Wekiwa River State Park

Wednesday March 13, 2013
Site 20, Blue Spring State Park
Orange City, Florida
High 73 Lo 46



Our weather continues warming up and our days here are getting fewer so we decide to go see some of the other springs in the area.  Today our trip is about 25 miles  south to Wekiwa River state Park.

Wekiwa’s name comes from a Creek word meaning ‘spring of water’.  Wekiwa Spring and nearby Rock Spring are the principal headwaters for the Wekiwa River in the St. Johns River Basin.

The springs are no longer in their natural surroundings and looked to me more  like an upscale swimming pool.  I’ve found this is quite common in Florida State Parks especially ones which were formerly private tourist attractions before being acquired by the park system.
They are very nice but I don’t like them as well as the naturalness of Blue Spring.

 Wekiwa Springs State Park (13)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (18)


There are several artists painting the beautiful landscape.  I think they are part of Florida State Park’s Artist in the Parks program. 
A bridge goes across the top of the spring run.  There is no swimming beyond the bridge.

Wekiwa Springs State Park (15)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (16) 

Wekiwa Springs State Park (19)



The boat dock is very large and the park rents dozens of canoes, kayaks and pontoons.  If all these boats or even half of them were in the spring run it would be like an LA Freeway.

Wekiwa Springs State Park (3) 

Wekiwa Springs State Park (6)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (1) 


The spring run is beautiful

Wekiwa Springs State Park (20) 


We get launched at the boat dock and choose to paddle up the rock spring run saving a paddle on the Wekiwa River for ‘next time’.

The wildlife is abundant and the traffic sparse.


Wekiwa Springs State Park (28)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (44)



Young alligators share a log with a turtle..not sure what kind of turtle.Wekiwa Springs State Park (33)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (39)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (41)

   Wekiwa Springs State Park (57) 


great egretWekiwa Springs State Park (55)

great blue heron

Wekiwa Springs State Park (71) 

Wekiwa Springs State Park (73)A



Sections of the Rock Spring run are covered in grasses that look like a manatee’s dream.   I try lots of ways to get a picture of how really lush they looked.   This is the best I can do.


Wekiwa Springs State Park (77)A 

Wekiwa Springs State Park (79)



The water is very shallow in some spots.  I am amazed we never get grounded.  We see some canoes that do however.  Not much of a problem to get out and push in 6” of water.

Wekiwa Springs State Park (90)

LimpkinWekiwa Springs State Park (103)

Little blue heronWekiwa Springs State Park (107)


We paddle upstream for a couple of hours and since it is 8 miles up to the Rock Springs  we know we won’t get there.  We turn around and it is a wonderful free and easy float back down.

Wekiwa Springs State Park (121)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (127)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (135)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (151)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (154)



Florida spring runs are really wonderful kayaking spots.  Too soon we reach the Wekiwa River and are back at the spring’s bridge. 

Wekiwa Springs State Park (163)


Great White EgretWekiwa Springs State Park (183)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (192)       


After getting the kayaks back out and on the car I check out the spring. We take a hike on the short trail near the springs while I contemplate whether to take a dip.  Some may remember my saying last winter that I’d really like to swim in every one of Florida’s springs.  Problem is, I didn’t bring my bathing suit.

Wekiwa Springs State Park (210)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (227)


When we return, the sun is going down pretty rapidly now as I check out the water.  I zip off the bottom of my kayaking pants and into the spring I go in t-shirt and shorts.   I do always keep beach chairs and beach towels in the car and from now on that will include a bathing suit.  So at least I’ve got a towel to dry off with when I get out.  AND I won’t have to put these clothes in the laundry!

The water is wonderful.  It really is a great way to finish off a day of kayaking.

Wekiwa Springs State Park (231)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (241)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (243)


Wekiwa Springs State Park (256)


Time to head for home and dinner. 
There is at least one other Spring in the area I hope we can get to before we leave. 
I sure do love Florida’s springs!!


  1. ahhhh very relaxing, Sherry. Haa the turtle is either a very brave or incredibly schtupid turtle... don't alligators eat turtles? be kinda crunchy I guess.

  2. I had no idea that Florida had so many lovely state parks. Your posts are so informational as well as interesting with gorgeous pictures.

  3. A person gets out and pushes the kayak, when in just the prior picture you had alligators...!!! Really???

  4. Another great day! So who needs a swimming suit! You go girl!!

  5. I'm telling you Sherry, one day I'm going to get in a Kayak!! With or with out Joe! But for now, thanks for the paddle. The scenery was beautiful!

  6. Love the paddles that let you float home...this was a lovely one. Really Sherry, I think that is the easiest way to get your laundry done and a whole lot more fun;o))

  7. I really like that you have made such an effort to really see Florida. Florida is such a diverse state and there are so many wonderful places to go. Sadly, most people concentrate only on the beaches and Disney and never even discover the beautiful springs and rivers. Good for you!

  8. I still can't believe how you've made me see Florida in a different light. You are a riot. I just couldn't bring myself to jump in some of that water, not know what's in there with me. So, call me chicken! I know why you like the water--I've releared that in Physical Therapy. The water feels so good and comforting. There's no way I could do the workouts without the buoyancy of the water. I can do more and more, but it hurts more and more afterward. Hate to wish time away, but I can't wait to get past all this. Thanks, again, for introducing me to the real Florida. Oh, one question. Do you prefer the springs to the beach?

  9. Ditto what Karen said. We really are looking forward to seeing the part of Florida not on TV :)

  10. I'm willing to bet somewhere on one of your previous blogs a follower has suggested clicking on your photos then using CTRL + to enlarge them. It's amazing how much more detail can be seen. At least this is how I am getting the most out of your pictures....... (Hint: CTRL - to get 'em back to normal size.)

    Zoom Zoom Zoom

  11. Looks like another great place to paddle. We tent camped there years ago to visit Disneyworld. I remember the park was in a very lovely upscale area of Orlando.
    You're brave to go in the water with the gators!

  12. Great shots of the spring. The water looks so clear. Sure is a cute picture of you all toweled up.

  13. When Mui sees water he can't resist swimming in, he just goes in with his shorts ... the beauty of trekking clothes is that they dry so quickly.

  14. Looks like it was a lovely paddle. I liked the Limpkin picture and the picture of the green rushes - what a fun swim at the end!! Lovely day :)


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