A Walk Among the Ancients

Tuesday July 12, 2011
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Point Supreme Campground Site 9


On yesterday’s wildflower hike we
had as a member of the group, the
guy who was going to lead the two hikes today.
This was his first year, and I’m not sure why
he volunteered or they took him since he didn’t
seem to know anything and was taking copious notes.

Therefore, we determined that we’d learned about
all the wildflowers we were going to learn on this
visit and that we’d skip today’s hikes and take
our own.

We’d heard that there was a very cool hike
called The Twisted Forest in
the Dixie National Forest just adjacent to the
Monument so David got a map and we set off.

The trail was 3.5 miles down another forest service
dirt road.   This time we didn’t get stopped by snow.
We got stopped by muddy ruts.  Ruby just isn’t
a 4WD girl so we left her parked by the side of the
road and continued on foot to the trail head.

Didn’t think to get a picture of the ruts she couldn’t
handle.  They weren’t so attractive.   But here’s a shot
of the very scenic road on the dry part beyond her which
had an adjacent woodland meadow.

Twisted Forest Trail 007

The meadow was gorgeous from all vantage points.

Twisted Forest Trail 006

Filled with yellow Groundsel and Blue Markagunt Penstamin

Twisted Forest Trail 011



Twisted Forest Trail 003


Just before the trailhead, the road passed through
an aspen forest.  I’d never seen so many aspen trees.
The breeze was blowing and their leaves were singing
a wonderful song.

Twisted Forest Trail 169


Twisted Forest Trail 017 

Here’s the map at the trail head which, if
you click to make it larger, will show you where
we are in relationship to Cedar Breaks
Here’s the test,
can you identify the trees in this “forest”?


As we started the trail, we could get a glimpse of
what we were in for but that didn’t give
us any idea of the magnitude.
What a change in landscape.

Twisted Forest Trail 037

Follow the trail with us.


Twisted Forest Trail 040

Twisted Forest Trail 042


Twisted Forest Trail 072

Parts of it were rocky and steep

Twisted Forest Trail 089

  Parts of it were steep and hard to see
yes that vague line going straight up is it

Twisted Forest Trail 093

Can you see the trail?

Twisted Forest Trail 094

We thought the above point was the top
but nope……

Twisted Forest Trail 101


Another hill to climb


Twisted Forest Trail 152


but we did make it and here was what we found
at trail’s end

Twisted Forest Trail 117

Twisted Forest Trail 119

There’s Brian Head Peak in the distance


and zoomed in.   Clouds aren’t too shabby either.

Twisted Forest Trail 138


And the Cedar Breaks Amphitheater in the
upper middle of the picture below.

Twisted Forest Trail 128

The views were wonderful as you can see but
what made the hike SO special were the
amazing individual Bristlecone Pine trees with
whom we spent this afternoon.

Some of these trees are over 2000 years old
They have made and continue to make an
amazing effort at life.  Their creativity and determination
are a model for us all.


All shapes



Twisted Forest Trail 076

Parts missing



Twisted Forest Trail 100

all sizes

Twisted Forest Trail 102


Twisted Forest Trail 085

Great roots

Twisted Forest Trail 079


Twisted Forest Trail 083

Twisted Forest Trail 084

Twisted Forest Trail 085

Full and furry

Twisted Forest Trail 080

What a variety!


Twisted Forest Trail 075

Twisted Forest Trail 068

Twisted Forest Trail 041

There were acres of trees in this Twisted Forest.
Here are some distant views to give you an idea.
Notice the interesting arch/bridge in the rock.

Twisted Forest Trail 091

The bristle cones seem to go for miles
in soil on which no other trees
will grow

Twisted Forest Trail 121

Twisted Forest Trail 078 


Time to go back down.  Careful on those stones
David’s there, he can help you.  “Sometimes”  :-)


Twisted Forest Trail 151


Twisted Forest Trail 153 


Twisted Forest Trail 154

See David Hike?

Twisted Forest Trail 155


Twisted Forest Trail 158


Twisted Forest Trail 159

Hike David, Hike

Twisted Forest Trail 160 

Almost back

Twisted Forest Trail 162

Twisted Forest Trail 164

End of the trail,
or beginning if you are going the other way.  :-)

Twisted Forest Trail 163 

On our way back down the road, we saw a few of
these folks.  Nothing worth a picture until this
one and I wasn’t fast enough on the draw to get
her as she went by with a tiny dog on her lap
and the big tailed one on the rear. 
Guess which one barked at us?


Twisted Forest Trail 184B

Hi Ho faithful Ruby.  We’re ready to go back to the ranch.
Have to start getting things packed up.
Tomorrow is moving day.



  1. Poor Ruby. She misses everything! Hope you at least shared some of those awesome pictures with her ;)

  2. Gotta say, I love how you guys are wearing long sleeves and pants in the pics, and following the good weather like a couple of retirees...wait a minute...you are! LOL!

  3. Great pics of the bristle cone pines. I thought the post was going to be about the anasazi :)

  4. And Cruiser we still have all our teeth.

    But say, are you guys just unemployed? Or would you say you are retired too. :-)

  5. Those trails you hike make Mt. Everest look like a afternoon stroll in the park.

    Loved the pix of the Bristlecone Pines, they are really cool.

    Safe travels on moving day, can't wait to se what's in store on your next adventure! :c)

  6. Another beautiful hike...thanks for keeping me smiling!!!

    Oh, I typed this all by myself, with Caps;o))

  7. great hike - sounds strenuous! those trees are truly amazing as are the colors - greens, reds, whites, browns - lovely.


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