We finally have the numbers

January 25, 2013
Site 97 Highlands Hammock State Park
Sebring, Florida


They aren’t perfect but they are mighty close.

David has had the major portion of his blood work numbers back for over a week.  We’ve been waiting for the specific numbers that detect the presence of Multiple Myeloma in his serum or urine.

They came in today.


A little history to make sense of this. 

Those of you who have been following us already know that at the beginning of our second year on the road David was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma which is an incurable cancer.  That was his birthday present last year.  He underwent a lengthy and difficult induction therapy with targeted chemotherapy drugs from January 2012 to July 2012.  At that point he was hospitalized for a stem cell transplant.  His stem cells were harvested,  his entire immune system was destroyed with melphelan and his stem cells returned to start all over again as if he were an infant.

The marker of note is known as an M Spike.  In normal folks it is always zero.  At diagnosis David’s was 5.8 – that’s huge.  They had gotten it down with the induction chemo to 0.3 before the transplant.

Following the transplant, for the next 3 months he was on no chemotherapy drugs but lots of other drugs to try to boost his immune system.  His three month labs showed his immune system still low but recovering and his M Spike only dropped from 0.3 to 0.2.   His comment was that the stem cell transplant was a lot to go through for only one tenth of a percent change.  His doctor said it could still drop as he continued to recover.

Now, six months after his transplant, his hemoglobin remains low although almost to the bottom of the normal rang.   His platelets  are back in the normal range.  His red and white blood counts are also slightly low.  We are hoping they will move up but his doctor says the follow up medications he takes will make this a slower process.


Today we got some FANTASTIC NEWS

His serum M Spike and his urine analysis show no detectable myeloma.   He was told he is in Stringent Complete Remission (SCR).  We are ecstatic!!

We have no idea how long this will last but clearly the stem cell transplant did its work and all of David’s strength and perseverance has paid off as he really does feel pretty much like he did before they gave him the surprise diagnosis.   He had no symptoms then and he has none now.  He is very lucky as many people with this disease have bone lesions and are in permanent pain.

AND he never did get this crud that is finally loosening its grip on me.  So his immune system and/or the vaccinations they have started giving him are working terrifically.

We celebrate now with the knowledge that there are still myeloma cells lurking and they will come back some day.  We just don't know when.


And now what?

He continues to take a daily low dose targeted therapy drug for myeloma, antivirals and medications to help with peripheral neuropathy.
He has have his bloods checked monthly and go to a hematologist to get a bone strengthening infusion of zometa once a month.  The latter is the most troublesome in terms of our freedom to travel.


That’s our happy medical report for the day.  

Back to our lives at Highlands Hammock a bit later.  We need to celebrate this milestone if only just to sit around with big Cheshire cat grins.   It’s been a long road but we’ve made it this far.  Here’s hoping for years and years of remission.


We are so grateful to those who have brought him this far.

Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. David Wright of Florida Cancer Specialists, Dr. Ken Shain and Dr. Melissa Alsina of the Moffitt Cancer Center and all their staffs who helped us through all of this holding our hands and explaining as we went.  You are the best!

And deep appreciation to you guys who have cared so much about a man many of you have never met.


We celebrate now with the knowledge that there are still myeloma cells lurking and they will come back some day.  We just don't know when.

We know he’s not “cured” but right now this feels almost as good!!

Tonight we are truly HAPPY CAMPERS  and are definitely doing the happy dance.


  1. Oh I am sooooo very happy and grateful to hear this news!!!! Well done to both of you. I know it has not been an easy road, but you have both traveled it, and continue to do, with grace. Now go pursue that dream! Doing The Happy Dance! Inside, of course, 'cause it's cold here!! xxxx

  2. What wonderful news! I think that will call for a celebration of Bruster's ice cream once you get close to it again :-). I am so seriously happy for you, and have fingers crossed that you find a way to travel and have the injections. Bless you both.

  3. Congratulations, David! What fantastic news. Celebrate!

  4. Such fantastic news .... after all you've been through, you deserve to celebrate ... this is an even better gift than going to Disney!

  5. Yay! Sherry and David... I'm sitting here bawling! outstanding... so very happy for you.

    Onward! gitalong to New England... just outstanding news.... ;)))

  6. Wonderful news, wonderful news! David fought the battle and has won. Of course, he couldn't have done it without you, Sherry. Your healthly lifestyle and exercise program had to have played a big part in his recovery.

    We are so pleased that you've shared the good news with us and we look forward to seeing your travels now that this load is off your back. You'll be able to enjoy each day that much more. :c)

  7. Congratulations and we are really happy for the two of your!! Enjoy each day and each new adventure!! Continued good health and hope you can work out the travel part!!!

  8. Utterly, totally and wonderfully fantastic news! Talk about beating the odds... Now THIS is a suitable birthday gift!
    Go forth and have fun.

  9. Yippee!! This is wonderful news. You just keep on fighting it David.

  10. Hallelujah! I'm so happy to hear that David is in remission. Definitely sounds like a Brewsters day!

  11. That is wonderful news and I am so happy for you both. What a frightening thing to endure, and now hopefully you will have a long respite from worry and illness.

