Seriously Spiffed Up and Covering the Edge

Monday August 20, 2012
Quail Run RV Park Lot 15
Wesley Chapel Florida


Poor Winnona and Ruby

They have never sat so long in one place before and they are both getting covered up with dirt and green…..well you know.

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We decide that this is a job too big for me alone so we call up Fantasy Car whom we have seen here in the park rescuing other RVs.  We liked the look of their work.

They are a husband and wife team Gary and Donna.  And boy do they work hard. Believe me when I say both these vehicles were in serious need of their work.


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Fantasy Car did a GREAT Job!

They are here for over 4 hours doing a full interior detail and a wash/wax for Ruby as well as headlight restoration on both headlights.  Winnona gets a wash and microfinish paint sealant that is a nanotech acrylic formula which protects against radiant heat, UV rays, rain, salt, snow, sleet, insects, road film, harsh detergents and other environmental contaminants.  It’s supposed to last longer than Carnauba wax. We also had a roof sealant put on for Winnona.  The bill was $280 and more than worth it.  Check out how they look now. 


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We can definitely recommend Fantasy Car.

If you are in the Tampa area, they service within an hour in any direction of Tampa, give them a call.  They do fantastic work.

Thanks Donna and Gary.  We’ll definitely give you a call when we’re back in Florida next Winter.  Maybe we won’t be QUITE so dirty then.

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Since Gary and Donna do all the hard work today, we have a chance to put together a great Vegan Dinner.  

It is a wild rice dish with shitake mushrooms, white beans, dried cranberries and hazelnuts served with red chard steamed in mushroom broth with onions and garlic.  Mighty mighty tasty.


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Earlier while Gary and Donna are hard at work, I go by the mailbox.

I really look forward to this short walk these days.  I’m rewarded with THREE more postcards.   This is so much fun, I may be sorry to leave here at the end of the week.   Well, a little sorry at least.  Not because Quail Run isn’t a fine RV park, it’s been perfect for our needs but any place for two months is a BIG stretch for me.  But I’m know I’m  going to miss these post cards.


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Leanne, who always signs her comments ‘Laurie’s mom’, sent me a postcard from her home in beautiful Salinas, California.  Wow is that gorgeous looking.  Reminds me of  Nova Scotia.   She tells me Salinas is the home of John Steinbeck.  She also informs that you can be in Carmel, Monterey or Big Sur in 45 minutes.  I remember that Steinbeck’s Cannery Row was set in nearby Monterey but in my mind, when I read the book, it didn’t look like this. AND further she entices, it was 75 there today. You don’t work for the Chamber of Commerce do you Leanne?  If it wasn’t 2800 miles from here to there, I’d be on my way for sure.  Laurie you are a lucky girl to have such a neat mom who lives in such a breath taking place.   Thanks Leanne!


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My sister in law Carol sends an a postcard that she must have kept around for a year now waiting for just the right place to send it.  It is of the village of Cortona in Tuscany.  She and David’s brother Roger stayed there before a cruise of the Greek Isles. Yes she lives a very tough life.  J  Sadly, I’m pretty sure Winnona can’t swim so we won’t be RVing to Cortona but it is a really interesting looking Medieval village that I would love to visit.  I just need another life or two in order to do everything I really want.  Thanks Carol!


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And from my darling Carrie I receive a postcard from a vacation she took last week to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  One of my very favorite places. She went to Corolla which is at the far northern end as far away as you can get from the crowds and hubbub.  My girl and I like many of the same things.    J  We’ve taken her to the Outer Banks several times over the years beginning when she was just a toddler and continuing on into her adulthood.  We stayed on the ocean front.  We all have fond memories of those days and hope to have many many more ocean visits.  This is a place I know I will see again so thanks Carrie for sending me a postcard of a place special in my heart from one I love with all my heart.  Kisses from your Mama.


The entire edge of the mirror is now surrounded in post cards.  Doesn’t it look GRAND??


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  1. The card from Cortona made me laugh. When two of my granddaughters were about 3 and 4, their Mom and Dad went to Hawaii. As a treat, we slept in the Motorhome. Each night before they went to sleep I asked them where they wanted to go. So, we "went" to Ohio, Florida, California, etc. One night, the little one said, "Gramma, let's go to Hawaii!" I told her we couldn't because the motorhome wouldn't float and there was a big ocean between us and Hawaii. Her response to me was, "Let's try it, anyway."

