Last Disney Day

Saturday January 12, 2013
Site 330 Fort Wilderness
Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida



We love that our front window view is of a trail rather than another RV.

We aren’t in the RV much to enjoy the nice view out our window but this morning we look up and see the Segway “hike”.  What a riot!  I look  it up and you pay $85 for this 2 hour “hike”.  The path across from us goes over to the marina and I don’t think I’ve seen any other paths going off of it but there were clearly a lot of people who wanted to do this on a Saturday morning.  Apparently they take you all around Fort Wilderness.  Looks like more fun than taking the bus to see the area that’s for sure.  Of course it’s a lot more expensive too since the bus is free.


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We have a rib sticking breakfast of Steel Cut Oats, blueberries, pomegranate seeds and almonds, then head out to visit with Al and Karen of Wish Upon an RV Star.  They had left a note on our door the day before giving us their site number.   We have a great time chatting with them.  In fact it was so great that neither of us took any pictures.  Too busy talking. ;-))  They are having some rig troubles and are having to alter their plans a bit to get them taken care of including a trip to Indiana during the winter.  Ouch!!   But right now they are here to have a good time with family at Disney World.  We wish them the best on both fronts.


We take the boat over to the Magic Kingdom for our last day



Lithia springs site 40 007We thought about doing Hollywood Studios but I want to see the Electric Light Parade which they did every night when we brought Carrie years ago. My memories of it are as one of the highlights of this “kingdom” .Apparently they stopped doing it but have recently added it back again.  So rather than go into a new “kingdom” and figure it out, we decide to take it easy and just go back to the Magic Kingdom.  We’ll just do Hollywood next time and today we’ll do all the parades and shows that we missed on Wednesday in the Magic Kingdom.   It is such a happy place. 


We pass right under the monorail on our boat trip.  We haven’t ridden it yet so we take it when we get there and ride all the way around.  It’s still, after all these years,  a great mode of transportation.


Our first show of the day starts almost as soon as we arrive.

Today when we enter the Magic Kingdom we are greeted not by the trolley as on Wednesday but by the fire engine and dancers. 


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Now for the first parade.

We make our way up Main Street to the front of the castle where we have great spots for the first parade A Dream Come True.

Stilts seem to be in for Disney World parades, we’ve seen them in all 3 places.


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There are lots of wrapped presents on the floats and the parade stops right in front of us for some audience participation dancing led by the fella high atop the Mickey and Minnie float.


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Many of the Disney characters are part of the parade.  Chip and Dale are among my favorites.  The party ends with unique Disney confetti.  The scrap bookers were all over it making a lot less of a mess for the street cleaners who followed immediately after the parade left.  This is a VERY clean park.


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Immediately after the parade they announce that the show Wishes will follow shortly on the Castle stage so we move up a bit and sat down. 


This is such a great place for people watching.

Would you call the ears an accessory to this outfit??


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Some princesses are having a less than happy moment.

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Tinkerbell and her pirate are distracted while waiting.

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It turns out Donald Duck is not a believer.  Who knew??

The show soon starts and grabs everyone’s attention.  It seems that Donald Duck does not believe in Wishes……….gasp……… lots of princes and princesses are going to set him straight.


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Even Peter Pan and Wendy.


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Until ….. the villains show up.

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But of course Wishes Do Come True prevails and everyone lives happily ever after.

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We start wandering again.

Walking over the bridge we get this lovely view. 

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We stop by the Crystal Palace which has a fabulous view of Cinderella’s Palace.

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Next door there is a piano man.  We stay a while and listen

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Back down on Main Street near the train station, there she goes again…………

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We turn around and the Dapper Dans are just starting.  They dance, they sing, they play the bells.  They put on a great Barbershop Quartet show.


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Lithia springs site 40 154 OK Jody, time to comment.


Are you getting the picture that I like Main Street.?

If so you won’t be surprised at a couple of pictures of the wonderful architecture.

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There are several suffragettes campaigning on Main Street.  It’s 1913 they tell me.  They are spreading their message to all ages.


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We take advantage of the Newstand and mail box to send some post cards to our sweetheart.  Thank goodness this little town hasn’t done away with all mailboxes like most towns have it seems. 

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Did you know there is a Disney World Marathon?  Neither did I. 


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On our way to Adventureland I run into a group with amazing stamina.  Unknown to us until today, this week-end is one of the most crowded of the year because of the Disney Half Marathon which was run this morning at 5:30AM through the streets.   What fun for those who actually like to run these things. They have a marathon, half marathon, 5K something called Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge. How about it Lynda????


But what I am really amazed about is that these folks ran 13 miles this morning  and are now spending the afternoon walking all over the park.  They graciously pose for a picture so I can prove it’s true.  If I’d run 13 miles I’d be finished for the day that’s for sure.  But not them.  But then look how young and foolish they are!  :-))


I admit that I am a big fan of looking at Johnny Depp any chance I get. 


I for sure want to check out the Jack Sparrow’s Pirate School Show and see how this Depp impersonator stacks up.

It did not disappoint. It was a fun show and the Depp imitation was great.  I would definitely see it again.  :-))   Here’s some eye candy for any ladies who also enjoy.  Click on any picture to enlarge. :-)

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Two banjos and a TUBA?

On our way out of the Country Bear Jamboree, which we both agreed we will not need to see again, we run into a rather strange country band. 


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Since we are so close, we take the steamboat Liberty Belle again.  Looking out over the rooftops.

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I wonder if this vendor can make exact change.

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We see folks lining up so we pick a spot and sit down to wait.


We have another wonderful day just wandering around and seeing what we run into with no need to be any where at any time.  We close out our final day with the reason we came.   The Electrical Light Parade. 


