Christian’s Point

Saturday February 9, 2013
Site T-15 Flamingo Campground
Everglades National Park


Beautiful Sunrise this morning.  I love being able to get up at dawn and walk or bike over to see the sun rise over the water.  This campground gets a 9 for sunrise ease.   You can only get a 10 if the campground is right on the water.  If I were still a tenter, I would for sure have a spot in the walk in campground which is, right on the water.


Barely dawn – heavy clouds beyond the islands but the fisherman is out.


Fri-Sun 001


The sun burns a hole in the clouds and the day begins.

Fri-Sun 015 midtone


We’re on the Christian’s Point Trail by 8:30.
As you can see from the map, the trail walks along the dividing line between the mangrove habitat and the Coastal Prairie.

The map doesn’t  look like the trail goes into the mangrove at all, but it does.

Fri-Sun 029


In fact, it starts in the mangrove.

Fri-Sun 033


First we see what we call the “pencil points” of the black mangrove.  These apparently provide the same function for these mangroves as the cypress knees provide for the cypress trees.  They are thickly covering the ground all over.

Fri-Sun 032


Further on we find the red mangrove roots reaching down to take a hold and do away with the hike path.

Fri-Sun 034


And then we’re out in the prairie.  We turn around to look back at the mangroves and get this portrait.  Looking good aren’t we??

Fri-Sun 040


If it were earlier in the season, or later, this path would be mighty muddy.

Fri-Sun 043


All kinds of interesting plants on this prairie.

Fri-Sun 044


Fri-Sun 045


The muddy path leads into a hammock which we were not expecting.  There are more habitats here than the map led us to believe.

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Because we are the first ones today to walk this trail, we run into a lot of these webs.  So many that I pick up a stick to move them out of the way and keep them out of my face.

Fri-Sun 072

Wow look at the web weaver.

Fri-Sun 077



Back out in the prairie, this would be serious mud in other months.

Fri-Sun 080


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But now, during mid winter, you can see just how dry the area is.

Fri-Sun 083


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Fri-Sun 086


We reach the goal and even at low tide, David is standing as far out as we can go without sinking up over our ankles in mud.  We haven’t worn our slough slog shoes so we pass on wading out for a better view.

Fri-Sun 114

Here’s who was around with us at low tide.

Fri-Sun 108

Fri-Sun 107A

Fri-Sun 112

These guys were in a hole at the bottom of a black mangrove tree.Fri-Sun 097A


After spending time sitting on the bench whose picture I wish I’d taken since it was nearly new, made out of recycled plastics and tied with a strong rope to the fiddler crab home tree, we retraced our footsteps.  By this time it was after noon and the sun on those prairies was mighty strong so we didn’t dally.  We hoofed it back for lunch.


  1. I would not want to walk into that spider's web. I have to use a stick, too, when walking to work in the morning on the refuge. Our refuge name, Atascosa, means sticky mud - we have a lot of mud flats at low tide.

  2. Loved the sunrise. And what a good hike you had! The spider web was cool!

  3. You find the most interesting things. Had to Google that web weaver. Never seen anything like it!

  4. Nice shadow picture. Those spiders probably didn't appreciate you coming through to move their homes aside! I do wish you'd gotten a picture of the bench...sounds interesting. Pretty plants in the prairie...quite a unique ecosytem.


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