Plea to the Anonymous and Gratitude to the Generous

Wednesday April 25, 2012
Lithia Springs Park  Site 24


It was only 48 degrees out this morning.

Got up to a nice brisk morning yesterday too which made for a nice run around the park.  It’s much easier running in temperatures in the upper 40’s or in the 50’s.



I do some yoga while David is gone getting the 3rd of 4 in this round of treatment shots.


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Monday-Wed 011


We then drive into Tampa for another medical appointment this time with a urologist.  I won’t go into the details but it results in yet another prescription, which of course requires another trip to the local Walgreen’s pharmacy.  We are definitely helping the local economy.   Keeping track of what meds to take when has become a full time occupation.  I’m afraid to count the bottles of pills around here.


We are back by 3:00 and since it is an increased energy day, we take advantage.


Tuesday’s treatment includes dexamethazone, a steroid which gives David a few days of feeling good with plenty of energy.  So we decide to do some cleaning.  Probably not a good idea for him to be up on the roof giving Winnona a bath given his meds so I do that. Monday-Wed 017


Monday-Wed 030


David uses our wonderful Bissell Little Green to clean the carpets and some places on the upholstery.


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Monday-Wed 045


While I’m on the roof, I find some things that concern me. 

If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with these, I hope you’ll share.

First our year old white main slide topper has these on it which my washing with a stiff bristled brush will not remove.

Monday-Wed 035


and secondly I find several spots like this on the fiberglass roof.

Monday-Wed 037A


Despite these concerns, things inside and out are looking much better.  So here is the reward for our labors.
I do love pasta!


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Wednesday is FINALLY, a day with NO appointments.

Since we got a late start on these projects on Tuesday due to the two medical appointments, we finish them up on today because we don’t HAVE to go anywhere.  Well David finishes his.  I got the roof finished yesterday and today finish 3 of Winnona’s 4 sides.   We are picking Carrie up at the airport tomorrow afternoon to spend a week with us
so I don’t know if I’ll get that 4th side done before then or not.


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Because the sun was in the wrong spot when I got around to side 4, I was able to spend a little time with a book in this position later in the day.

Monday-Wed 046

And now for what’s really on my mind.


I’ve gotten some wonderful comments from folks who sign in as anonymous.

This is fine although sometimes they don’t sign their names at the end of the comment.  Then I don’t know who to thank.  If this is you, I hope next time you will let me know who you are by signing in using the name/url choice and just leaving the URL blank.   You can put in your name and it will come up at the beginning instead of the word Anonymous.   If you like Anonymous,  that’s ok too but I’d really like to know who you are so please sign your comment.


I am just in awe of the people who have volunteered to be donors for David. 

This includes not only members of his family but our blog friends as well.  This is so amazingly generous of you all.  But he will not need a donor.  The Bone Marrow Transplant he will have is called an Autologous stem cell transplant details at this link for those interested.  In brief, after the current targeted chemo therapy he is doing in repeated series gets his myeloma numbers down to undetectable, they will take out his own stem cells from his bone marrow and freeze them.   Then they will destroy everything with  Melphalan, an extremely strong chemotherapy drug,  and put the stem cells back in.  The idea is that the myeloma cells will be destroyed and the new blood cells created will be able to fight off any residual disease at least for a few years.  The donor stem cell transplant has proven to be too risky with your own immune system trying to fight off the foreign cells, an autoimmune  rejection response, which is quite dangerous and difficult to deal with. 


We can never thank you enough for your generosity and continuous care and support!  What a great community this is!!


  1. Good to give Winnona a bath once in a while. I wouldn't be too worried about the slide topper. It looks like mildew and any chemicals used on it would cause more harm than good. Those spots on the roof don't look too good however.
    We know what it's like with keeping track of a lot of meds. At one point, Gin was taking 19 pills a day!
    Have a good visit with Carrie!!

    1. Syl,
      It's not mildew, that wipes off with a good scrubbing. It's a dark black strip starting about 4" from the roof when the slide is out. It's about 18" long and then the gray stuff goes on all the way out to the end of the slide.
      Wish I could figure out what it is and what to do. These are virtually new slide toppers.

  2. Wow, I can see Winnona shining from Huntington Beach!!! Carrie will be very impressed;o))

    Can't wait to see what adventures the three of you manage to have...

    Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!!!!

    1. Oh you guys are at Huntington Beach....lucky you! Can't wait to see the posts. We'll be off to Oscar Scherer on Sunday and more beach :-)

  3. An interesting read on the transplant -- looks like there could be some challenging times ahead. But you both seem to have a great attitude, and that's half the battle. Take it easy and keep up your mind and body strength.

