Results of the rains

Friday June 8 and Saturday June 9, 2012
Oscar Scherer State Park Site 89
Osprey, Florida



Mixed bag 046


It is NOT raining when I wake up.  I can’t believe it.   I look outside and it’s true.  I look at the river out my window as I always do  The river is definitely rising.  The stump I sometimes rest my feet on is under water.  My little “beach” has shrunk.



Mixed bag 047



Notice the cypress tree off to the right in all these pictures.

I have lots of shots of this tree in earlier blogs and of me sitting between the two stumps, one of which is now under water.







Mixed bag 037


I go out to get a closer look.  These guys are playing right up next to the shore.   Who are they?   I’m so happy to see the sun I take a picture of my shadow just to prove that it is actually sunny as if the difficulty of taking these pictures isn’t proof enough.


Mixed bag 028A

But I can’t stay and marvel at this change, the heat is coming on and I must get running or face the consequences.  David goes for a walk, has his breakfast and gets ready to go to Brandon to get his last velcade shot before the transplant.  He has to be off all chemo drugs for a month before he can have it.  Sure hope his M-spike doesn’t double back on him in that time.


Mixed bag 049


He takes his last dexamethazone and feels good enough to drive himself.  I make him some lunch to take along since following that appointment at 11:30 he has a 1:30 appointment with a dentist recommended by his hematologist.  I am trying to make sure he eats about every two hours or so to attempt to keep him from losing any more weight.  A dental clearance letter is required before the transplant.  The dentist is just down the street from his hematologist’s office,  but all this will take several hours plus driving time.


I enjoy my alone time reading and watching the river flow swiftly by.  A new view for me.  I really don’t do anything else for hours.  I love it.


Stem Cell Transplants


When he gets back we have just enough time before they close to drive over to the Lithia Post Office and pick up a book we ordered written by Pat Killingsworth entitled Stem Cell Transplants: From a Patient’s Perspective.  It is the only book I know that takes you completely through the whole process from beginning to end in terms anyone can understand.  Pat has myeloma and knows first hand what the treatment process and transplant is like.  So if there is anyone, family or friends,  who wants to know what David will be going through you can get a copy of it here.   It’s an easy to read down to earth look at a harrowing process few people know anything about.  Pat’s story is powerful and the work he is now doing is an amazing transformation of his life.


I make a wild rice casserole for dinner and afterwards I begin reading the new book aloud while David does the dishes.   We are taking a break from Shadow Country even though we are less than 200 pages from the end of this 900 page book.  Pat’s book is an easy read and we want to have it read far in advance of all transplant appointments in case it provokes questions we want to ask. 


When the rains begin again around 7pm we realize that we have just had nearly an entire day, sun up to sun down without rain.  The first in a week.  Hope this is a new “Trend”. 




Saturday 055


I wake before sunrise and enjoy the sound of no rain.  Just birds and frogs. WOW!   I look out the window and and HOLY COW!   The place I sit and write and read and ponder on the mornings I am not running is gone.  It’s under water.  The water has risen over two feet.  A way bigger change from when I woke up yesterday. I can hardly wait to get outside and have a closer look.  Remember this tree yesterday???



Saturday 059


And then I hear BOINGGGGGG.   I recognize that sound and sure enough when I go out to investigate one of the jack springs has broken.  You HAVE to be kidding?  Doesn’t the universe have any sympathy at all?  

We have the roof, the check engine light, the tires, the continuing insurance/paint problem at the farm, not to mention this small medical issue.



Saturday 012


But before this day turns into another day of “business”, we go out for a walk to see what else has gone crazy over night.  We find this spring is not broken but it is closed.  The river has backed up into the spring and they close it when it does that.  Not sure why since this is the deepest I’ve ever seen the spring.  It would be great swimming.  I wouldn’t mind swimming in river/spring water.  I hope it’s not because of some contamination in the river water.   That sort of thing really depresses me.  Why do we tolerate such things??


Big change, there is no beach to spread out your blanket or put up your chairs.  The water goes all the way up to the “sea wall” on the back side.  The steps now take you right into the water.  Before the rains there was a good 10 feet of beach


Saturday 013


Saturday 014






Saturday 023A



We walk on along the spring run.  Only one bird out. He’s sitting just outside the life guard hut preening and keeping a close eye on things.






At the natural secondary spring we find flowers in bloom and the depth level has risen 4 feet.  It’s now 10’ deep.   So many things have changed.

Saturday 034


Saturday 035


Saturday 041


On our way back to Winnona we take the trail from the boat ramp to our site and find the water up over the bottom step and the entry ledge at the dock.

disappearing level

But things are even greener if that’s possible.


