Tuesday March 20, 2012
Manatee Springs State Park Site #84


Celebrate today is Spring Equinox!

It’s one of the two days a year when day and night are nearly equal.  A time of balance.  This is one of Earth’s Holi-days.  A time to celebrate that this amazing planet Earth is faithful in her trip around the sun star and we thankfully move from winter to spring each year.  All we have to do is not mess things up.  Light is on the increase and things begin to grow and bloom again.  We are hoping this increasing light will be figurative as well as literal in our lives. * note: *If corporations get their names capitalized then so should the planet that sustains us. Please join me in adopting this practice. 


I’ve gotten some Equinox gifts I’d like to pass along with thanks to those who also sustain me.

For my wonderfully loyal followers and commenters. 

You can’t know how much hearing from you means.  And one of the things I  hear is requests for recipes of the things we are eating so here is one for you to use in your Equinox Celebration.  Particularly for the terrific Roxanne who asked about Cashew Icing.   Calling this “carrot cake” is a bit of a misnomer as you’ll find out when you take it out of the pan to eat it.  More like carrot cake crumble.  This recipe comes from the companion book to the video Forks Over Knives which I HIGHLY recommend.  Everyone who honestly cares about their health really must see this.

Carrot Cake

1 C organic raisins
1 large or 2 medium carrots finely grated
2 C walnuts finely chopped
1/2 C organic shredded coconut
1 T tahini – we substituted peanut butter
1/4 C maple syrup (actually just a splash will do)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of cinnamon

Soak the raisins in spring water until plump, then rinse and finely chop.  Put into a large bowl and add everything else.  Mix well.  Press firmly into a small round pan or glass pie dish.  We used a small casserole dish.

Let sit for at least an hour.  Frost with Vegan “cream cheese” icing and serve.   We chilled ours but it was still crumbly so I’m not sure that’s necessary.


Vegan “Cream Cheese” Icing (aka Cashew Cream Icing)

1 C cashews
Juice from a lemon to taste
(I didn’t want it too lemony so used only a slice)
1/8 to 1/4 C maple syrup (use to taste this thing is RICH)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Puree the ingredients with a splash of water in a blender at high speed to create a smooth creamy thick consistency then spread over the cake.
You may have to add additional “splashes” of water to get the consistency you want.



Most of the rest of these gifts came from right around our campsite or on my walks in this park.


For Lynda my friend of 30+ years who has followed me in many things, surpassed me in most and is standing on the brink.  
Jump!  Lynda! Jump!
How about this set up??  Home sweet home + kayak.


Manatee Springs 098

Manatee Springs 100


or maybe a Winnebago View with a teeny tiny towed?
Now there is some good gas mileage on both.

Manatee Springs 087


For my good friend Pam who loves and cares for the animals


Manatee Springs 106



For our generous friends Gin & Syl who see beauty in the ordinary.


Manatee Springs 052



For Judy, one of the best nature photographers I know

who works on behalf of the wild things in the National Wildlife Refuges.  Thanks Judy for both.



Manatee Springs 008



For my darling Carrie and my encouraging twin Nancy.

Now I am older than both of you so you do as I say ya’heah??  And do it RIGHT NOW!

Put your right arm around your left shoulder, put your left arm around your right shoulder,  Now squeeze and feel me hugging you.  And thanking you both always for your constantly encouraging presence in my life.  Free Equinox Hugs as soon as you get yourselves down here.



And for David who is steadfast.


Manatee Springs 136



And who, though very tired, rested in his chair between taking the pictures while I floated yesterday





More light,

more sun,

more energy,

more healing waters!


Today is your turn. 

DGB in springs 014

DGB in springs 003


So glad you are feeling a bit better.


DGB in springs 015


Hope you all Celebrated Earth’s Equinox!!


  1. It's so good to see Spring all over the place. Here in NC, pine pollen has turned everything yellow and the yellow haze lingers in the air. Thanks for the pic of the "old man's beard". I miss it.

  2. Ahhh, very nice celebration. Cake sounds good...will try it!

  3. Spring has sprung! But is that a coil spring or a leaf spring?

    Glad to see David paddling around! :c)

  4. THANKS!!

    Glad I stayed up late enough to read your blog tonight:o))

    Don't worry things are moving slowly... so we will be here and I will get a real hug!!

  5. I am humbled by your mention, but what butterfly is that? Nice to see David communing with life's flow...

  6. Yeah! So glad to see that grin on David's face :)

  7. Excellent to see David floating in the spring. Sending you both good wishes for rejuvenation in healing waters.

  8. "All we have to do is not mess things up..." and therein lies the problem, doesn't it. We seem to think we know better than Mother Earth. Yet, if we let things be Pachamama (as the Peruvians call Mother Earth) will take of herself and us.

  9. And a happy spring to you both!

  10. And that little tear-drop trailer is adorable!

  11. Deepest thanks to you for keeping me in balance and showing me how to float in the fabulous Spring!

    I'm with you on the capitalization thing ...

  12. Thanks for the recipe and glad to see that David got in the water! Happy Spring!

  13. Wonderful to see David enjoying himself and feeling better! Loved the little teardrop trailer...My brother bought a little old Aloha trailer and fixed it up for his new bride. We call it the "Love Bug." :-) Take care, you two!

  14. I just realized that the links I put to the blogs of my friends aren't showing up. Going to fix them now so others can find you guys.

    Judy, I was hoping I could take the easy way out and you would tell me who my butterfly is but I guess I'll have to go search it out. :-)

  15. I will take the teardrop camper with the truck and kayak, please. :)

    All that water looks so serene and peaceful. Wish I could be there with both of you!

  16. Nice to see "steadfast" David floating in the spring.. refreshing for both of you, I am sure. Beautiful photos ... and thoughts.... nice to take the time to smell the roses in life, I support that wholeheartedly. Looking for a bit of sunshine here... it has stayed behind the clouds all day. My redbud is trying to bloom... don't want to miss it while I am away!! Keep enjoying the beautiful waters!

  17. Happy Spring Equinox to you guys! That water looks GORGEOUS... And thanks for the cream cheese icing recipe...Sounds super yummy!

  18. Aww - how very sweet!!! Definitely enjoyed the pictures in this blog and the sentiments too. Happy Equinox!! How thankful am I for Earth and you :) Glad to see Dad enjoying the waters!

  19. Wow, that cake is sort of like a torte, isn't it, with the nuts doing a stand-in for flour. Thanks for that! Happy Spring!



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