An Easy Afternoon

Thursday January 26, 2012
Oscar Scherer State Park  Site #95
Osprey, Florida


I decide it’s time to get out on the water.

After the bike ride to the historic Venice Train Station,
David declines to go out for a paddle but he
helps me get the Kayak in the water
right off our backyard put in
and I’m plenty happy.


Oscar Scherer Thursday 025

Oscar Scherer Thursday 026


I turn right and float slowly up the black water stream.
It’s so quiet.  The mullet jump and surprise me.
They throw themselves into the air with
such power and SPLASH back into the water.

The channel is narrow and covered in vegetation.
I feel like I’m alone in the world.


 Oscar Scherer Thursday 028

I float under the bridge leading into the campground.
I surprise a bicyclist who waves.
I wave back but she is soon gone and I’m
again alone in my watery wonderland.


Oscar Scherer Thursday 032


I reach the footbridge to the Nature Center.
Walking over this bridge it has always appeared that
one could not go under it and further up stream
since I always see and hear the water gurgling over the stones.

But today, the water is high as the tide is rising and I
definitely could go on.   But I decide not to risk
having to portage my way back.

I turn around and paddle back past my put in
at Site #95.   David has put the Earth Flag out.

I recognize home from this very different
view point.


Oscar Scherer Thursday 048

Everything looks different going back through the same space.


Oscar Scherer Thursday 044


I come eventually to the mouth of this channel and
everything opens up. 

Oscar Scherer Thursday 055


As I paddle around the shore line,
I see a new environment and decide to venture in.


Oscar Scherer Thursday 059

It’s so quiet. 
Only the sound of my paddle moving
the water behind me.

The waterway gets narrower and narrower.  I know
that I won’t be able to turn around but I can’t
help wanting to know where it goes.


Oscar Scherer Thursday 060

And then I’m in the mud flats.
Well, now I know.
Time to paddle backwards to get out.

Speaking of back, it’s 5:00 and time
to head for dinner and home.

I cross the bigger opening and see my little
channel which doesn’t look so little now
that I’ve been through the reeds.

Oscar Scherer Thursday 064


I feel invisible.

From the kayak I can see other sites along the water
but they don’t see me. 

Oscar Scherer Thursday 053

I paddle slowly, floating silently
through this mysterious watery wonderland.

Oscar Scherer Thursday 078

The sun is low in the sky making the water darker

Oscar Scherer Thursday 077

making the reflections more eerie


Oscar Scherer Thursday 081

but I love it.

 Oscar Scherer Thursday 082


Things open up again and the Earth flag welcomes me home


Oscar Scherer Thursday 085


I drag the boat up, get all the gear put away
and surprise  David who has surprised me by
having dinner ready!

Oscar Scherer Thursday 086 


It’s a Wonderful Life!


  1. Beautiful pictures and beautiful flag ;) What a lovely day - including that delicious meal at the end!

  2. Any... the quiet serenity of still waters. Thanks for taking us with you.

  3. Yes it is a wonderful life. Glad to enjoy it along with you! :c)

  4. A blissful afternoon on the water and dinner waiting for you when you get home -- perfect!

  5. Terrific Post!!

    Felt like I was there with you. Now I feel very calm...Thanks:o))

    Wonderful Dinner...vegetables are a beautiful thing;o)))

  6. Thanks ... I needed that quiet float on the river to center myself before the upcoming meeting this morning.

  7. Lovely post. A wonderful paddle and a yummy doesn't get much better than that.

  8. I am still hoping to get that kayak. Every time I see your photos, I WANT ONE! Too many obstacles in the way at the moment. That David sure can cook! It looks delicious!

  9. What a great post. I felt like I was there the entire time.

  10. Great trip, although I think I would be worried about snakes dropping out of the trees.

  11. Wow, that was so relaxing, I think that I may go take a nap! Lovely, as usual.


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