Hiking Killens Pond then off to Assateague

Wednesday September 25, 2013
Killens Pond State Park



We can hike around the entire Killens Pond.


Killens Pond 040


The trail around the pond shown here in yellow is less than 4 miles long and there is an entrance to it right off of our campground loop.  You can see those little popsicle shaped loops on the south side of the pond.  The one with the teeny line going to the yellow trail around the pond is ours.




Killens Pond 002


The pond side trail does not literally walk along the shore of the pond but through the woods along the pond’s side.  There are lovely views of the pond from the woods.


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We find the button bush we first saw in Cape Cod here.  But now its red has turned to pink and it has orange berries. 


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There is a spur from the trail which goes to the cabins so we go have a look.  It’s a cute little village.



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Each has a picnic table, a fire pit and a screened porch with single and  double adirondack chairs.


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There are just so many things to love in the natural world.


The forest through which the trail runs is mature and has lovely trees and understory.  There are, of course, too many that need to be hugged and wished “long life”.    We try to do our part.


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These are two different oak trees.
Both beautiful and strong. 
But mine’s bigger than his don’t you think!  :-))  
A hug and a kiss!





I am often taken with the sea images and shapes throughout nature.   
Do the fungi covering this log look a bit like shells to you?


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What a name – the Murderkill River?


We cross the bridge over the Murderkill River which feeds Killens Pond.

I asked the ranger and he says that the Dutch were the first to settle this area and that “moeder” is Dutch for mother and “kille” meaning river bed or water channel.  So Mother of water channels maybe?   And of course it got Americanized from moederkille into murderkill.   At least that’s his story.  I guess there are other more colorful ones.


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The view from the bridge is great in all directions.


Toward the pond



Toward the River

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Across and back into the woods.
I love that feeling of walking into a dark tunnel of leaves.


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I haven't’ seen a money plant in a long time.  Or at least that’s what we called them.  Did you call them something different?  They are so interesting looking.


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We have come about 3/4 of the way around the pond and arrive at the Nature Center.





  It’s a fairly small center with exhibits and information on the reptiles and amphibians of the park including live specimens which I always feel very sorry for.  Seems like pictures should do rather than keep these poor creatures in little cages just so people can look at them.


One of the creatures I am not quite so sad to see displayed in a tank is this copperhead.




BEWARE – snake picture below.




He’s really beautiful but we’ve seen too many of them around our farm woodpile to be comfortable.   I like viewing him right here rather than out on the trail.  Although – I must say, that unless you are aggressive, startle them or disturb their eggs, they aren’t aggressive either.   But with their poison, we just couldn’t live and let live.  But it’s nice to get a good long look at him here.


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There is also an exhibit on the center itself which is an amazing green building.




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  It has geothermal heating and cooling.  It also provides much of its own water. The roof collects over 3500 gallons of water for each inch of rainfall.  The butterfly shaped roof collects the rain in its central gutter which spills into a catch basin piped to an underground storage tank.  The tank holds up to 8000 gallons of water. This water is pumped from the storage plant to water plants and wash boats at the boat house.  Their harvested water is not filtered or treated, so it is not safe to drink but I’m wondering if this sort of thing wouldn’t work really well in the southwest with some filters for drinking.   Or anywhere for that matter.  How many gallons does a family of 4 use in a year???


There is a lovely pond view out the visitor center windows and a wonderful deck out back.


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Another thing I really appreciate at this park and at all Delaware State Parks is the state recycling initiative. 


They make it SO easy to recycle.  We have found this very difficult most places on the road and I just don’t understand why.  We can’t keep filling up our landfills with plastic that can be recycled.


Killens Pond to Assateague 001


And best of all they take absolutely everything and you just put it all in the same bin.


Killens Pond to Assateague 002



Hats off to Killens and Delaware for a very nice state park.


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It’s been a great place to stop on our way but I am very anxious to get on to Assateague National Seashore bright and early in the morning.


  1. I think I'd rather face a rattlesnake than a copperhead, but I doubt it would make much difference. If you skirt way around them they usually don't start any trouble.

  2. I agree about the water collecting roof. Seems the majority of the water we 'consume' is not for drinking or ingestion anyway, so why couldn't this be used everywhere to provide non-potable water for all the other things we use water for. I think it may come to that eventually if we cannot curb our growth and continual need for more water.

  3. great hike. . .looking forward to Assateague. . .

  4. Gorgeous gorgeous place! but .... man, Sherry... seeing you and David hug those trees... make this ol heart sing... just love it...

  5. Delaware has a great recycling plan. We live there from June thru September and always marvel at how easy it is to recycle everything. Too bad we are back home in PA or we would of invited you to stop into visit with us near where you got off the ferry in Lewes. Enjoy Assateague - it's one of our fav places, too! I enjoy reading your blog - wishing you safe and enjoyable travels - take care!
    Connie in PA

  6. I love it when the places we stay have a recycling program. We were so used to it in our house, that it seems foreign not to be able to recycle at some point.

  7. Gosh, kudos to Delaware for their fantastic recycling program!

  8. Great idea to collect water off the roof.

  9. Great trees! Dad looks thrilled in all his pictures :) The leaves are further along there, I think. Yes, the lichen looks like shells. Nature is neat and Delaware is impressive with its recycling. It shouldnt be that hard for other places... