Last Day Visit

Saturday March 24, 2012
Manatee Springs State Park Site 84


This was our last vacation day at Manatee Springs and day number 5 since treatment stopped so David was feeling pretty good. 

Our friends Tricia and Dan have been staying at Cedar Key RV Resort for the month of March so they drove up to spend the day with us.  We’d hoped to go swimming in the spring and kayaking in the Suwannee River but Mother Nature had other plans.

We spent a while sitting outside just chatting and getting caught up.  As we went off for a dip in the springs we heard the thunder in the distance.  Looked like it was going to rain our parade but not before we got some time in the water.


Saturday at Manatee Springs 048

On our short walk from the campsite to the springs we watched this guy just barely above our heads but oblivious all the picture takers as he hammered away.  We had several Piliated Woodpeckers at the farm for years but they were much more skittish than this fellow was. He must have some shock absorbers not to have one heck of a headache with all that rapid fire neck and head pounding.




As we passed by the Catfish Hotel we noticed there was some sort ofSaturday at Manatee Springs 058  scuba instruction going on at the duck weed covered hole.  You might think it’s nothing but a slime pond but beneath it is a 90-foot-deep pool of clear, bluish cool, pure waters springing up from far underground.  It’s a popular place for divers and you can always tell when they are there.  The pool is covered with light green duckweed but if you see large holes and bubbles, divers are down there.




After investigating that situation we went on over to the main spring.

Saturday at Manatee Springs 059You can tell Tricia’s not so sure at the beginning of her Manatee Springs swim.  It definitely feels chilly when you first step in.  But once you just go on and get in, it’s great.






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David was the first one in.  He’s learned better than to ease his way in.  You’ll just agonize longer.  It’s 72 degrees, that’s actually a fine temperature.





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Dan was next.








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And then Tricia. 







It really is great!  See how she changed her mind.  No more pictures, it’s my turn to get in.


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Finally the rain started and sent us back to the coach for a little lunch and some more talk.  It became clear that we weren’t going to get to take that kayak trip down the spring run and into the Suwannee.  Too bad but they’ll be spending a week here next winter so perhaps they can do it then.  I strongly recommend a full moon paddle if you can arrange to be here at that time.


With hugs all around, they left to run some errands in nearby Chiefland and the rains came on in earnest.   We had been hoping that if we could do the kayak trip, we’d all come back to the coach and make a couple of  home made vegan pizzas.  But with the change in plans we were stuck with pizza by ourselves.   So we made the crust for two pizzas and put one of them in the freezer and baked up the other one.



Saturday at Manatee Springs 071


Our crust is easy to make.  Just a bread dough sans the salt and oil.  I used to make 7 loaves of bread a week for years at the farm.  I actually miss kneading the dough.  It’s a great zen sort of thing.



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Here’s the finished product








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being happily consumed.







It’s been a great week here at Manatee Springs.  Reluctantly we leave tomorrow to go back for treatment round number 3.


  1. It did rain a lot Saturday didn't it?! But you made the best of it, as did we. Fingers crossed and prayers said for a no side-effect treatment.

  2. Praying for you as you start your next round of treatments. so wonderful that you were able to rest in such a beautiful place

  3. good luck as you start your next round of treatments..prayers coming your way

  4. We'll be thinking of you guys this week. And praying for NO side effects!!

  5. Great looking pizza, Sherry. Question. Do you cook that in a convection microwave? Or do you have an actual oven. David looks great! Sending hugs and good wishes

  6. Is that a whole-whole-wheat crust? This is not a test! I'm just wondering if you can do that easier with a pizza crust than with a bread loaf.

    While we were out walking to The Fence, and then running away from it, Annie said "Does it seem to you that we're a lot more active since we changed our diet?" And, it does.

  7. Glad you got to visit with Tricia and Dan;o) Sorry the rains dampened your plans to kayak;o((

    Appreciate the pizza dough recipe. I have used my bread recipe but the crust just doesn't get cooked. Do you precook your dough? You can tell me when we see you which I hope is SOON!!

  8. I'm so glad that Tricia and Dan had a chance to spend some time with y'all. Needless to say, I wish we were there with you too although that water would be a bit chilly to me also. Hoping that this is a good week all the way around.

  9. A nice ending to your vacation from treatment even if it did rain on your plans. Good luck with the next round.

  10. Ditto all the above..
    Prayers for the next round..
    Recipe & instructions for the pizza!

    I used to have a bread machine, which didn't make the flood.
    I want to try making actual dough myself now ;)

  11. Ahhh...the first picture of me in the Spring made me laugh! But it was so worth it once I got in! Glad we finally were able to spend some time together albiet a bit short! Good wishes this week...know that our prayers and thoughts are with you both!

  12. Glad you guys were able to get together, even if it was short.

    That pizza looked fantastic!

    Sending lots of positive energy your way this week, David.

  13. Good to rest up before the next round of treatments. What a beautiful place to chill.

    That pizza looks really good. Do you share? ;c)

  14. Thanks so much to you all for your good wishes. They mean a lot.

    Sue - this was made in a regular oven. 425 for 12-15 minutes. I like my regular oven and am not in much of a hurry to get a convection.

    Hey duck - this is a spelt crust 100%. Just water, yeast and spelt.
    With Vegan and feeling better so you exercise more comes weight loss. Good for us, bad for David.

    Nancy - we don't cook the crust ahead. Just make it, decorate it and cook. I'll post the recipe in an upcoming blog. If you two hang around a bit we'll make you one. They are all different though so we can't promise it will look like this. Will Bill eat his pizza toppings "mixed together"?? LOL

    Syl, water is great if you just don't hesitate. Big breath and then in you go and you'll love it. I know Gin would be in there in a heart beat. Come on down! We'll meet you there.

    Tricia, I LOVE that picture of you and knew that since we are so alike you wouldn't mind my posting it. GREAT initial reaction. So good to have you here. Next time Pizza!

    Paul - we do share. Come on down.

  15. You did not mention the absolutely spectacular sunset we saw over the Suwannee after the rains quit. Sorry i didn't bring the camera.

  16. The springs are beautiful! Don't know about scuba diving in that duck weed though!!


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