Eating the day away

Thursday October 13, 2011
New Lisbon Campground
Straughn, Indiana


Do you have any idea why
the noise from the interstate seems
to get louder after dark? 

With the use of ear plugs we managed
to sleep through but are having a hard time
with this Eastern Daylight where the sun doesn’t come up
until 8AM and goes down just after 7PM.

Those of you who follow this blog
have already heard my rant about
time changing so I won’t repeat
but I’ll be glad to get back to NORMAL time
and just wish we could STAY there.  

I was wondering if I should move to the Central Time Zone.
So far I’ve liked it the best but they
don’t have any convenient oceans
and I’m an Oceanoholic!  
It’s been hard being away from my ocean for 6 months
and I’ve really missed it.


Today was a dark and dreary day. 
It was clearly just waiting for the rain to begin. 

David put off running so long that I was sure
he was going to get drenched.  
But he is SO LUCKY!
He got back before the rain, went over under the
roofed patio of the “clubhouse”
(using the term very loosely)
to do his stretching and other exercises
and the sky opened up about 5 minutes after
he got there.



I had no idea where he’d gone but thought he’d
be VERY wet when he got back.

  I had just finished yoga and was putting my
things away when I saw him
Running up in front of the coach.

QUICK grab the camera!
Check out that hat!


New Lisbon Campground 017

Here’s a better view.

New Lisbon Campground 018 


The “rain gear” was so funny I couldn’t
stop taking pictures.

New Lisbon Campground 019


Turns out it was the most entertaining thing that happened all day.
But ”Sometimes” you have to wonder.

New Lisbon Campground 020


That was about it for Thursday.
It rained.


New Lisbon Campground 012


And it rained some more


New Lisbon Campground 016


And was foggy


New Lisbon Campground 014


We had breakfast for lunch,
ate up some of that Raspberry Jam,


answered emails, wrote blogs, and researched
where to possibly stay in Florida in the winter time.
David wrote  a letter to his brother Roger for his 70th Birthday.


And then it was time for dinner so we’d have
an excuse to make chocolate chip brownies
for dessert.

 New Lisbon Campground 023


We pretty much ate the day away.
Looks like rain forever and ever into the future.
Hope it will give us a driving window tomorrow.


  1. That is what I call dedication to exercise. I would rather eat the brownies.

  2. Quick, send us your mailing address!

    We've got to get David some better rain gear.

    He might get picked up by the local police as a homeless person...

  3. Well, Sometimes really does have a flair for fashion;o)) I am sure we will see all the athletes with their deerpark apparel before long. He is such a trend setter:o))

    Just remember, when we go back to regular time, it will be dark before 6pm...ugh:o((

  4. Sherry, where in Florida are you looking? Al and I are camphosting at a county campground, Otter Springs, in Trenton. We'll be there Jan through March. Right on the Suwanee River, looks great for kayaking! Stop in if you're in the area then!

  5. Well I bet that Duckie felt right at home with all that rain. :)

  6. LOL -- love that hat! Leave it to David to be so innovative.

    We LOVE central time, and it's by far our favorite time zone.

    Breakfast for lunch and chocolate chip brownies looked YUMMY!!!

  7. Gotta love the hat protector. Bet Deer Park would approve! :)

  8. I vote for central time too! It's the best time zone by far :)

    Also, I want to borrow your metabolism please! I gained 3# just looking at those pictures :(


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