Silver River

Thursday January 5, 2012
Silver River State Park Site #43
Near Ocala Florida


Let’s begin Thursday’s tale with the shower door lock
rather than the saga of the jack.
Everybody likes a happy ending.

Remember yesterday’s Coastal Industries stop with Curb side service?
Well here is the problem their part was to fix.

Shower door bangs back and forth during travel.
The “lock” you can see in the up coming picture does not work
to hold the doors in place.  Perhaps you too have this problem
with one of these
sorts of shower door locks.


This can be fixed easily worked around by a tension bar
if you are smart Like Gin and Syl of Wandering Sylville. 
Or you can use this Sherry and David approach.

Nowhere near as EASY



But with the new Coastal Industries part
that you merely have to screw onto the outside rail jam
in the shower in place of the rubber bumper,



the two doors snap closed.

Ah, one problem, albeit minor, solved.
Feels GREAT!!!


This happened after taking a really lovely
run over to the Salt Spring and around Bear Trail
before leaving the park.


Giant tree hugger in action.



David found what he called Mother Nature’s Dope Slap.
Just fit my hand.
So I thought I’d try it out.

After this fun time, we came back
and quickly got things packed up
for a quick exit to beat the 1:00 check out time.

Even though we only have 3 jacks since the right rear
will now not go down, the other 3 come back up.
Everything is going along fine until we try to bring
the slides in and they are in S…..L….O…..W  motion.  

At this point we are running out of time to exit .

Hydraulically, things are clearly NOT RIGHT. 
But eventually the slides come in,
we beat feet the entire 28 miles to Silver River State Park. 
My kind of driving day.


We pull into site #43, same one we had last year. 
Nice large site.

To Silver River 009

We set up and the three remaining jacks will come down, but not lift.
Good thing this site is pretty close to level.
So we decide to put the slides out.

Slides are straining to go out. 
And finally the living room slide just will not do the last 3”. 
Back to the phone to call Frank at HWH. 

Does anyone else make frequent calls to Frank at HWH??
Of course you can’t just call Frank, you have to talk
to Angie and she will get Frank to call you back.


While we wait for Frank to call back, we enjoy these great
Florida winter temperatures


To Silver River 002


and have dinner on the picnic table. 
You can tell by the look on David’s face
that he’s only SORT of enjoying his dinner.


To Silver River 007


At 5:50, Frank calls back and in the dark
David takes the cap off the rear jack,
goes to the front and removes the U connector
from the tank to the shuttle valve.
Then he puts the jack cap on the tank fitting.
Now the slide will come all the way in.
Temporary fix.


So from Frank, we order yet ANOTHER solenoid to be
replaced and a replacement  system shuttle valve. 
Does he get a commission on parts??


I know you are saying enough ALREADY.
So tune in tomorrow for more exciting adventures,
like does  cleaning the
shuttle valve change anything at all.



  1. Goodness, i just like things to work, when they are supposed to, don't you? I just can't figure some things out and hate being at the mercy of a repair person! Have had good luck with CoachMasters in Bend and our Les Schwab stores for brakes and tires are good, but on the road? where ya' gonna go???

  2. Sounds like you got a bad Murphy infection. Hopefully the guy from HWH can work an exorcism and get your system moving smoothly again.

  3. Oh, I so feel your pain. . .but such is the life of an RV'er. . .right?

    If it's not one thing, it's another!

    Hang in there. . .at least you're still smiling. . .or at least, I think you are!


  4. Oh no! I hope all these bumps in the road will soon even out and turn into smooth sailing!

  5. Jacks ... ever since we had our first problem with them, I'm on edge whenever we have to next deploy them. Ours are Atwood, so don't think these problems are specific to a brand.

  6. Well you may have a few mechanical difficulties but you are at Silver River. Our very favorite park. Say hello to the monkey's for us.

  7. ahhhh, but you are working on a personal connection with Frank..He'll feel like he knows you so well, he'll give you more personal attention, haha...

  8. Bummer but I still say a "bad day" on the road is better than a good day at a sticks and bricks!

  9. Maybe Murphy changed his name to Jack? :)

    Hopefully it will not put a damper on your time down in FL.

  10. You'll know Frank considers you a close personal friend when he adds you to his Christmas card list next year :)
    Our jacks are hydraulic, our slides all electric. Maybe that's a good thing. Only one of them can go out at a time, right?

  11. We went through a similar situation with a RV furnace this year. The 'fix' would work and then wouldn't. It seemed that the very act of looking at the furnace was what was really causing it to work. It made me think of 'Schrödinger cat'. Or maybe the TV series House would be a better example of these types of repairs. Try something to see if it works. Then try something else if it doesn't.

  12. It's a good thing full-timers don't usually have 40-hour work weeks, because we need that much time to keep our houses rolling! Do you want me to come over for a sage smudging?


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