The path to site 40


Our jungle yard

Love those knees!

Aren't these the bees knees???


Saturday 053


From the path we can see that the river is definitely up and looking wide and deep.


But now we have to face the music and this nice non rainy day turns into multiple phone calls to find springs and a HURRY UP trip to get to Lazy Days to buy them before they close on this Saturday morning.   Thank goodness they had them at all.


Quick breakfast and off we go.  35 minutes later we are there and we buy two sets of pairs.  This won’t catch us unprepared again.  


Saturday 061


Since we are out driving around in the car AGAIN (one of my fav things to do as you know), we decide just to go on over to Whole Foods and drop some big bucks on organic food.






Saturday 062


Going to Whole Foods with David is like going to a toy store with a kid.  He’s “supposed” to help you shop.

He’ll grin and say things like “what can I go get”?   You tell him a few things from the list and off he goes.  And then you don’t see him for another 20 minutes.   He’s sampling.  Looking for things he didn’t know the food creators had created.  That he didn’t know the buyers had bought.  That he’s never seen or tasted…..and on and on……the reasons for disappearance are endless.   A trip to the grocery could take 3 hours if it weren’t for the fact that I actually focus on getting the things on the list we’ve come with and hope I can find him when it’s time to check out.  J


Saturday 063


Anyone in their right mind who is retired from work and not forced to grocery shop on a Saturday knows better than to do that.  BUT if you are camping 27 miles away from that store and are forced into going somewhere about half way in that direction, you take your chances.   So when the lines were formed at every check out counter, we just relaxed and people watched.


Since we are leaving the area tomorrow,  and I’ve been such a good girl to do the buying while David shopped,  we stop on the way back at Campbell’s Dairyland where I treat myself to one scoop of German Chocolate Cake ice cream on a cone.  Yes I know, it was only two days ago that I had that Reece’s Sundae.  I really do have to stop doing this.  The more I eat the worse the craving becomes.  Roz is exactly right.  Hi, my name is Sherry and I’m a icecreamoholic.


Again today it doesn’t rain until later in the evening and then only for a short time.  I’m beginning to take heart that Florida is going to go back to its “normal” ways of afternoon showers during the summer “rainy season”. 


I’m sorry we have to leave tomorrow.  Now that the river is so far up, I was really looking forward to watching it flow and to seeing how it is different when it is high.  I suspect the kayakers and canoers will be out tomorrow.  I know I would be if we didn’t have to move.   But this will be our last “vacation” and I’ve been checking the weather to see where the heat and rain are going to be.  The beach looks like the best bet for the least of either so we’ll head down there and cross our fingers.


  1. We left one rainy state for another. Being from Florida, I'm used to the rain......and thunder storms. Here in Oregon it rains softly all day for several days (weeks) in a row but I don't mind since the result is a thousand shades of green here in the forest. Today the sun was out in force all day. We took a ride on the motorcycle and had great views of Mt. Hood. Hope things turn around and go smoothly from here on.

    1. Sounds like Oregon is agreeing with you. I'm hoping it is less hot and humid there.

  2. I know what you mean about craving. Since April 1 I haven't had any sort of craving for sugar, caffeine, or any of that stuff. Then....I had one ice cream sundae a couple weeks ago. Then...another one this weekend...hmmm. Definitely a problem :)

    1. Hope my blog doesn't tempt you! It is a problem especially since I know where all the cool local ice cream places are now that we've been here so long. An advantage of moving more often is not to know???

  3. Hope you have a good vacation week. I am like David- get me in a good grocery store and I could stay all day.

    1. David thanks you for the support!! I thank you for the comment. :-)

  4. excellent that you were able to find a book that explains the transplant in layman terms...sorry about the spring breaking :(....hope you folks have a good safe during your move...

    1. We already know a lot about the transplant but thought we should read the only book I know of about the subject that isn't a medical tex. It really is good for those who know nothing. Thanks for your wishes Elaine. Wishing you a good week too.

  5. So glad to hear the rain has stopped in your area. It was clear all day here yesterday but last night we got a downpour with lots of lightning.....always my favorite way to spend an evening. (kidding)

    1. I don't mind rainy evenings at all and I love to watch lightning but I'm really glad the all day rain has hopefully quit.

  6. At last a reprieve from the constant rain! I hope that today (Monday) finds you out on the beach enjoying a glorious day! And, I hope that no new troubles "rain" down on you!
    Good grief, I've heard of Murphy's law, but enough is enough! Look forward to your next report. You're due for some sunshine, literally and otherwise.

