Love those foothills

Monday August 27, 2012
Charlottesville Virginia


It is a lovely morning at Zooland as we pack up to get back on the road.  We are in no hurry so we take another stroll around the grounds.

Back on I-74 it is again a beautiful easy drive on a very nice road.  There is almost no traffic until we get near Greensboro.

Back to Mason Lane 001


We negotiate easily around the city and pick up US 29 which will take us all the way to our destination for the day.  Another lovely driving road in North Carolina   Again the road is nearly empty.  Leaving after 10:00 and arriving before 4:00 seems to be the ticket at least here.


Back to Mason Lane 006

Soon we cross into our 4th state in 4 days.  This is a first time experience for us at this much driving in such a short time.


Back to Mason Lane 008

The road continues to be easy with light traffic and lovely green views as the hills begin to roll.


Back to Mason Lane 009


David decides about 1:00 that he wants a big breakfast.  So I set about trying to find a restaurant in the Lynchburg Virginia area that

a) serves breakfast all day and
b) has a parking lot Winnona towing Ruby on a dolly can get in to.  

I’m hoping we won’t have to get off Route 29.


LOVE internet on the road!!   I discover that Denny’s, Bob Evans and Cracker Barrel do serve breakfast all day.  None of them is on Route 29 but the latter two have restaurants in Lynchburg not too far off the road.  We end up at Bob Evans where David has a decidedly non-vegan breakfast. 


I take my camera in and totally forget to take a picture of him with his breakfast of choice.   But I do memorialize the occasion.  He doesn’t have a long sleeve shirt on because the weather is so cool in Virginia but because the air conditioning is so cold in Bob Evans. 

Back to Mason Lane 010

Why do SO many restaurants and stores have their air conditioning up SO high?  Clearly they are not concerned about their utility bills or the excessive use of energy.


After Lynchburg, we are on the last leg today.  We move into the beautiful foot hills of the Virginia Mountains.  They do not disappoint.   This is familiar territory to us and do I get a wonderful feeling being back in this gorgeous countryside.


Back to Mason Lane 012


Back to Mason Lane 014


Back to Mason Lane 016



Not only is this the foothills of Virginia but it is the home of a lot of small family farms.  We lived in small farm country for years but I’ve never seen this piece of equipment moving at tractor speed down a 4 lane divided highway.  Gotta love these country folks!



Back to Mason Lane 019A



They are really rolling now.  So green, So beautiful!!


Back to Mason Lane 021


  • Back to Mason Lane 026


Back to Mason Lane 023


Back to Mason Lane 027A


We pull into our Moochdocking spot in Charlottesville about 3:30 and get Winnona set up.  She’s got her tire covers on for the first time in 4 days.  This was our longest drive -  214 miles.  We are now officially out of the running for PDD.  Winnona’s ready for a bit of a rest and so are we.  We’re also definitely far enough away from Hurricane Isaac and that’s great!   Thanks Winnona!!


Back to Mason Lane 031


  1. I love the green of Virginia...and the hills, and the sky and the.....

  2. What beautiful country side. Are you going to be at this spot for awhile?

  3. Beautiful views of Virginia!! It looks so green and COOL!! Bet you are forgetting Florida already:o)) Glad you have arrived 'almost' home safe and sound!!

  4. Fickle is my middle name. When I'm in the mountains, I love the mountains best. When I'm on the beach (cool enough to wear a jacket), the beach is my favorite. That's the great part about RVing. David has recovered his stamina, for sure, being able to get so far in so short of a time. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. You two Deserve it.

  5. Must be good to be in 'home country' again. I'm heading out and will be out of internet range for 5 days but will be spending time with grandkiddo's. There will be 10 of us. You will find me down by the Columbia River!

  6. Nice looking, lush and rolling countryside. Glad you have a safe place to mooch.

  7. Enjoy being back in Virgina. Looks beautiful.

  8. So glad that David is feeling better. To drive that far is a good sign! Virginia is such a pretty area..and far enough away from Isaac :)

  9. What a beautiful drive. Some of those roads looked like the trees were hanging a little low? Winona looks so pretty and clean.

  10. We asked the AC question on a cruise a few years ago; the dining room was so cold that we dreaded going to dinner and rushed through the meal. Apparently they do it this way so that they don't provide bacteria with a warm environment in which to proliferate. I never go anywhere there might be AC without a shawl or a sweater.

  11. Virginia sure is beautiful! And green, too!

  12. I probably shouldn't say this, but I don't like the term mooch-docking. I don't consider visiting with family or friends to be mooching. It's more a sharing with each other what each of us has to offer. Please don't be offended. It is not a complaint about your post, it's just one of those dumb little things that gets on my nerves.

    Lots of people seem to like that phrase, I'm just not one of them. How about that for making a mountain out of a mole hill? :)

  13. Virginia certainly is a beautiful state - you are home sweet home - finally. I feel like that deserves a Congratulations to you, Dad, Ruby and Winona - what a team!!!!!!! Rest a bit in the stately foothills - I, at least, like that you're home for a stint :)

  14. Just love seeing the trees and mountains in windshield view. I will always love the lush green hues in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania! I also love the seasons in these areas... well... not so much winter.. only a little winter!! Hope you are both feeling a sense of peace as you get closer to "home" and put Florida behind you for a while. Nice to hear that David got his man-sized breakfast... always a temptation for me too. Hope this helps put a little more meat on his bones and makes him smile! Keep on rollin' to your final destination for a while.

  15. I'm proud of you, you've done well in your PDD training. Now you can kick back and enjoy a nice rest in the hills of Ol' Virginny. Everything looks so nice and green, almost makes me miss our former home state.

    I know you'll love your stay and love even more of the cost of your "campground". :c)

  16. Beautiful photos of the rolling hills of Virginia - sure is a nice looking countryside.

  17. Great to see you kids out and about. His Majesty approves.
    Carry On :))

  18. Meant to add that I agree with Judy! Putting a negative spin on such a positive thing sounds odd. (Let the mole hill grow ;)

    Mooching: present participle of mooch (Verb)
    Verb: 1. Ask for or obtain (something) without paying for it.
    2. Loiter in a bored or listless manner.

  19. Sounds like you are both doing well. We loved Virgina and could definitely spend time there for sure. We really love the Blue Mountain Parkway along with all the hiking in the hills. Enjoy your time there.

    Kevin and Ruth

  20. Those green rolling hills are gorgeous! Enjoy your time there. For the record, I think the term mooch-docking is cute and was intended as a tongue-in-cheek way of differentiating between driveway camping at family/friends and boon-docking. I don't see anything negative about it. It is what it is :)

  21. gorgeous drive and pics are definitely back in the saddle :)..nice to see...I agree with the a/c in public places I am forever lugging a sweater with me where ever we go....

  22. I so love those gorgeous green photos and that beautiful landscape. Something we don't get much out west, even in Oregon. The hardwood forests are so beautiful. Glad to see you rolling along and enjoying yourselves, and safe from the storms of life, all of them

  23. Happy to hear you feed the driver well, after all those miles.


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