And What Else??

Wednesday October 17, 2012
Greenfield Mountain Farm


What else has been going on OTHER than the house work?  Well, there’s leaf peeping.


It’s finally starting to look like fall here so I’ve been getting all the eye candy I can since we will be gone before the peak.  Sure wish it would have come sooner.

Oaks and Willows are my favorite trees.  Weeping willows and any kind of oaks – white, red, black, live…… although I really am partial to White Oaks.  The farm house is full of white oak furniture and one of the ways I knew Winnona was the one for me was by her interior white oak wood which sadly it seems no one uses anymore.   Guess I’ll just have to keep her forever.


Monday 021


But in the fall, those maples are just hard to beat.  They just stand up and shout LOOK AT ME!  


Monday 011A


 Monday 015



Along with leaf peeping, there’s Girl Watching…..


I dropped by to see Carmen who I suppose is technically my niece in law but suffice it to say that she’s family.  And now she and my nephew Justin have another addition to their family.  Little Norah is two and a half and a busy busy girl - hard to pin down for a picture but Carmen grabs her just in time.  :-)


Monday 025


Baby Elise was tired out (or bored??) by the whole thing.  Aren’t they 3 beautiful girls!   What a fun time I had reading books and chatting.


Monday 033


I brought the girls matching sleepers.  Their first “sister” outfits Carmen tells me and she was gracious enough to make them model them even though it isn’t quite cold enough yet and she sent me this picture.


Don’t they look like “the cat’s meow” modeling their kitty pajamas?   check out those feet.  Thanks Carmen!


the walton cats 




Kitty feet









And there’s always DONUTS!!


Long time followers know, there can’t be a trip to Charlottesville without SPUDNUTS.


Sunday 014A


Coconut, my favorite, don’t they look DELICIOUS??   Well those 4 that are missing definitely were.

Sunday 016


While you are out tramping around in those woods doing all that leaf peeping you’d better beware cause that poison ivy is a creepin’ around.

this one final picture and this one is for Terri who must have remembered my mentioning this on a LONG ago blog and asked me about it when she came to visit. 

We swear by Octagon soap as THE poison ivy prevention system.  When you get back from hiking in these here eastern deciduous forests hop in the shower and wash off with octagon and I promise if you don’t miss any spots, you will not get the rash.  Throw the clothes in the laundry first and don’t touch them until wash day.  The oil is on them too.  But Octagon will take it off of your skin.


I receive no royalties or commission on the sale of Octagon soap. It’s just a GREAT product.Sunday 018


Pretty sure it’s available in most grocery stores but I’ve got a bar for you Terri just in case.  We’re leaving for Florida in the morning so meet us down there and pick it up.  OK??   :-))  And ya’ll come too ya’ heah??


  1. I've never heard of that soap. But have bought a special liquid soap when someone had the rash from poison ivy. Have a good trip down to Florida.

  2. You're such a sweetie pie! Thanks for picking up the soap. Now we really will have to be sure to come see you down in Florida.

    The girls look adorable in their kitty sleepers. And love the slippers too. Just precious!

    So happy the leaves finally changed for you to bid you a fond farewell.

  3. Sherry I live in Oak Grove. Can you imagine the beautiful leaves I'm enjoying around here.? I picked up a handful on my walk yesterday, pressed them between wax paper, then layed them out along with some acorns, and mini pumpkins for a fall display in my dining room. I love walking, hearing the leaves crunching under my feet.
    The sleepers are so cute, especially on two cute little girls.

  4. Your colors are looking pretty good. Love, love, love the PJs. Thank goodness I was never bothered by the poison ivy.

  5. Glad you got a little bit of the beautiful fall colors. Love that Maple!!!

    Still warm down here, but not too bad.

    Safe travels and hope to see you:o))

  6. Never hear of that soap, will it wash away bad ideas too?
    Have a safe trip and enjoy West Florida.

  7. Never heard of this soap ... thanks for the tip.

  8. The leaves are gorgeous - thanks for sharing the pics! Don't think we will see any colors where we are! Dan swears by Dawn soap for getting rid of the oil from poison ivy. :-)

  9. Al thinks he tried that soap. He is highly sensitive to poison ivy and can get itchy just by walking near it. We had it growing around the perimeter of our yard and he couldn't walk or even mow within 20 feet of it.

  10. looks like your enjoying the same colors as we have here...gorgeous kids...we're also off to fl within the next couple of weeks :) and I can't wait its getting mighty cold here..hope David is doing well...

  11. Your colors are gorgeous! Especially the Maple.

    I've never heard of that soap either. I don't think it's as widely available as you think :) It would be handy to have around though.

  12. They are cute kids:) They do move fast, we have our 19 month granddaughter today and I am already getting tired.

  13. Nice jammies for the girls. Hope they don't outgrow them too soon. Kids have a way of doing that.

    Colgate soap, can it do double duty as toothpaste, too? ;c)

  14. Great pics of the kids. I love the donuts too!

  15. Those 'jammies' are darling!!! and the Spudnuts made me drool!!! Leaves are beautiful..

  16. Those jammies are adorable!!! It is so great to read back through your recent posts and catch up again. I am so glad that the house was finished on time, it looks wonderful. Glad also that David's numbers are doing well. That soap never worked for me with California poison oak, I used Technu as well and hated it and it didn't work either. I think it may have to do with how sensitive one is and I am extremely so. ugh. Worst part about my california job was the poison oak. Glad THAT is over!

  17. Somehow the sight of bright red maple leaves, along with their yellow cousins, does it for me. We've have had the pleasure of seeing all kinds of colors on our first journey.

  18. We love looking at the trees at this time of year. They are just past their peak here (near Ottawa, Ontario) but we should see a nice show of them as we drive through Pennsylvania early next week.

    Those two girls are just adorable in those sleepers.

    Kevin and Ruth

  19. Beautiful images of fall and sweet photos of the girls in their new jammies. Wishing you a good trip back to Florida. We hope to meet up with you there in November!

  20. Great pictures - in fact, I don't think you missed the peak of the leaves - you saw them on your journey south :) I had to smile at Elise and Norah - my goodness are they adorable in their 'sister outfits' - too cute!!! And...a whole box of coconut!! You must be in heaven about those ;)

  21. Beautiful leaves. I love the oak too. The red veins in them always stand out against the green that is left. The sleepers were adorable.


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