GREAT NEWS & Silver River Take 2

Monday January 9, 2012
Silver River State Park Site #43
Silver Springs, Florida


After a 4 mile power walk this morning, 
Nancy invited us for buckwheat blueberry pancakes.
We said you bettcha.





While we were eating, Bill’s cell phone rang.
He left the table and took the call



That call became the  top news here at Silver River.
After 19 months, Nancy and Bill Mills
have a contract on their house.

We weren’t quick enough to get the biggest grins on Bill’s face
or the HAPPY DANCE Nancy was doing
but here’s what we did get.
And I think you can say they are VERY HAPPY!!




This calls for a celebratory paddle! 
Off we go on trip two up the beautiful Silver River
toward the springs. 
We’re all thinking this may be a let down after yesterday
but it was another great day.
Just wait until you see!




Birds were mingling everywhere
Even the skittish wood duck








Eyes were watching us

Silver River kayak #2 037

It was a gorgeous day with temperatures in
the mid to upper 70’s
and everyone was out enjoying it.



Silver River kayak #2 074




Silver River kayak #2 007






Silver River kayak #2 099


Silver River kayak #2 103


As we came by, some folks stood up to get a better look.


Silver River kayak #2 107




Others, that we expected to fly off in a panic,
stood still and practically posed.




Some just smiled

Silver River kayak #2 059



Silver River kayak #2 038


Silver River kayak #2 092


Silver River kayak #2 042


Silver River kayak #2 086


As we were finishing up our paddle and nearing the dock,
we heard the monkeys again and stopped to watch
them.  You just can’t help it, they are SO cute.


No I don’t mean these are the monkeys,
they are watching the monkeys.  J

Silver River kayak #2 040


THESE are the monkeys.
They were playing, on the ground, and in the trees.


Silver River kayak #2 014


Silver River kayak #2 018




And then they all started
coming down from the trees and moving off
down the banks to our left
as if they’d been called.
Moving downstream.


Silver River kayak #2 021 

Us too??

Silver River kayak #2 114 


They were moving toward the dock



Silver River kayak #2 116


As we approached the dock to take out our
kayaks, they had taken it over.
Was it a welcoming committee?
Was it a party for Nancy and Bill?


Silver River kayak #2 119


 Silver River kayak #2 120


Knowing better than to approach wild animals,
we sat in our kayaks yelling…..”ok time to march”,
”follow the leader”,  “last one off the dock is a rotten egg.”
To which they, of course, paid no attention.
But we had fun!







They finally tired of us and our dock and did move
on down stream.  So we set off down the path
kayaks in tow.

Bill’s phone rang.


Silver River kayak #2 124

And then….





Silver River kayak #2 125


Many of you already know about this great event,
I just wanted you to see the excitement in person as
we were lucky to be able to do.
There are few things better than sharing the joy
of good friends.

What a fantastic day!!
Ain’t life Grand!!!!


  1. Sherry this post was wonderful!!

    Can't thank you enough for capturing our exciting day. This will be a blog I save and will link to from our blog.

    It just was so much fun being with good friends when our HAPPY DAY finally arrived:o))))

  2. Congrats to Bill and Nancy ... it was uncertainties in the real estate market that led us to sell early and rent for the rest of our time here.

  3. We are "newbies" in nearly every sense of the word. Newly retired, new travelers, and new followers of your blog. I tuned in the past few days and have to put a feather in your cap for your wonderful pictures. Your blog has inspired me to look into finding a kayak for two, however, I need to find how easily a two man kayak can be navigated by only one person. My husband is disabled from a massive stroke and is not capable of helping with the paddling. We are thrilled however to continue with our "roadtrip of a lifetime".. Life is Good! Thanks so much for the arm chair cruise.

    Just BS!(Bob and Sue)

  4. I absolutely love this post. So nice to be with dreamers when you get good news like that. We sure know :)

    Can't wait to get to that area of the country..those monkeys are a must see :)

  5. What an awesome post! You captured the day perfectly. Loved seeing how excited Nancy and Bill were. Those of us following their journey these past 19 months feel their excitement and your pictures make us feel part of it.

  6. Beautiful pictures and wonderful story - it even has a happy ending.

  7. Thanks for a tour of the Silver River. It's one of our favorite places to stay and to kayak.

    Were the monkeys at the park launch site? It seems they are getting too aggressive. I'll bet people have been feeding them and if so it will probably not end up well for them.

    They have been talking for years about "removing" the monkeys from the river. I hate to see them hanging around the launch site.

    Where are you heading next?

  8. SO?? What about that 'Sea Eagle' kayak? do they like it? recommend it. I seriously thought about getting one. We have LOTS of places here i could practice this summer. You guys have such adventures and enjoy doing the kayak thing. Eventually get good enough to go 'with the alligators' :)

  9. Great pictures yet again - especially the wood duck and the turtles and the massive blueberries on those yummy pancakes. Life is grand!!

  10. Great post and pictures! We can't wait to experience Silver River in person!

  11. Happy dance for Bill and Nancy for sure! How awesome that you guys got to share the moment with them!


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