Mammoth’s Upper Terraces

Sunday August 22, 2011
Mammoth Hot Springs Campground
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

This post is the continuation of the previous one on
Mammoth Hot Springs two Terrace Loops.
After pulling myself away from Canary Spring Terrace,
at the Main area which connects the two loops,
we started around the one lane road of the Upper
Terraces Loop.

We were the only people on foot even though this
was only a 1.5 mile walk all the way around.


It was fun when the Yellow Bus Tour came by.
We didn’t think it would be in our budget
when we got here and now we’ve been
around nearly every where. 
But after reading Jennie’s description
of their tour in Glacier in her blog
Where's Eldo
We’ve decided that we will do that
when we get there.
They might do a Yellow Bus tour when they
get to Yellowstone so you might want to
check her blog for that.

Here’s New Blue Spring.
There was no information on “how new is new”.


Neither Angel Terrace

Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces (85)

nor White Elephant’s Back further along

active very at this time and so they aren’t as
spectacular.  But you really never know when
things will change.   Just not today.

My hands down favorite on this loop was Orange Spring Mound






Doesn’t it look good enough to eat with
the carmel and hot chocolate sauce??

We finished the upper loop, walked back
down the long stairs and over to the Grille

Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces (35)

for an ice cream lunch along with
some other folks including this
man in what I thought was a great hat.

Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces (36)

And then back down the campground
trail for the last time.

Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces (24)

Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces (23)

We leave tomorrow to make our way
toward Glacier National Park.
Sure have enjoyed being in Yellowstone.
We’ll definitely be back !!


  1. Did you get huckleberry? I had it today for lunch and thought about you guys.

  2. Another beautiful day!!

    I find it interesting that so many things remind you of ice cream ;o))

    Safe travels to Glacier...can't wait to see things there!!

  3. I was thinking the same thing that you wrote -- looks like caramel sauce! I guess for your readers who have seen all of this before these pictures are just beautiful. For me, they are like something from another planet. I really don't remember seeing pictures of anything quite like the ones in these last two blogs. I can't wait to talk to my sister about them!

    Can't wait to see the next installment. Sign me hoping that we've dodged Irene, but feeling sorry for our coastal friends/family, Pam

  4. We did a Yellow Bus Tour in Skagway in 2001. The vehicles there were ones transferred from Yellowstone. They did a good job of providing information. The driver was in period costume, and was really into being a "gent of olden times."

  5. Boy, that terrace does look good enough to eat! Is that what prompted an ice cream lunch? ;-)

  6. OOOH!!! I feel your pain with the damn credit card company!! Jonathan is a very mellow dude, but when they do the same thing to us, his fangs come out, and he rips them a new one. This has happened to us THREE times in the last year, and EVERY time, they promise to "take care of it" so it won't happen again. What? All of a sudden fulltiming is a new thing? Thanks for getting me all riled up before bedtime "Original Sherry". Can't wait to see your Glacier pics. We almost went there, but then changed our plans.


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