    1. Challenging is the word. The original targeted therapy is challenge enough.
      Thanks for your support!

  4. I'm so glad Carrie will be able to spend a week with you & David. There's nothing like close family when you are going through things.
    Hugs to both of you :)

    1. We're definitely looking forward to seeing her. Thanks for the hugs, we can use them.

  5. Great that Carrrie is coming for a visit. As far as the streaks on the awning topper, there are some great products out there for that. We got some stuff at the RV show that takes the black streaks off the door step where your feet sometimes scuff the door, Came right off. Bet it would take the black streaks off the topper. But the stuff is not in stores that I know of, you can only get it at the RV shows. Fiberglass is one of the easiest things that can be patched. I think they make fiberglass repair kits. Maybe check in with an RV parts store? I know you can repair fiberglass bathtubs. I might just be blowing smoke here, I'm no expert, but like throwing out my opinions to anybody who will listen, lol. I would sand those bubbly spots and use the repair kit to "patch" them. Now stand back for the experts to tell you how to REALLY fix 'em! :-)

    1. We've got a black streak remover but it didn't work on this. Of course the toppers aren't fiberglass. Guess we'd better go to another RV place and see what else we can find. Not sure about camping world. I think that's where we got what we have. Good idea about fiberglass repair kit. I'll look into that. Thanks so much!

  6. My cousin in Chicago just finished a round of treatment for leukemia. Her own stem cells were used, and she is feeling wonderful. I hope this works as well for David.

    1. That's great news. Hope hers was an autologous too.

  7. I know that having Carrie visit will be exciting for both of you, and for her. For me, it always takes a "visit" to spur me on to "houseclean"... Hope the temps in Florida cooperate .... and that David feels "well". There are so many of us out there who want to "make it better" in whatever way we can... and would go to great lengths to help. My wish for you both is that this summer in Florida will be "cooler" than average so that you can enjoy the great outdoors. I am hopeful that the "maintenance phase" will be a little easier on David? Yoda got his flea treatment today (doesn't like it) but being the bouncy, happy boy that he is, he has already forgiven us. He sends greetings too!

    1. Thanks Carol, I second your wish for a cooler than average summer to go with the warmer than average winter. Dogs are such good examples for us all in their happy, bouncy and forgiving ways.

  8. Winona looks pretty shiny. Would you care to come by and do ours next? Its looking nasty!

    The stem cell treatment was interesting to learn about. You both have some challenges ahead but hopefully once it's over, you'll be able to get back to doing what you love.

    1. Think I'll pass on yo8ur offer to do yours next. :-)

  9. That spot on the roof is something I've never seen before. Does it appear to be porus? I think the best thing to do is put a patch of Eternabond tape over it. That is an easy way to fix it forever. Eternabond tape is really good stuff and since it's on the roof, nobody would see it anyway.

    We have another friend with the same condition as David. He's had the stem cell treatment and it has been wonderfully successful. We're praying it will give David the same great results.

    1. Would love to get in touch with your friend Paul if he would be willing to email and talk about his experience. Thanks for the Eternabond suggestion.

  10. I have one of those Bissell little green machines. Love it! It really does a nice job and is small for storage.

    Agree with Paul about the Eternabond. It is wonderful stuff.

    Have a wonderful visit with Carrie.

    1. The Littlegreen is great for small spaces both cleaning and storing. Guess that's two votes for Eternabond. :-)

    2. Seems to me that is 2 votes for Eternabond (not counting Paul's) and 2 votes for The Littlegreen. We need to check out both of them;o)))

  11. OH! I'm so in awe and overcome to think of people offering to be donors. People are awesome!

  12. Sherry, I couldn't open the link--must be my browser. I'll do a google search. The two of you amaze me with your energy. A lot of people would just lie down and give up on trying to enjoy life. You always amaze me. I know that I, and many of this blogger community, will be with you and David every step of the way through the bone marrow transplant. You'll do that with the same love for one another, grace, and dignity that makes you a very special couple and an inspiration to us all.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hobopals,
      Thank you so much for all the compliments. We're just struggling through our life as everyone is whatever their challenges.
      Try right clicking the link and asking it to open in a new tab. Or here's the URL http//

  13. The picture of the roof sure looks like the gel coat is failing in those areas. That should not be ignored, as moisture will be able to enter the fiberglass and you will end up with delamination. It can be repaired fairly easily. a permanent repair requires sanding and repairing any damaged fiberglass and applying a new gel-coat layer.

    1. Thanks so much for this information. I'll get on it and get some sort of repair kit for it. I was very concerned about it which is why I put the pictures up here knowing that I'd get some great responses.

  14. Yippee -- Carrie's coming!!! The BEST medicine of all!!!

  15. For sure!! If she were a pill, she'd be #17 daily. :-)

  16. Sherry I have a dear friend who was thru the stem cell was totally you folks she stayed positive..and upbeat...eternabond works wonders..and would be a permanent easy fix for for the slide toppers have you tried mr. Clean sponges...we got mold off our awning a few rigs ago...we had tried everything..nothing was working...but the Mr C sponges removed it all...I love my little green machine but hate my carpet...I was forever hanging off the end of that machine all winter..hopefully this summer we will get the carpet removed from the main living area...and I'm sure Carrie will be the best medicine of all...

  17. Yeah on a visit from Carrie. Enjoy every minute of it! Have no clue on the spots you need help with. Sorry. :-(

  18. A friend of mine was a care-giver to a mutual friend who had the tem cell treatment this past January. They stayed in an appartment next to the hospital. A month after the infusion she was able to drive herself home (approx. 100 miles from the hospital) and is doing great. It seems to be a wonder treatment. Sending best wishes for a similar result for you guys.


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