Having a cold makes blogging much easier

Friday and Saturday, July 19 & 20, 2013
Site 730, Narrows Too
Trenton, Maine near Acadia National Park



How could having a cold make blogging easier?  Since you aren’t doing anything, you don’t have nearly as much to write about.  So today’s post is the second twofer in two days.   What a bargain!

We had a nice welcome from Narrows Too when we woke up this morning after our first night here.  The electricity was out.  We thought this was hilarious but we were well prepared.  We still had water in our gallon jugs, still had flashlights at the ready.  But it only lasted about 20 minutes and we were back among the plugged in.

The colds have the upper hand at this point.  We are resting, taking zinc and Echinacea tabs, lots of vitamin C, drinking orange juice and pretty much doing nothing.  Not much to blog about.  David is in day 4 of this, I’m in day 3.  He is handling it with more patience than I.  Are you surprised?? 


The Way Life Should Be


David naps.  I read a book set in Maine entitled The Way Things Should Be by Christina Baker Kline.  It’s a light weight novel about a mid 30’s events planner at a museum in New York City who loses her job and reinvents herself in Bar Harbor.  It’s fun reading about a place you are visiting and about as heavy a novel as my stuffed up head can take.  I picked up the book because it was about Bar Harbor and because of the title.





Welcome to Maine


When you cross the state line into Maine, the sign reads

The Way Life Should Be

For the first two weeks I was here, I was in 100% agreement.  Now since some Maineiac gave me this cold, I’m not so sure





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This morning everyone else in the group of friends here goes out to pick Blueberries on top of the Connor’s Nubble in Acadia National Park.  We are too busy coughing and blowing our noses to go along but I tell them that if they bring back 6 cups of berries I’d bet they could talk David into making a blueberry pie.   He’s not coughing as much as I am so it will be safe.


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Now these are low bush blueberries and small berries not like those of us from the South are used to so picking 6 cups might take all 5 of them to do.   I’m thinking they won’t want to give up that many after working so hard.

It is a very hot day today and the top of the nubble is treeless.  So it’s a hot job.  They are out over 3 hours and bring back an amazing number of berries.  Nancy delivers 6 cups to our door.  We ask them when they’d like the pay.




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So at 7:00 dessert is served.outside on the double picnic tables between Tricia & Dan and Gin & Syl’s rigs.


Nancy likes the pie and gets a picture of it and the baker although she says she only wants just a bite.  She certainly has more will power than I do.  Just a bite would be impossible.

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Everybody seems to like it.  Pam says she just wants a bite too but she succumbs to an entire piece.  Way to go Pam!!

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I announce that plate licking is an approved activity.  Bill does not take the offer.  But I did!!  And Dan does but I can’t take his picture, I’m too busy licking.   Wish there had been some left to take home for breakfast.  Guess we’ll have to go out and pick some more for another one.


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We got a bigger approval than that.  The end of the rainbow is running right down between the two coaches where the picnic tables are.  Guess I’m not the only one that thinks David’s pies are the Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow.


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  1. Too, too funny! I've heard of finger licking good, but that is the first picture I've ever seen of plate licking good! :cD

    Cheers to Chef David!

  2. Dang it, now I want pie. When I was a kid, we'd pick up a slice of mom's apple pie and eat it right out of our hands. Somehow that made it even better. I'd be licking that plate, too.

  3. Wasn't that rainbow beautiful?? It doesn't look like you had rain though? We had about ten minutes of torrential downpour just before the rainbow!

  4. I'm impressed! with David's pie baking ability. Wish Jim could take some lessons!
    I love reading books about places we've been. It's always much more fun when you recognize places they talk about.
    Hope you both get over those colds soon.

  5. I hope you both feel better soon - sounds like you're on the mend!! The pie sounds delish!
    Have loved you pics in all the recent posts too but don't always accomplish a comment...
    Feel better!!

  6. David: The man who can do anything. :)

  7. Fresh blueberry pie??? Be still my heart. I know how scrumptious David's cherry pies are, so I can only imagine how good his blueberry pie was. Yummy!!!

  8. I'm feeling like I really missed out on the pie.... too bad I didn't miss out on the cold. I'm in week three of coughing. I feel good but struggle with chest feeling tight and cough, cough, cough. Rats I hate it when the best of summer gets eaten up with not feeling good... Take good care

  9. And who got to lick the pan? ;) Sending chicken soup and healing thoughts you way.

  10. Hmmmm, there are a lot of wild blackberries here. Perhaps I can ship them to you and David can return a pie? :)

  11. I'm not a blueberry pie lover, nor a cherry pie lover, but Laurie had a great idea. We too have lots of wild blackberries. I can ship some too. My sister in law use to make me a blackberry pie for my birthday instead of a birthday cake. Praying you two are on the mend real soon

  12. That pie looks delicious. Blueberry season is over here in Florida but when we were in Georgia, they weren't ripe yet. I suppose they will be all gone by the time we get back. Darn it! Now I'm hungry for a blueberry pie.

  13. I could go for a piece of that pie but definitely not the colds! Hope you're both feeling better soon.

  14. It sure was hot pickin' berries up there but the view was beautiful! The delicious pie was such a motivational factor that it was easy as pie. ;)

  15. I feel your pain. I have a cold, too! I thought that it was allergies, but no luck. Lucky you to have a fresh blueberry pie to go along with the chicken soup. Get well soon!

  16. Oh my, that is one good looking perfect pie!!!

  17. Bon Appetit! Oh wait ... the pie is already eaten and gone ;-)

  18. David does make beautiful pies! There is a guy on one of the cooking shows (if you win you get your own network cooking show) that calls himself the "Pie Man" because that is his specialty. So far he is still in the competition. Why do people say, "I hope your cold is better?" You want to be better- not for the cold to be better. Peter sent us a picture of "Bedtime in Silema" (Malta). It looks like a beautiful place and he can see the water from his hotel. Take care- Love, Pam

  19. I'm jealous! Dads pies are delicious-seems like so long since I've had a slice .. Id probably have two...and with fresh berries -that deserves a rainbow :) The colds don't sound fun....not cool Maineiac!!

  20. My special thanks to all the berry pickers. Without you, there would be no pie! We do make a good team though and should do it again when we get the chance.


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