The cloud with the ski jump nose

Wednesday May 22, 2013
Site 44 White Tail Ridge COE Campground
LaGrange, Georgia



This is our last day at Whitetail Ridge where we have really enjoyed our site.  We had a lot of visitors today– Killdeer, robin, red bellied woodpecker and the Canada geese family all stop by for a visit.  The robin is my first of the year.  That’s amazing to me since I am used to seeing them starting in February.  David actually thought it was a Rufus sided towhee before he looked more carefully.


Slow Wednesday 001A


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Slow Wednesday 022


I even finally get a shot of one of the bluebirds that has been here and there and everywhere but not staying still for a minute.


Slow Wednesday 050A


The killdeer are in abundance for some reason and this one sits for a long time in the road.  What’s up with that?


 Slow Wednesday 038


We spend most of the day enjoying the site and have an early dinner before heading out in the kayaks for a last paddle.


Slow Wednesday 048 

I also give myself a flowbee haircut.  My hair is fine but just a bit too long and whenever I look down the top flops into my eyes.  I hate that.   Above is before.   I didn’t take an after.  You’ll see it next time I’m in some picture.


Pretty rough waters today.  Windy.  Not hard to paddle in but the rocking makes taking pictures difficult.  I can’t hold the camera still.  Broad views turn out OK but trying to zoom in on anything results in too blurry to use.


Slow Wednesday 069


I did paddle over by the osprey who are hanging on to their trees.


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Slow Wednesday 101 



The clouds were wonderful today.  Do you see the face there?  Nose chin mouth.   What’s he looking at??


Slow Wednesday 143


I just love the nose.  That’s some hairdo.  I watch the cloud for nearly half an hour as it morphs and changes.

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Such a relaxing time on the water as the sun slips lower in the sky and the waves calm down.  We just float along wherever the kayak goes.


Slow Wednesday 153


The moon is out and nearly full, floating along too.


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And then the cloud changes into another face.   Do you see the brim of the hat, the straight closed mouth and  lips below.  There’s a closed eye too off to the right. 


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It’s just another beautiful evening on the water, just like last night.  I could do this every night I do believe


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But we have to move on.  The week-end warriors are coming and we have a date to keep on Friday in Charlotte, North Carolina.


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A few last looks back before saying good night. 


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  1. I saw the first face easily as it really stands out so plainly. The second took a bit more studying. Love all the birds.

  2. What a wonderful site and such peaceful paddling:o))
    Here is what I found on the internet about that killdeer playing in the road!!

    "Killdeer select a nest location through what is called the scrape ceremony. During this ritual, the male of the species touches his breast to the ground and then scrapes out a location on the ground underneath him with his feet. The female then replaces the male, and the mating and laying of eggs are likely to follow. Killdeer lay their eggs on the ground, often in parking lots, and scavenge to find pebbles and other materials for nest cover."

    Perhaps it is looking for a mate;o))

  3. Wow, Sherry! what a great moon shot you took! sheesh! those moonlight evening kayaks are so wonderful. It is still too chilly here to get out on the water at that time of night. You are in the right place at the right time for great paddles.

  4. cloud looks like Nanny McPhee... lol

    Great relaxing pictures as always....

  5. funny I sat watching cloud this evening as well...

  6. Hope the killdeer isn't sitting on eggs there in the road. They choose some unfortunate nest-sites.

  7. I love clouds too. Great description of the face! Looked sort of like Churchill with a big hat on :)

  8. Love the peaceful moonlit paddle and all the birds.

  9. Wow, that first face is incredible. I love to watch cluds, too, but I never saw one as good as you caught on camera. The latter ones were a bit obscure to my eyes, so I have to go back and study them. Rich and I visited Rushmore at night. From the parking deck we discovered that it was a perfect sleeping giant. We were more fascinated by that than the actual monument!

    The blue bird looks like the blue birds we have here. About 20 years ago a mystery person built and placed blue bird houses on street signs throughout our town. I think there are 4 or 5 in my neighborhood alone, and I imagine hundreds if not thousands throughout the town. The county threatened to remove them because they were on government property. There was an uprising of people fighting their removal and the people won. As a result, these beautiful birds are all around us. I save lint from my clothes dryer all year until early spring when I put it out for the birds as nesting material. There was a nest in the turn of my downspot. I watched it being built. Little brown birds coming and going all the time, just as busy as they could b. Then, a few weeks ago I saw big black wings right by my window and a lot of noise. The big birds got the nest and the eggs or chicks that were in it. :( So goes life, I guess. Made me sad, though.

    Glad you are enjoying your trip. You are not far from me. If you're not in a rush there are some nice COE campgrounds north of Atlanta on 75, and also on 85 up near Hartwell. I sure wish I could have run down to Lagrange to see you, but there's been a lot happening around here. Susan was off and tomorrow I go to Peachtree City to watch my granddaughters and Bogey until the 2nd, they I hope to be off to NY by the 3rd or 4th to see my sister, and of course Jenny, John, Mary, and Ally. I haven't told her. I'm going to surprise her. Well, I did it, again, wrote a blog instead of a comment. LOL Sorry.

  10. Love all those cloud pics. It's funny because I posted a few cloud pics on my blog today.

  11. I can see why it's hard to say goodbye to this peaceful place. How wonderful to be out paddling at sunset. I'm sitting in front of the heater.

  12. Beautiful Pictures- sometimes it is nice just to float!

  13. Sherry, you create magic with your pictures and writing. I really enjoyed this post. :c)

  14. I saw the first face right away, but as a man with a hat.. I love the spot you were in this time. so close to the water. Your pictures make me feel like I'm right there, which is one of the reasons I started blogging. So i could travel through others eyes until we can be on the road again. Thank you so much Sherry

  15. I like big puffy clouds too and often take pictures of them.

    You've had a wonderful few months heading north and seem to have enjoyed each place you stopped.

    I'd love to have my kayak right outside my door. So nice to be able to take a sunset paddle.

  16. I think Dad needs the flowbee - his hair is verging on wild - LOL not really...! I do love that it's wavy and full again! :) The pictures of the birds are great as were the cloud shapes and the moon. I do like watching cloud shapes - it's art in the sky - so interesting and never the same - again, I say, as I have many times in my comments - nature is amazing!

  17. Cool cloud formations, and such serene pics of your moonlight paddle.


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