
Thursday November 22, 2012
Hunting Island State Park Site 83
Hunting Island South Carolina


Today was Thanksgiving and we had the traditional huge spread. 
We do a flexitarian meal for holidays. 
Too much food as always but Oh so good!


Southern Tier Pumking, an imperial pumpkin ale, for the 2 beer lovers



Even preparations of a ridiculously HUGE meal in a teeny tiny kitchen are fun.






Green beans almondine look lovely in Great Great Great Grandmother Elizabeth Hoerner’s serving dish. 
It’s the one vintage dish we made room for in our travels.




A full plate




Where did it all go????

Thanksgiving 007


Pumpkin pie looks a bit undressed before whipped cream.




But look now

Thanksgiving 023A


It’s been a very rough year for us and on this day we are thankful to David’s medical team for bringing him to this point however long it may last.  He is nearly back to his former stamina and we three are most grateful for that above everything else.


We are very thankful for each other and that we can be together on this day.


We are thankful for all friends and family who have stood so steadfastly beside us during this trial.  You can never know how much you have meant to us.


We are thankful for the freedom to still be on the road and to be able so far to financially deal with what this year has brought us. 
With no idea what the future may bring we are grateful for each day we can continue this life we love.


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from the 3 of us!!!


Thanksgiving 006


  1. Hahaha! I love the shot of the fire starter thingie on the kitchen counter as you are preparing your dinner. Who else but an RVer can relate to that being an essential and everyday kitchen utensil? Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving. Hugs!

  2. Cooking a holiday dinner in an RV can certainly pose its challenges, can't it? But it's so worth it! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

  3. I couldn't decide if your daughter was cutting up for the photo with Dad or near comatose from carbo overload! lol So glad that the three of you were able to spend the holiday together. Holiday Blessings to you this day.... you all deserve it!

  4. Even a tiny kitchen brings you all together in love, and that's a Whole lot to be thankful for.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. So glad that Carrie was able to be with you today. We are all thankful for you too :)

  6. so glad you could all be Laurie said we are all thankful for you also :)

  7. What wonderful photos of such a fun time!! Happy Thanksgiving indeed!!!! Here's to many, many more:o)))

  8. A feast indeed ... and shared as a family ... indeed something for which to be thankful.

  9. Nice looking cozy Thanksgiving for you all.

  10. What a wonderful post about your wonderful day. David looks great and the 3 of you together look very happy.

  11. Happy day after Thanksgiving to y'all. It looks like you had a wonderful day. I spent it with my father and cooked way too much food, too, but really love the leftovers. Safe travels! -- Pam

  12. Happy thanksgiving and day after. What are you doing?

  13. It is an example of true family love, cooking a big Thanksgiving meal in a little RV kitchen. Bet lots of bum bumping went on.

    We're so glad to see David is almost back to his normal self, (even with his hair back). It is wonderful to see you all together, we're thankful to have you as friends. :c)

  14. Happy Day After! Beautiful family. Y'all look fantastic. Stay that way.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving to you all - great blog and a beautiful family photo to end it.

  16. What a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have all followed your uncomfortable year and prayed for David's well-being. Seeing you together enjoying the holiday is very gratifying. We wish you all the best in the coming years. My kitchen is small, but yours is smaller. Yet your dinner is grand. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Your love and dedication to each other is inspiring, and I'm thankful to your for allowing us to follow along. I look forward to each update!

  18. Your 3G-Grandmother's serving dish is absolutely gorgeous! What a treasure. I'm so glad David is to this point where you can be so positive and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your daughter.

  19. Glad u all are together & things are going well... Dinner looked wonderful!!

  20. Great blog and pictures - you really captured a lot of what was great about the day :) And, your list of what we're thankful for - all very true. Fantastic day! I'm so lucky to have such fun and loving parents - more thankful than you know for that :)


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