  12. That is such good news!! So happy for you both, especially David. Think you both need some ice cream!!!

  13. The only way I can describe how I feel after reading your wonderful news is by singing a little song I learned and sang in Sunday School many, many years ago. It goes like this
    I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy Down in my heart Down in my heart Down in my heart I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy Down in my heart Down in my heart to stay

    I will continue to pray that your remission David will last for ever and ever :) I feel like skipping down the hall to my bed now and dream sweet dreams of you two having years and years of happiness!!

  14. Wow, hallelujah...Life is Good again. You have both walked the fire.

  15. Well, we're doing the happy dance with you! That is the most wonderful news to hear! we will keep David in our prayers for a long and successful remission for many years. Woo-hoo!

  16. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing this great news. Praise God.

    -Art Ford

  17. What great news this is. I'm happy for both of you!

  18. Yea! Have been waiting for this great news! Go celebrate.

  19. I love starting my Saturday morning with such good news!!! We are so happy for you both!!! Do I see New England in your summer plans????

  20. That is the best news one could read this very cold Northeast morning, thanks for sharing and God Bless....


  21. SUCH SPECIAL NEWS !!!!! Walking in the shoes of a cancer patient entails soooooooo much, the lowest lows, the decisions about treatment, the right medical staff, the time and lifestyle changes on and on and on .......So when the GOOD NEWS comes it is truly very, very, special ....... Well EARNED and really beyond words .......each day now,defiantly brings a rainbow with it and a banner of sweetness ...... MAY YOU BOTH ENJOY EACH AND EVERY MOMENT OF THE LIFE YOU SHARE ........ THANKS to the GOOD LORD for watching over you, HAPPY CAMPERS !!!!!!

  22. Break out the champagne (or Baileys and beer)!!! Can't even put into words how happy we are for you both. Definitely doing the happy dance with you. Excellent news!!

  23. AWESOME news!!! Celebrate the good times as they occur, one day at a time. We never know what tomorrow brings. CONGRATS to the both of you.

  24. My eyes are not quite fully open, but I've burst into a happy dance. AWESOME news. I'm acertainly glad that I can breathe again. That was a long time to hold my breath!! YEA!!!!

  25. I haven't taken the time to read all the comments, Sherry, but just had to jump in right away and say how happy I am for you two. You have been such an incredible inspiration, both of you, and an example of how to live life fully in spite of some pretty awful stuff getting thrown at you. I am a bit of a skeptic when it comes to medicine, and often think I would avoid such things at all costs, so this has been an incredible lesson for me as well. Your faith, your positive attitude, David's willingness to go through it, to fight, all paid off. My heart feels so full with happiness for you. Now, I'll go read the other comments of all the other people you have inspired so deeply with your journey.

  26. It doesn't get much better than this!! We are so happy to hear these results. Love you guys.

  27. What uplifting news! Your combined courage, faith, and determination in battling this challenge is inspiring. Seize the day.

  28. Oh wow we are also so very happy to read tis wonderful wonderful news...congratulations to you both...you walked a long hard road...with many bends in it...and came out smiling...thank god for wonderful doctors...your fantastic nursing abilities and the stamina and strength of you both...we also can't forget the power of prayer...so happy for you both...

  29. That is such wonderful news! Thank you for sharing the ups and downs of this ordeal with your readers. Really hope to meet you both one of these days.

  30. I have a cheshire grin too! I am so thankful for those doctors and to you Mama -s long year and at least temporary triumph...what GREAT, GREAT NEWS! :) CELEBRATION TIME well deserved! Can't wait to celebrate with you...hopefully soon!

  31. We are soo happy to hear this news. We are celebrating with you! David, I think this calls for a really good beer :)

  32. I cannot imagine the relief you both must have felt. I wanted to send my thoughts of happiness to you both, as I know I haven't been following for as long as others. But when you know another human being gets this kind of news it makes everyone happy!!!

  33. Great! Wonderful! Awesome! And all those other words of elation that escape me right now!! :-) :-) :-)
    Syl and Gin

  34. I read this post very early in the morning when you first posted it. I read a lot of blogs on my phone before I get out of bed...and intend to comment later on when I'm on the laptop. I was so happy to hear this wonderful news and I am so sorry, I didn't post a comment sooner. I hope you don't think we didn't care.

    We had been wondering how the tests came out and frankly were thinking maybe the numbers weren't good since you didn't post anything for so long. We are so glad to hear this great news. I hope you will be able to find a way for David to get his infusions so that you can be free to travel where and when you want!

  35. Such a peace swept over me when I heard this wonderful news. This is a grand victory... a chance to grasp quality life once again. You now can have the freedom to do the many things that remain on your "bucket list" (one of Roger's favorite movies!). To hear that David feels almost as well as he did before he received the diagnosis makes me feel joyful. I know you must have been stunned and elated to receive such positive news after such a long and difficult struggle. Now onward to celebration and travels!!! There is great rejoicing in the Roger Boyd household!!!

  36. Wow, that's terrific. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. What fantastic news.


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