Two Weeks to Go

Thursday December 15, 2011

We have two weeks left on this Workamping Gig
and a few days of that will be spent making merry for the holiday. 

I’m so ready to be rollin’ on down the road toward a few days at Hunting Island State Park in South Carolina
before meeting Nancy and Bill at Silver River State Park in Florida.

But here’s what’s been happenin’ lately.
Gettin’ that hay up takes days! 
No more flat rakes.


Gone are the days of square bales and
tossing them up in the truck to stack 4 high and
then move them one at a time into the barn.
Look at the size of these bales now.
You can move the bales from day one
while you rake the area for day two.


First time for big bales in the fields


I think they look lovely.


No more balers spittin’ out those little square bales.





The Baler isn’t THAT much bigger than the bale.

But the hay is all baled up!


This gig also provides painting possibilities.
We stop by usually at least once a year
and there always seems to be one side of the
house that needs painting.
Looks like this side has been waiting a long time.
But its time is here now.

One shot of what needs to be done is enough to
make it clear.  Next pics will be of it looking
much better.

For fun there was Bob Matheny’s 81st Birthday Party.
And a BIG doins’ it was too.

I was bummed that I had another obligation and
couldn’t get out of it by the time I heard the party was happening. 
Looked like everyone had a great time
from these pictures David took.


Over the Hill Gang.
We may be Over the Hill but we’re
kickin’ up our heels on the other side.



Bob and Nancy sharing a fine moment!
I want to feel just like they obviously do when I’m 81!




  1. I love the pictures of the hay. The party looks like they had a lot of fun.

  2. Lots of controversy about round bales. Cows can't get a square meal anymore.

  3. I guess you can't just toss those round bales on the truck like you could do with the square ones. I couldn't lift those, either.

    Hang tight, only two more weeks and you'll be free of that annoying workamping gig! ;c)

  4. Love those round bales out in the fields. They look nice with snow on them :)

  5. Oh wow ... that is a workcampin' gig alright. More power to you. Soon you'll be done with the chores (for this year) and can be on the road again.

  6. I know you love that farm but it sure looks like alot of work to me.

  7. Was that David doing the baling? I always see those big huge bales out in the fields, but I never saw the baler that produced them. For some reason, I just assumed it was ginormous!
    Enjoy the holidays as you finish up your workamping job :) You'll be on your way shortly.

  8. It's actually not that much work. We paint one side of the house a year and someone else does the mowing in exchange for the hay. We quit doing the hay bale tossing when the last horse died.

    We do practically nothing but it's a beautiful place that we want to be able to return to when we choose.

    Since we don't have to sell it to be on the road and this is a bad time to sell, we don't.

    It's an excellent free hook up work amping site. We're just doing our own chores rather than someone else's in a place others come to vacation.

  9. Great haying pictures. Sure is a lot different than when I was a kid on the farm;)

  10. Hey...Great Hay Pictures;o))

    I will be glad when you finish your 'Workcamping' and get back on the road so we can follow along. Oh, that's right, we are going with you this time!!!

    Can't lookin great!! Enjoy Hunting Island, we will be right behind you;o)))

  11. My mother was the John Deere Dealer in Deming for over 40 years. The pictures made me smile. Good plan on the house painting. After one side is about when I have had enough. It is a beautiful place.

  12. Bales of hay have sure changed over the years. Sorry you missed out on the fun, looks like everyone was having a great time.

    Kevin and Ruth

  13. Ooo! I live just under an hour away from Hunting Island - that's where the majority of the pictures on my blog come from. :)

    I'm not sure if you've been there before or not but if you love wild and natural areas it really doesn't get any better than this. I spend a lot of time out there on the weekends. Such a beautiful place.

  14. I remember those square bails and riding on the back of the Chevy and stacking them one after another in the barn - what a piece of work! Definitely a great picture of Bob at his birthday - so glad he's doing well. See you soooon for the holiday days :)


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