Water days

Friday July 29, 2011
Bear Lake State Park Idaho
Site 29

Went running yesterday morning. 
Along the sand on the beach is
about as good as it gets.
Both down
and back
Found these really interesting flowers growing
in the sand along the water.
complete with bee doing his thing
can you see him?

I’ve never seen such sand flowers.
Aren’t they lovely?
The weather this spring and summer
all over the country has been extreme.
In Virginia and other parts of the south
temperatures are consistently
in the mid to upper 90’s.
This spring the problem here was flooding
and the lake shows the effects of it.
I’m not sure but I think it is due to snow melt
rather than excessive rain.

Trees growing in the lake here are not
nearly as far out in the water as they
are further south as we found out later.
But still….

Spent the rest of the day just hanging out relaxing
Some folks have big water toys
to do their relaxing in.


Mostly we were reading  by the water

Idaho Day #2 004 
and just enjoying the day.

This morning we got the kayaks off the car,
put them on the carts and walked them
down to the water.  So nice to be so close.
My kind of place, no driving required.
Now do I have everything?
Off we go
Idaho #3 005

On this side of the lake, the mountains
are much closer to the water.
See the poor tree tops in the water?


The water is up so high that the original shore line
is now what seems like half a mile out into the water.
And the trees are nearly covered in water.

Idaho #3 013

 Idaho #3 035
Our approach flushed the red winged
blackbirds from the rushes.
Don’t suppose you can see the red on their wings
in this picture.


We passed this gang marching along down the beach.
If I could swim and fly,
I’m not sure I’d walk.
But each to his own.  :-)
Idaho #3 043

This fellow was very busy scurrying along
the shore.
Idaho #3 056 
We spent some fun time watching him and
trying to stay still in the water and not
frighten him away.

This is the first time we’ve ever been
paddling in the woods.
Not a good place to get lost and try
dropping bread crumbs.


Some of the  trees clearly won’t  survive
being up to their necks in water.

Idaho #3 048

When you are on the shore, the water looks
an amazing blue,  when you are out away from
the shore in the kayaks it looks green
but when you are near the shore and look down, it is clear.
We made it back by noon and left the kayaks on
the shore waiting for us for tomorrow.
We have a nifty lock for them which I’ll try
to remember to take a picture of when we
go out tomorrow.
Nice resting spot huh?
Love this convenience.

After lunch and some fiddling around, it
began to get warmer than I like so it
was time to go down and play in the water.

Does David have enough hot air to blow up his
tube?  I had no trouble of course.  :-)
Idaho #3 071

Sun is SO bright the camera had a hard time with the water.
But here I am  enjoying the fruits of
my huffing and puffing.
VERY fine!!
Idaho #3 075
We weren’t the only folks out having
fun on the water today.
This lady had a mess of paddlers
helping her out.
Idaho #3 077A

A fine Friday at Bear Lake State Park in Idaho!
Bunnies think so too.


  1. Glad to see you two are enjoying some down time. Bear Lake sure looks like a great place for some relaxing water time!!

    The words here are HOT, HOT, HOT:o(( It was 98 degrees in the shade out back just an hour ago!! Your afternoon float looks quite refreshing;o))))

  2. Another beautiful day in an amazing location. I'm jealous of how you can take such great pictures while you're out on the water. I can't even take good ones standing still on dry land...

    I'd tell you to enjoy yourselves, but you have that down pat. :c)

  3. Now that looks like a nice relaxing day!

  4. What a nice day in and near the water. Looks absolutely refreshing!

  5. I feel refreshed just reading your blog. I could do with a nice paddle on a lake...soon. Great pic of the Jack Rabbit.

  6. Alyssa and I enjoyed this post as well - Alyssa and I envy your freedom :) How fun!


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