Meeting Magi

Monday May 7, 2012
Lithia Springs Site 40



They say you don’t remember the things you want to forget.

So I guess that’s why when I posted the blog about coming back to the Tampa area and having Monday as a day of rest, it was because that’s what I was wishing.   Actually David had an appointment with his Moffitt Doctor at 2:00 today.   So we drove to Moffitt where David had blood drawn and talked with Doctor Ken Shain who told him that his numbers were down again (great) but not far enough yet (sigh).   So it’s another round of treatment.   The good news and the bad news.


Actually the best thing that happened today happened in the morning.


And no it was not running at sunup in order to beat the heat.

I’ve talked before about having had pairs of beagles for most of my life and that they are my very favorite dogs.  I stop people with beagles anywhere I see them to meet their dogs.  I usually take pictures of them.  The dogs always and sometimes the people too. :-))


But lately I’ve also become enamored with bulldogs.  Don’t think I’d ever own one, my heart still belongs to beagles.  But there is something about a bulldog that just makes me smile.  I love reading Life With Luci and Loree about their foster dog Carl.  Carl is actually Loree’s son Brian’s dog but he seems to live mostly with Loree and poor Luci who tolerates him. Just typing his name now makes me start laughing.  Loree is great at talking about all Carl’s trials and tribulations.


I just love looking at Carl.

Here’s a picture of Carl I keep on my desktop.  Take a good look at him.  Doesn’t he just make you laugh too?




Anyway, today when David was coming down the driveway from somewhere, he announced that there was a bulldog in the only site next to us, site 38, which we had been in when his brother and SIL came to visit.   So of course I went over and said that I’d been informed of a bulldog sighting and Woody and Carol were happy for me to meet Magi.


I mean who doesn’t love having others interested in their dog or cat for that matter? 

Seems Woody had always wanted a bulldog but his first wife was having none of it.  So when he and Carol married, she sold some jewelry from her first marriage to buy Magi.   Thus her name.   O’Henry would be proud!!


Now Magi is not fond of cameras so I had a hard time getting her to pose.  And could not get her to stand still long enough for a close up like Loree got of Carl. 

Magi and Claire 002


Carol had a hard time getting her to pose too.  Not sure who looks cuter here, Magi or Carol. 


Magi and Claire 003B


But I wanted to get some pictures of her so when Loree reads the blog she could show Carl.   Maybe I can do some bulldog matchmaking.


Magi and Claire 005B


So I cropped that first picture. 


Here you go Carl, can you see this? 

What do you think?   She’s only all the way across the country from you.  I’ll bet Luci would be happy to buy you a plane ticket.


Magi and Claire 002C 


Magi has a great life. 

Her people understand that bulldogs have a hard time in the heat and they put her in the car and turn on the AC when she gets too hot.   They also have a stroller for her so she doesn’t have to walk if she gets over heated.  

Her mom Carol was very interested in our full timing life.  She and Woody came over to take a Winnona tour and we talked about work camping.  Carol wrote down the work camper news URL.  She’d love to find a way to travel like most full timers are doing.  When I told her there are lots of folks working on the road, her eyes lit up.

Her dad Woody has lived in this area a very long time and is a regular at Lithia Springs.  He gave us some great ideas of other parks to visit in Florida when we can get further away from Tampa than currently and when it isn’t too hot.

Today was break camp day for them.  So they had to get back over to their site.  But it was great fun meeting Magi and her family.


Magi and Claire 006A


This all tells a lot about my life currently,  Meeting Magi was the highlight of my day.  Thanks to her and to Carl for putting smiles on my face.
Maybe Carl and Magi can be my first internet “match”!  And maybe we’ll be seeing the 3 of them on the road in the future when we all get the kinks worked out of those plans.


  1. You know, Sherry, having your highlight of the day meeting a dog like Magi isn't a bad thing...:-). Our dogs are our best method of meeting people. I have had people run over from the other side of the park to see my kids!

  2. I understand why Magi made you smile. We had 2 bulldog "neighbors" at our winter park in Rockport, TX. Cowboy and Dumplin'. They cracked me up. How can you look at those faces and not feel something? :)

  3. Yeah, I always enjoy seeing and hearing about Carl...and I too enjoyed that picture of him that Loree put up recently on her blog. We enjoyed meeting her and Lucy a short time back when we were in Sisters, Oregon. Alas, we're now back home in Eugene, Oregon.

    Internet matches are workable. My wife's sister met her husband that way, and they've been happily married for several years now. Get Carl on a plane, I agree!!

  4. Oh, I get it now! Carol gave Woody a gift of Magi.

    I have a spot spot (in my head) for Australian Shepherds, since one owned me 30 years ago. My instinct is always to pet one when I see one, but I have to remember that they don't all have that same soft spot for me.

  5. Sherry, I have been nagging Joe for a long time to have a Pug. One day I saw a bulldog. So now I would be so happy to have either a pug OR a bulldog. But for now there is chance of either.... But I can always enjoy pictures of the dogs on here. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Betty from Milwaukie, Oregon

  6. I think Carl and Magi might need ramps to get into a rig. :)

  7. Glad to hear David's numbers are headed in the right direction... That alone makes it a SMILE day :o)) Add to that, meeting nice folks and an adorable bulldog... I'd say you had a good day!!

  8. Haha, u are so funny!! Magi does look to be a likely 'candidate' for Carl. He is an unfixed male & some years he made more money than Brian did!!! HA, don't want to go too far into that! And he does pose pretty good for pictures as he does not move to awfully fast or often :) LOVED the post!!

  9. I love bulldogs and both, Magi and Carl, are so cute. But, of course, I do have a weakness for bulldogs since I claim to have custody of my grand-dog, Daisy. Daisy is a bulldog that runs the house most of time.

  10. David's cousin, Jim Charles and his wife, Cindy, who live in Oklahoma, have a bulldog named Ethel. If she likes you, she sits on your feet - thereby she has claimed you. I had the pleasure of Ethel's company when we visited recently, just before you came to see you in Florida. Sitting seems to be Ethel's favorite activity... although lying down is another of her favorite postures. I love bulldogs too. Ethel loves people, but not other dogs. I am smiling at the news that David's numbers continue to decrease... hopefully, this last round of treatment will be his last for a while. Be strong, David... so many of us are praying for you.

  11. Have you ever seen pugs? They have a face similar to a bulldog and they are so cute! Hope David's numbers continue to improve!

  12. Magi is just too cute! I'm hard pressed to ever meet a dog that I didn't like. I like them all!!

    Continued prayers for David.

  13. Great post - made me smile! :) All the folds of skin! Not sure whether to say they're cute or wise. My heart still belongs to beagles though...wonder why that is? ;)

  14. You are right about bulldogs, they are wonderful characters - each with that distinguished face, bold build and personality to match.

    Thanks for all the prayers.


  15. Glad the numbers are down for David. Our hopes are for better times for you both!

  16. Mary Lee would be proud. Loved the pics.

    Thought of y'all last Thursday night when we got the GCRC gang together for dinner. We've decided to rendezvous once a year and will need to work around your C'ville schedule so y'all can be there, too. Miss you! Take care!

  17. They say dogs look like their owners, so maybe I should get a bulldog. My resemblance to one is uncanny!


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