A Lot to be Thankful For

Thursday November 24, 2011


Well I’ll get the grouching out of the way first.  I really don’t like the short shrift Thanksgiving is now getting as the mass advertising corporate dictators have decided we should move from Trick or Treat directly to HO HO HO.  I refuse to shop on “black friday” and certainly would NEVER consider going out at midnight.  For me the Friday after Thanksgiving to be part of that family time together and a 
Less is more as all full timer’s know.  Wish those who weren’t full timers would recognize this too.  Ok enough of “my opinions”.


The “more” in my life for which I am
 SO thankful today and every day

the folks whose life change and willingness to share ALL about it made this a realistic thing for me to do too

Howard and Linda Payne

Sat night rally good bye 009


My sweet Winnona

All set up & Rejex 021

My loving family

Moving to Yellowstone (1)


My separated at birth sister Nancy



fabulous experiences

Illinois River Kayak #2 Wednesday 050


All the world’s tree huggers

Byrd Creek & Nature Trails (17)


the wonderful friends who still live in my hometown,
those fantastic friends whose blogs are all listed to the right,
and all of the great followers of my blog. 
I am always amazed that you
care to read and comment on my life.

How lucky am I…Thank you all so much for being part of my life




  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Sherry. I am also thankful for the same people, Linda and Howard, who gave us the confidence to go into the world, and for bringing us together with fine folks like yourselves. have a blessed day!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! My "Friday after" tradition has always been to stay in my jammies all day (rest after cooking, cleaning) and eat leftovers and just relax with my family.

  3. Like I always say, "Things happen when they are suppose to happen!"

    Who would have thought that attending an RV rally could have such a wonderful impact on our lives. Yes, I expected to learn about the life style change. But never in my wildest dreams did I expect to meet such great people who I now call "Friends."

    Of course, finding my "TWIN" was the icing on the cake!!!!

    Give the treehugger a hug for me and both of you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    The "Working on Friday" Twin ;o))

  4. Ditto... Happy thanksgiving to you and yours also!!

  5. Totally agree. Thanksgiving has sadly been pushed by the wayside for years, and it's only gotten worse.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, and enjoy your family time!

  6. I just found your blog after you commented on mine. You definitely need to come to California and Oregon. (I'm working at Sacramento NWR until the end of February and then will be at Malheur NWR in Oregon for the spring.

    I'm a canoer and kayaker but am traveling with just a canoe and a bike and there are lots of places to paddle and ride here.

    The flyouts of our geese and ducks are specular each evening and they are lovely to watch during the day.

    So what's stopping you? Hope to see you in person soon.

  7. Very nice post! Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are having a great day!

  8. I didn't forget my blog friends ... But I did forget to post how thankful I am for them today. We all are so supportive of each other! Happy Thanksgiving..and here's to lazing around the rest of the night!

  9. Lovely post, nice to pause and reflect on the blessings you have.

    You're both a blessing to us, good friends via long distance through the miracles of technology. :c)

    All the best to you for an enjoyable time with your family and friends.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving at the farm ... at least I think you're still there. And I agree about Black Friday ... have never had a desire to join the crowds for en masse shopping.

  11. Yes...being friends with you has enriched our lives and we are very thankful for it. We also agree that Thanksgiving is short changed but it kinda makes it more real that way since it's so commercialized.
    Syl and Gin

  12. Happy Thanksgiving a day late! Hope you guys had a nice day!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving from us 2 days late! We were fortunate enough to be able to spend it with family this year. Therefore, my blog reading took a back seat :) I'm almost caught up!


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