthouse hike 013

Lighthouse hike 008




Lighthouse hike 023


Lighthouse hike 028

Too hot yet?
Take a break in the only shade around.

Lighthouse hike 029

OK enough rest, back on the trail.

Lighthouse hike 033 


Our first view of the Lighthouse


Lighthouse hike 063

Blooms in the desert

Lighthouse hike 067

Lighthouse hike 069

Lighthouse hike 090

We made it
To The Lighthouse
Check back for more in
Part II



  1. Great Hike, Great Photos!!

    You two look like you are just lovin' life...

    Thanks for taking us along;o))

  2. Great photos Sherry! And yes, it was a little too hot for me :)

  3. Thanks for the hike. I can't wait to get there!

  4. Well done! How beautiful - and the flowers - that was one of my favorite parts - besides the colors. How the flowers survive in that heat?? It's a wonder :)


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