Carrie comes for the Holidays

Wednesday-Thursday December 19-20, 2012
Site 6 Oscar Scherer State Park
Osprey Florida


While I love that salt air, it’s not very good for Winnona and Ruby.


We’ve been at ocean front campgrounds for a month now.  First at Hunting Island and now at Gamble Rogers.  So when we leave this morning we go by the automatic car wash to give Winnona a bath and hopefully get the accumulation of salt off of her before it does any damage.   David has taken Ruby over on Tuesday to check out the facilities and washed her and hosed off underneath. 

Cost today, $12.50 to do Winnona.  Seems like a bargain.  Of course I was on the ground feeding the quarters and switching the dial from soap to rinse and back.


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We drive the 215 miles to Oscar Scherer separately.


I have three stops to make on my way.  The first is an appointment at my father’s bank to work on his financial affairs.  The second is a stop by his house to make sure everything is still fine.  The house is on the market but there hasn’t been much traffic hopefully because of the holidays.  I’d really like to get it sold. 

My third stop is the best.  I pick up Carrie at the Tampa airport and we head down to Oscar Scherer. 

David drives straight there.  It’s a long drive for us both and a way too busy day for me.



Carrie can’t wait to get to the beach. Like Mother like Daughter??




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We got in late last night and did only the minimum set up.  So this morning Carrie and I go out running and David takes the bikes off the car.   After a late breakfast we pack up for the beach.  It is a beautiful day with a predicted high of 81 so we take the kayaks up to the park’s picnic area where there is a launch site and lock them to the rental rack.  That way we don’t have to drive them around for two weeks or take them down and put them back on the car multiple times in order to use them.



It’s a windy day but beautiful.

Carrie loses no time getting her feet in the water.  It’s cold at first but not after you’ve been in a while although she doesn’t decide to put on her suit and go in as a few people do. 

Just having her feet in the waters of the gulf on December 20th seems amazing enough to her having just flown in from Baltimore, Maryland.


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We are at Nokomis Beach just north of Venice.  The shells are piled nearly a foot deep at the water line.  It’s amazing.


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We fiddle the day away, reading, walking the beach, people watching, bird watching, and shell seeking.

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After spending all afternoon at the beach, in the sun,  we’re HUNgry.
Time to head home for dinner.


David’s DElicious tempeh burritos with red chard. YUM!!

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And JMC for dessert!

(yes another HALF gallon was procured before we left Gamble Rogers so we’d have plenty in this area of no Brusters)


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Having loads of fun already.  So happy to have her here with us for the holidays!!


  1. what a beautiful family. It is so great that you can all be together, and at the beach, no less. Love all those shells. Merry Christmas!

  2. She just brightens your life! Glad you have Carrie there for the holiday. Merry Christmas to all 3 of you!

  3. SHELLS!! goodness, LOTS of them :)
    Have a very Merry to all of you!!!

  4. Don't know if it was such a good idea to bring Carrie down for the holidays. That means you have to share your JMC ice cream with one more person... ;c)

    Wishing y'all a happy time together over the holidays.

  5. I'm not really a beach person like you and your daughter are, but I do enjoy looking for shells. I know you'll enjoy your holiday with Carrie. Have fun!

  6. Tempeh! Love that stuff. Love ocean stuff, too. But, I'm cold right now, and thinking about swimming makes me goosebumpy.

  7. That is a great deal to wash the rig. I have never had a quote less than $100 for those guys who come around. I will gladly load the quarters:)

  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope the three of you have a wonderful time.

  9. Merry Christmas to you, David and Carrie!

  10. Gorgeous collection of shells and nice you have clear skies. Have a Merry Christmas with your family.

  11. Looks like a fantastic start for your time together with your daughter. Happy holidays!

  12. I'll bet Carrie's loving her break from the Maryland cold and into those 81 degree temps. Have a great time with her!

  13. The salt air is so good for us but so rough on everything else...go figure?!?!?

    Always fun when Carrie's around:0))

    Merry Christmas and tons of fun and sunshine!!!!

  14. How nice that Carrie got to come down for Christmas and that you were able to get a site at Oscar Scherer. Al said we need to have you reserve sites for us!

    The shells are beautiful. I think you'll probably get more warm beach days on the Gulf Coast verses the Atlantic. I hope so anyway.

    I would sure like the recipe for the tempeh buritos. Did you just chop and cook the chard?

  15. Nice idea to use a car wash to get the salt off; we did that here at NS Mayport ... but we won't always be near a base that allows washing the rig. Merry Christmas ... great that Carrie was able to join you to celebrate.

  16. Hope you have great holidays- lots of beach time- with Carrie :)

  17. So great to see your daughter Carrie with you for Christmas. And, that beach looks wonderful with all those seashells.

    Merry Christmas to you, David and Carrie.

  18. While you're out shelling, be sure to look for megalodon teeth. They're prehistoric shark, and their little black teeth are prevalent on Gulf Coast beaches.

    I wish you, David, and Carrie a very Merry Christmas!

  19. 81º! shells and shorts and ... it's about to snow here... where did I go wrong... jeeeeeez

    Happy family ... so nice to see ;)

    Merry Christmas, Sherry!

  20. Great photos - especially of me :) Beautiful shells and great food! Warm weather and the beach - what a life! So much fun :)


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