Hanging out & voting results

Sunday November 4, 2012
Salt Springs Campground Site 81
Salt Springs, Florida


First the current news:  25 responses (including us-we voted absentee) reported 35 people voted and 7 did not.  That means from this admittedly teeny tiny sample, RVers are voting in greater numbers from mostly on the road than folks in their stix and brixs.  83% voted.  17% did not.   Although I couldn’t get the published statistics for yesterday’s election turn out I think I’m safe in saying that it isn’t anywhere close to 83%.   GOOD FOR US!!



And now back to the past -

Yes this post is dated a few days ago even though I’m just getting around to posting it.  The date is for me so I’ll know when we did these things.


We hung out with some great folks today.  I didn’t get very good pictures of them but it was 2 hours of wonderful times.

Salt Springs Saturday 010


We pulled the kayaks from the campground down to the boat ramp on their wheels.  I’d say it’s about 1/4 mile.  We stowed the wheels inside the compartments and launched out into the Salt Springs Run.






Salt Springs Saturday 011

It’s a BIG run.  Looks like a river itself and flows  4 miles in to Lake George  We were looking to see if we could paddle down and back.  Looks like that depends a lot on the wind.  Although I have read some reviews that said it wasn’t a great paddle because of the power boats and especially the air boats.  So I doubt that we will do it.

The springs are of course closed to boating but you can get within looking distance of them as did several much bigger boats than we.



I had no more than shoved off the bank when a nose the size of a dinner plate rose above the water and blew out some air announcing the presence of Manatee.  Thank goodness I didn’t jump high enough to fall out of the kayak.  I sure wasn’t expecting manatee.


Salt Springs Saturday 017 Mom was BIG and rolled over too fast for my wimpy camera


They were much too fast for my camera that seems to have to think about every picture it takes after I press the shutter button.  So the manatee would come up, I’d be focused and ready, I’d click and they were gone by the time the camera could get its act together.   I really need a camera that is quicker on the draw.   Should have returned this one when I could but……….


Salt Springs Saturday 019AThat’s a baby nose in the middle middle of those back ripples.


We spent two hours on a gorgeous day just watching a cow and her two calves swimming and playing around.  


We weren’t the only manatee watchers.

Salt Springs Saturday 050


Salt Springs Saturday 016



There were others on and around the water.



Everyone was enjoying themselves in what passes for fall in Florida.  High today was 81 and low was 55.   Just about perfect.


Salt Springs Saturday 038


Salt Springs Saturday 035


We didn’t get many manatee pictures and we didn’t paddle a lot but hanging out with manatee and floating along on a great fall day is hard to beat.


Salt Springs Saturday 014


  1. Looks like a great day and how fun to see manatees, which I've never seen.

  2. SO glad to see you out doing what you love!!!
    Re: Luci...i think i was so accomodating the last couple of weeks when she was in pain & catered to her every need exactly when she wanted something :) she thinks this behavior should continue!!!

  3. I am hoping to visit Salt Springs Recreation area in a month or so. Your pictures make me more anxious than ever. I understand that cell service and internet is near non-existent there. Did you post from there after all or have to find a connection elsewhere?

    I know your challenges have been exhausting but I am glad you have been able to glide over the bumps gracefully. Life is certainly difficult isn't it as a caregiver.

    Thoughts are with you

    Sue (Just BS!)

  4. oh oh oh wanna see a manatee..... what fun! I'm heading on down but then I want to go to South Padre Island too ... well? I got lots of stuff to do ...

    Sooooo glad your up and out and having fun and helping me make decisions of where to go next!

  5. So glad to see you are getting to at least have a little pleasure in your stressful life. This is a nice time of year to be in FL.

  6. Wowee! Manatee! How wonderful! Glad you guys are having some fun! Sometime in the far future, check out Nikon Cool PIx point and shoots...pretty fast shutter, IMHO. :-)

  7. I enjoyed your non-scientific poll, I think you were much more accurate than all the talking heads on all the networks that endlessly told us their opinions. What a bunch of bloviated egotists.

    How much better to enjoy nature and watch manatees, it puts things in proper perspective.

  8. Those temperatures sound wonderful! MUCH better than the last time you were in Florida.

    Love the picture of the dog "observing" the manatees. Too cute.

  9. Ahhhh... sounds like the Florida temps are absolutely perfect this time of year (at least that would be perfect for ME). Glad both of you are able to get out and actually enjoy life a little. I would love to see the manatee. I know Karissa talked about them when they lived in Key West... Dan had a boat... and they would see them from their boat. Hope the "observant dog" doesnt get too interested and decide to jump in....We are off to Austin/San Antonio soon to celebrate Thanksgiving. Calling for a little snow tonite.. then beautiful temps in the 60s and perhaps early 70s and sunshine for the weekend. Hoping David's energy level stays up... and you can both enjoy these beautiful days in Florida......

  10. Great photos - I sure enjoyed seeing all that blue sky and water.

  11. I can't wait to see a manatee..looks like you had a good day :)...we left Myrtle beach this morning...and are in woodbine GA for the night across the state line into Fl tomorrow...we have been freezing since we left home..save me some of that weather :)

  12. Happy to see you guys out enjoying nature.

  13. Looks like a great day on the water. Not sure where Salt Springs is, but glad you are having some fun. We are looking forward to getting out in our kayaks in the bay here near Bradenton Beach. Hope to be lucky enough to see some Manatee too.

  14. What a wonderful day you had. The water looks really good. And to see the Manatee that is really cool.

  15. Those FL temps are looking mighty good just about now ... but at least we didn't get any snow. Feel so bad for all those people north of us who got a double whammy to start off the season.

  16. Manatee - what a wonderful surprise! A sunny day on the water with company - can't ask for much more :)


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