Carrie Leaves & Early Morning at Gifford Pinchot State Park

Thursday September 13, and Friday September 14, 2012
Gifford Pinchot State Park Site B311
Lewisberry, PA


Hope I don’t confuse you after yesterday’s Fall Equinox post. This is another post of what else was going on while David was in the hospital in Pennsylvania, One more from the past and then I’ll be back to the present again.  Sorry for the confusion.


Each day I try to do at least one thing in addition to standing  stand guard at the hospital.



Carrie cancels an appointment for Wednesday evening and stays over to be able to see her dad a few more times.  But she has to get back today.  We drive together over to the hospital and on the way stop at BRUSTERS!!   Amazingly, Brusters is right off I 83 on our way to and from the hospital.  I am thankful for the Serendipity!  They have no Jamaica Me Crazy but promise to make me some for tomorrow.  GOTTA LOVE BRUSTERS!!  We get pumpkin cheesecake a nice choice for fall and it tasted just like pumpkin pie.




We stay at the hospital until nearly dinner time and monitor what is happening.  He will eat and then sleep.  Carrie drives home and I go back to Winnona until tomorrow.

I have some dinner and watch the sun set over the lake just across from our campsite.  It is beautiful here.

Sunset and DGB 011

Sunset and DGB 023


I call him around 9pm to see how everything is and find that his fever has spiked again.  At 8:00 it is 101.6 so they start the administration of the antibiotic doxycycline.  I trust this will take care of the fever but I won’t know until Friday.





Early mornings at Gifford Pinchot are wonderful. I love being up early.

It is so quiet here and the week-end warriors haven’t descended yet.
I am up very early to go running and enjoy the solitude.  Notice the empty sites all around us.


Gifford Pinchot Site B311


Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (3)A


Each morning at sunrise and often at sunset if I am around, I hear the geese calling as they fly down the the waterway.  It is a beautiful sound. 





Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (2)


I hope you can see the geese off in the distance winging their way toward me.

They are the gray dots in the sky and  reflected in the water.



The temperatures have dropped into the low 50’s at night.  Great sleeping weather and wonderful for early morning running.  They bring the mist on the lake which is lovely.  It adds to the solitude and beauty.


Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (28)A


As I walk to and from the bathhouse, here is what I see.


Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (26)


Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (27)


And the views as I walk back to Winnona.

Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (4)


Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (8) 


Gifford Pinchot Site B311 (9)


It is wonderful to have this spot of calm before returning the hospital where I spend the day in consternation over Harrisburg Hospital and sending emails to David’s doctors at Moffitt finally resulting in the wonder drug shots mentioned at the time in an earlier post.  Click here to read it if you have not already.

I return home late and exhausted but pleased as I expect him to rally now.


  1. I know David has wonderful Dr's at Moffett, but he sure has a guardian angel of a wife who fights for his very life!!! What a great job you are doing Sherrie.

  2. Need to find that PA State Park!! We are near French Creek SP and checked it out yesterday. Did a hike, but the park is nothing special... Gifford Pinchot looks wonderful. So glad you are able to get the right treatment for David... you are a wonderful advocate!!!!

  3. What a lovely park. Maybe when we're back in the area we'll stay there..

  4. Looks like a nice place to call "home"!

  5. I love the sunset photos and the cg looks very nice.

    I am a bit confused though. Are you guys back home now?

  6. Beautiful campground! Especially with all those empty sites :)

  7. Gorgeous shots Sherry...what an excellent job you are doing staying on top of all the health issues and treatments...David is definitely blessed to have you in his corner!!!

  8. Beautiful pictures of the Pinchot lake - I'm sorry I missed the pretty colors around sunset while I was there. There was definitely beauty there - a good thing since the hospital (or the experience there) was definitely not beautiful.


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