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It’s not long until the sun sets, the streets are lit and lined with people.  Most of you know I’m not a lover of large numbers of people but in this case I can sympathize that we all want to see this .  People here are actually pretty nice and not pushy.  They don’t stand up when the parade begins.  Thus everyone, even the short folks can see.  I appreciate that.



The parade more than speaks for itself.


It is just as fabulous as I remember it from years ago.
How many of the stories do you recognize?


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It’s the end of David’s Happy Birthday for this year. 

So the excessive barrage of pictures will come to an end.  Thanks for sticking with us during this and for your great comments and well wishes.

We’re off tomorrow to Lithia Springs Park and about a week’s worth of chores.  Back to the real world.

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  1. I wonder if any of the runners were doing the Goofy Challenge? That's where you run the half on Saturday and the full marathon on Sunday. 39.3 miles in all. I've wanted to do the Disney Marathon for years now.

    1. Yes, my brother-in-law ran the half on Saturday with my sister, then ran the whole marathon on Sunday by himself. And still had enough energy to spend Monday in the MK with us! I was pooped just thinking about it :-).

  2. Glad you had a great time and were not disappointed that you didn't get into the half marathon. ;c)

    Disney sure does things right, they are expensive but we always feel we got our monies worth and then some.

    PS: I want to drive the Monorail when I grow up!

  3. Neat pictures!!! Feel like i have spent a day there too!!! Love that Electrical Parade..brings back memories...

  4. Yay! What an ending! love all the pictures. My little iPhone camera can not capture lights like that on parade floats .. all blurry ... what fun, Sherry.... what a great job of sharing your fun.

    But but ..." Donald Duck does not believe in Wishes……….gasp……… lots of princes and princesses are going to set him straight. "

    NO! that can't be right! Donald is my favorite! I hope they set him straight... I was totally unaware of this...

  5. Happy Fifth Birthday Day, David;o)) It has been a magical 5 days!!

  6. I really enjoyed sharing your birthday visit to DW. It's one place I can't wait to get to and hate to leave. I think I can wait awhile now, this was a good substitute this year. LG

  7. Loved the visit and was easy on my feet!! Hope you two had a wonderful time. Back to the real world :(

  8. Thanks for sharing all the pictures of Mickey's house. I really, really want to go there 8:)

  9. Thank you for allowing me to come along on your trip to Disney World. I feel like I was right there with you. The pictures were great! Sherry I liked the hat you wore in the picture of you mailing your letter.

  10. Sherry, u send me your address again?? Or where u get your mail thru??? can't find it in back blogs.....

  11. I Love a Parade! And Johnny Depp too. Your night-time shots are magical. It's been fun sharing David's Birthday at Disney.

    That must have been powerful good oatmeal because it seems you didn't eat all day. ;)

  12. What a great way to celebrate this special birthday.
    My birthday is next week and I get to spend it a the VA clinic getting blood drawn in preparagtion for my annual physical. The Magic Kingdom seems a lot more fun.
    Thanks for the pictures and posts on this wonderful blog.

  13. The Electric Parade was one of our favorites of all the parades we saw the year we took mom to Magic Kingdom ... it was her first time ever visiting and it was nice to see her enjoying it.

  14. Okay, I admit that I could look at Johnny Depp all day (or night!) long. So glad you included this highlight of your final day at Disney World. The electric light parade loiks like a perfect way to cap off David's week long birthday.

  15. What a birthday! I'm wondering how you are ever going to top this next year, and the next, and so on.

  16. Neat photos in this one. What a place!! So many shows, sights and sounds there. Great costumes all around. Banjos and a tuba - whoa?! Not sure about that... The egret vendor - that was great and...Johnny Depp - impressive - does look very much like him! I can't wait til we all go again so I can see the light parade too. Ah Disney!

  17. Thanks for the great tour. It almost felt as though I were there - probably will have to do for me...although a Disney half marathon is slightly tempting. So glad you had such a great time and spread out David's birthday for 5 days. Wow!

  18. I think you have seen way more than I ever have when I have gone. I can't believe all the shows you saw. Excellent photos too. Just like I am there with you- almost!!! Happy Birthday again. Cindy

  19. What a grand way to celebrate David's 66th! A birthday to remember... especially a birthday where he feels so good and is ready to party.... Disney style. Your photos make me want to go again.. and again. I can never get enough of it.. the sights and sounds... the costumes... the (mostly) happy faces. We are old enough now to start celebrating "half birthdays" .. so we can fit more in while we are still "young." Love the bright sunshine I see in the photos... and the parade... and the castles.. the lights.. the Dapper Dans. Always love Roger and David's great bass voices. Happy, happy birthday, again David.. and happy times to you Sherry for celebrating in such a big way.

  20. We are very happy you guys made it to Disney for Davids Birthday week. Your night pictures are so much better than mine ( I must learn your tricks) I also love how talented those young men and women are dancing on stilts! Glad it all went well.
    We are now in Homestead to spend a few days enjoying Everglades National Park.

  21. We haven't been to Disney in a few years, so thanks for all the pictures. That place is so magical!

  22. Hi there, I tried to comment on gypsy 's blog about the farm stories, but she had no anonymous. Bummer. Anyway u can buy lard in a sm box container or lg. Morrel brand is usual. I MAKE MY PIECRUST WITH IT.

  23. Love the Electric Light parade - Have not seen it in Years. Looks like you guys had a wonderful stay.

  24. I'm sad to see your week end. It truly is the happiest place on earth, and you've made us want to go back again sooner than later. Great way for you two to celebrate David's birthday, and one which you won't soon forget!

  25. Looks like fun, fun, fun for the whole stay.


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