River day

Monday March 26, 2012
Lithia Springs Site #38


I’ve always thought a home on the river would be wonderful.


Lithia Site #38 013

We return from Manatee Springs and take up residence in Lithia Springs site 38 for the next two weeks.
As you’ve heard me say before, the spring at Lithia is really more of an urban swimming pool much to my disappointment.  It is nothing like Manatee Springs.   But it’s still a spring and the water is still 72 degrees all the time.


Among the things I dislike is that they lock up the gate at 5:45 every night and don’t open it again until 10:00AM on the week-days and 9:00 AM on week-ends.   That eliminates any possibility for a swim in the full moon light or in the early morning at sun up.   All of which you can do at Manatee Springs.  But, it’s still a spring and the water is still 72 degrees all the time.



Lithia Site #38 018

But as much as I like the Manatee campground, this time Lithia gets a gold star for campsites.  Winnona has a site on the Alafia River and I have a river front home. 









Lithia Site #38 015


Changing your front yard and view whenever you want is one of the very best things about full timing.






Lithia Site #38 077


I LOVE sitting on the other side of the fence in my beach chair watching the river go by.   I can even read and write  blogs out here.








In honor of our river front site, we take the kayaks out
to see what Winnona looks like from the water.


We shove off from the dock in the afternoon.
The weather is perfect.


Lithia Site #38 026



Lithia Site #38 033




We round a curve and  there she is.
Looking fine.






Lithia Site #38 038


Wish could get her reflection in the water.  But I am too close.
Can you see the Earth flag proudly flying?







It is fun paddling by Winnona sitting up on the bank.


Lithia Site #38 043



The water is black and pretty still at first.  The reflections are wonderful.





Lithia Site #38 046



The river is VERY low so some of that paddle is strenuous trying to go up river through the strong water created by the low water level at what are usually little riffles.


Lithia Site #38 048


Lithia Site #38 051


Twice I get out and portage. 


David manages to do what I call ‘gorilla arm’ his way through one spot.  But I tow him through the other.


Lithia Site #38 054

Lithia Site #38 058 


Still it is a beautiful paddle and we go WAY up the river beyond where we have gone before. 


Lithia Site #38 064


Lithia Site #38 073



Lithia Site #38 067



We see a great rope swing out over one of the still fairly deep sections of the river.

Lithia Site #38 061


Only problem is that my camera batteries die on the way back and I haven’t brought the case with the extra batteries.  David doesn’t have a camera having dropped #3 in the water a while ago. 


We are making mental memories.

But as we get almost back, I do the old rub the batteries on your
pants trick and coax one more picture out of it.
Guess who we see on the bank waiting to welcome us home?


Lithia Site #38 075


We come back after 4 hours.
It is a good day all around!!


Lithia Site #38 065


  1. Nice spot you've got there at the campground. Peaceful, quiet ... and easy access to take you out on the water when the mood strikes.

  2. Once again, a lovely, peaceful spot. Glad to see David out there on the water too.

  3. Beautiful beautiful spot! Your paddle looked very releaxing!

  4. I just have to ask, how are the bugs? We are having LOTS of trouble with getting bit by no seeums or SOMETHING!

  5. Nice paddle the summer rains should be right around the corner to give you a little more water.

  6. It looks like you have the site there. There's just something physical about being near the water.
    Was it a snake or our favorite Q-Tip couple?

  7. Erin, Too bad the river is 15' below the campsite so there's no easy put in. BUT the park dock is just around the corner so to speak and we have our kayaks tied up there,

    Jeannie, no bugs to speak of YET.

    Syl - definitely love the site and that feeling being around the water gives. Q tip couple coming today.

  8. One of the things I love most about full timing is the ability to have a home anywhere I want. A home on the river is perfect.

  9. Beautiful site! We have always wanted a house on the water but could never afford it so we love parking the motorhome by water whenever we can. Enjoy your two weeks there.

  10. With your electric personality, it's a wonder you need battries in your camera at all! :c)

    Too bad cameras don't float...

  11. Nice kayak trip Sherry. Sorry to have missed you while at Manatee Springs, but felt it was better to give you your privacy with things the way they are. I fully expect you and David to be SO much better next winter, and we'll catch up with you then...and if you figure out the secret to state park reservations in the Keys, do let me know please!

  12. So...did you try the rope swing?? Gotta live it up! Looks beautiful out there.

  13. What a view! Changing "neighborhoods" whenever you feel like it really is one of the best things about full timing!

  14. Fulltiming lets you live such a great life. I love the way you and David swim and enjoy your surroundings. Glad to see you enjoying such a nice spot. Millions couldn't buy better. ;-)


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