    1. Rose your comments are just charming. And I agree with every single word! :-) Thanks for them all. Waiting for David's nap to be over to get out to the beach. If I had known he was going to nap or needed to, I would have suggested we go to the beach for him to do it. :-)

  7. Sure wish you could send some of that rain to central Indiana. The ground is cracking and the grass is brown. Not a pretty sight and we can't get away till John is released by his pulmonologist and internal med dr. We did the whole foods run last Friday! What fun!

    1. Oh Nan if I'd known how badly you needed it I would have tried to send most of last week's constant rain up to you. Hoping John's release is just around the corner. Maybe we can meet up at a Whole Foods on the road some day. I know a good one in Tampa in case you are interested. I even know one in Sarasota too :-)

  8. Phew! Glad LD had those springs in stock. I carry a spare pair because I read they can break just like yours did, but so far (Knock Wood!) I have not needed them.

    After that mad dash to get the springs, you deserve a little treat. Don't be so hard on yourself, ice cream withdrawal is a terrible thing to go through. ;c)

  9. We definitely got 2 sets so that now we have a spare. The other springs look about like this one did so if history is any good at all, the right rear will go out since the solenoid on that side followed the left. Don't worry, we are having all your RV repair problems for you. You're safe. Thanks Paul for the withdrawal warning. I'm too close to Bentley's just now to be able to withdraw. :-)

  10. Hmmm. I could go shopping with David. I love to slowly go through the whole store, maybe more than once :) If I take Rick, we have to be out of there in 15 minutes, tops! Too bad we're on the other side of the country. But, David eating his way through the store should have a positive effect on his weight. I think you should take him more often :)

    1. I drives me nuts to take him. I just want to get the things on the list and get out. 15 minutes sounds great. Never happens unless I go alone which is my preferred grocery strategy. I'd send him alone, since he'd be happy to spend the day there, only the bill would be twice as high as if I'm there. He doesn't do our finances so he pays no attention to what the total at the register is going to be. :-)

  11. I'm with you Sherry -- I want to get in and out of the grocery store as fast as possible. Mike, on the other hand, LOVES the grocery store. In fact, if he's in a bad mood, the best cure is to take him grocery shopping.

    1. Terri that just made me laugh. If he's in a bad moon, take him grocery shopping! I love it!! Hope your therapy is coming along well and you'll soon be on your way to wherever it is you really want to go.

  12. Watching the rain reports from Florida on television. I say..."enuf is enuf"!! Actually, today it is raining in Maryland, and it is a welcome rain. However, moderation seems to be the key here, huh? Roger ordered the book on stem cell transplant from a patient's perspective... we want to be as informed as we can be. Glad that David can be off all meds for a while to hopefully regain strength and add weight. Perhaps adding a couple of extra trips to your favorite ice cream haunts might pack a pound or two on him. We were in San Antonio a short while ago on a River Walk cruise and they were pointing out the cypress knees... I found them fascinating. Enjoyed the photo of the lone falcon?... perhaps he couldn't believe the rain had finally ended.

  13. I laughed out loud at your story about David in Whole Foods. I can *so* see him doing that! I like our Whole Foods when I'm feeling rich, but I heard the best news lately and it's that we're getting a Wegman's. I am a Wegman's fanatic and stop at any I see. When I went to Fredericksburg last fall for a long weekend, I went every day. :-) I can't wait until it opens on 5th St. ext.

    I guess that y'all heard the bad news about Teresa Sullivan's firing. We are all SO upset and sad about it. No one is feeling very charitable toward the Board of Visitors these days. My reunion year is next year and I usually have 5 or 6 friends come to stay and participate in the events, but I'd just as soon met everyone elsewhere. Ugh.

    I love your jungle pictures. Such a contrast to the deserts of last summer. We've had lots of rain here, too, but are not complaining too much -- not after that last draught year. Take care and remember that I'm praying for y'all every day. Miss you!

  14. After all those (few) things I did manage to find at Whole Foods, you forgot to mention there was a beer tasting going on in the beverage section! What if they had been having an ice cream tasting? At least I would have known where to find you. ;) Thanks for being so patient.

  15. Didn't I just say in my comment on the previous blog that Dad likes to putter and look at things? I'm right of course ;) LOL. I am like you...come on already. 'Love you Dad' :) I'm not sure I want to know, but I will order the stem cell book also. I looked for books in my library...not much there...a man did survive Leukemia and Lymphoma (including a bone marrow transplant, a hip replacement and a heart transplant) and went on to complete TWO Ironman Triatholons. Now that's quite something...called "Heart of Iron" by Kyle Garlett (his memoir). Hope the rain is staying away!


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