Moving On

Friday November 16, 2012
Site 81 Salt Springs Recreation Area
Salt Springs, Florida



Friday is our final day at Salt Springs.  We just kept extending and extending.  But now we have to move on to Walkabout Campground in Georgia tomorrow night and then to pick up Carrie at the Savannah Airport on our way to Hunting Island State Park in South Carolina on Sunday.


There are some fun things happening on our last day though.


We walk over to Square Meal for one last visit.  Along the way we pass a GIANT elephant ear.  These things amaze me.  Maybe Adam and Eve actually used these and not fig leaves.  You could fashion an entire outfit. I swear the leaves are bigger than me.


Last Day at Salt Springs (11)


Last Day at Salt Springs (10) 


We find more interesting things as we walk through the parking lot.
You gotta love small towns.  No wonder some folks come and stay at Salt Springs for up to 6 months in the winter.  The library comes to you.
My kind of place.


Last Day at Salt Springs (12)


Last Day at Salt Springs (13)


This time we sit in The Square Meal’s “back room”


Last Day at Salt Springs (16) 


Last Day at Salt Springs (31)


where we read the latest and our last issue of The Coffee News

Last Day at Salt Springs (30)


We’ve come for a taste of their home made peanut butter pie drizzled with chocolate and a taste is all that is left by the time I get out my camera. 


Last Day at Salt Springs (15)



After all that fuel, David decides he is ready to take his first trip up on the roof in over 10 months.  He’s going to clean off the slide toppers which have gotten rather green sitting under the live oaks for a month.  Another testimony to how far he’s come and how close to “normal” he’s feeling.


Last Day at Salt Springs (27)


Last Day at Salt Springs (24)



Our neighbors are out exercising.

Last Day at Salt Springs (29)



And look who moves in across the way just before dark.  Can’t wait to go out and meet them but it is fully dark by the time they get their set up done.  Hope to catch them in the morning. 


Last Day at Salt Springs (4)


We finish our day with the usual dishes and reading routine.  The reading is Marjorie Kinnan Rawling’s Cross Creek.  All is definitely well.


Last Day at Salt Springs (17)


  1. Really glad to see 'normal' happening :) We stayed at Walkabout on our way south. Such lovely aussies there :)

  2. Peanut butter pie-Hmm-might have to try that:) David is braver than me, I no longer go on the roof for routine maintenance, I have hopefully had my last nasty fall for any heights:)

  3. So glad David is feeling more and more like his old self! We always enjoy seeing the many different types of RVs that come into campgrounds, like the "Ecowomb Tour" bus that came through this past summer up in Bar Harbor.

  4. Cute little bus... love to see all the oldies. I like the slower pace of travel that you are doing right now... It allows one to really explore and get to know the local area. Ack David, I have trouble staying upright on dry land and there you are up on top!! Be SAFE!

  5. So glad David is feeling better. Love the VW. Always wanted one. Safe travels.

  6. Hmmm -- I've got a recipe for peanut butter pie. That sounds good. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Glad you're having such a good time. Hunting Island! I've been there--the beach is beautiful! No swimming this time of year, though, Sherry! So happy David is feeling so well.

  8. So thankful to see how well David is doing. It's been fun seeing Florida through your eyes. Happy travels on to your next stop.

  9. I need to try that pie! Sounds awesome!

  10. Peaunt Butter Pie with chocolate drizzle! Glad to see you're eating healthy again... ;c)

    Nice to see David up on the roof, relieving you of that chore. He's come a long way and deserved that Peanut Butter Pie! :c)

  11. Annie cleaned off our solar panels this afternoon. I don't know what's gotten into these spouses of ours.

    Love the microbus - do you already know the residents?

  12. Normal is good ... good to see David feeling like his old self.

  13. I like to read the Coffee News too ... I've found, howevere, that even though the little town is different ... the goofy jokes are still the same ... I guess they just change the local iformation ... fun

    Gee that sounds like such a neat place. Glad Daviid is doing so well... love your home... I'm thinking of a little trailer ... a Casita or Scamp ... gotta have a place for my g'kids to come and play but I can still be mobile.

    See? I cant loll about like you and David are doing and enjoying the evening in Homer.. he's well? I'm sitting here now at a Walmart parking lot .. wiith my iPhone in its steering wheel cradle and my bluetooth keyboard in my lap ... wishing I could put on my jams and have a cup of something and relax ... instead I'm watching people drive in and oiut ... I reeeeeally hate the boom box in and outers.

    You think I might be envious of your home? hahaaa ... y'all are looking goiod!

  14. So happy David is feeling better and life is getting back to normal.

  15. It's good to see David doing so well. Glad you're enjoying your travels.

  16. Hartford, CT has a mobile library too - I thought that was neat! Dad looks much more excited about the food than the Coffee News - go figure ;) Nice to see him way up high doing things he used to - great progress for sure. Walkabout sounds like a fun place!


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