    I sure wish I could find those postcards I know I stashed.

  2. The mirror looks great, and so does the car and Winona. we have so much grime and dirt on the Tiffin, we're embarrassed to show up at a park. None of the parks in Maine will let you wash the rig, so we have to wait. We need a professional job that's for sure, although Eldy is trying his best to get some of the dirt off with the washless stuff he has. Dinner looks interesting...looking forward to seeing you guys again, one of these days..I need a taste test to be convinced about kale!

  3. Ruby and Winnona really shine! They look almost as bright as your smile. That was an excellent price for four hours of labor by two people. Nice to know there are super people till out there that do quality work.

    With all those postcards on your mirror, it must be getting harder to style your hair (yours, not David's - yet!) Hopefully the postcards don't put you over your CCC. ;c)

  4. WOW, Ruby and Winnona look MARVELOUS!!!! I bet you can't wait to hit the road. Any plans yet?!?!

  5. Wow - I needed my sunglasses to look at Ruby and Winnona - shiny! :-) Corolla is such a cool place to be!

  6. Love the look of Winnona & Ruby! George is starting to look at Harvey and frown. From sitting there almost a year, he needs his outsides washed too.. (Harvey, not George!)
    My Mom loves reading everyone's blogs, and lives vicariously through everyone. She just emailed me yesterday saying she's jealous they never took the step to full-time :(

  7. Looks like all of you are rip roarin and ready to go!

  8. Saw on the news of a hurricane coming to Tampa, r u guys going to be gone by then? Hope so! You sure don't need that!!!

  9. Oh, my goodness, forgot the wash/wax job!!! How neat they both look! I need that REALLY badly for Bonnie!!!

  10. Your mirror looks very grand but Ruby and Winnona look grander! I am amazed! They just glisten! That was an excellent price and you definitely got your money's worth.

  11. Hey, I just read about a hurricane??? Is that true, or Facebook? Are you four gettin' outta town?

  12. Your dinner looked wonderful. How about the recipe?

  13. I'm glad you came up with the idea of the postcards. I've enjoyed seeing the mirror's edge become covered.
    Mobile wash/wax is a great idea. I just gave Tawanda a bath today though.

  14. Those folks did a super job and your vehicles look terrific. I recently had my Toyota Highlander detailed inside and out, and I still can't believe how the dashboard is still shining!

  15. Oh my! Ruby and Winnona look FANTASTIC!! Those folks did an excellent job!

    Your mirror looks great too! Lots of dreaming going on I'm sure.

  16. What a great idea for a business ... Beautiful work! Love the postcards ;) so cute

  17. Love the post cards and Ruby and Winona look great!

  18. Ruby and Winnona look great! Well done Fantasy Cars- I'm glad Winnona is real and not a fantasy of course ;) Yay that you got my postcard! What sweet words - I love you with all my heart too!

  19. Well you look already for the big trip. Are you glad to go back to your home for a while, or have you decided on a new place for the next few months. I am sure where ever you go it will be fun and we can all see pictures along the way. Get out of there before the storm.

  20. Great cleaning up and detailing job on your vehicles, they look like new.

    From weather reports it looks like it might be time to 'get outta Dodge'!

  21. I really liked Last Of the Dogmen too!!! It was a good movie. Like it when they have a weird concept to them, like that could happen!!! who is to say?

  22. That is a terrific price you got for having the work done on the rig and car!

  23. Wow, Winnona and Ruby are looking great! It amazes me how dirty the Casita can get even when there's nothing over him for the dirt to come from, how does that work? lol.

    Dinner looks tasty, a lot more cooking involved than what I manage in the RV. I hope Isaac doesn't cause you too much trouble down there, take care!

  24. I'm a little behind on the blog but still here. Send Fantasy car up here to Marylamd - we've got lots of work for them!!! Ehat a bargain. Re: Cotona - you can rent RV's in Europe, NZ, Australia etc. The quaint old cities away from the major cities are truly amazing - it's like life has remained untouched for the last millenium.


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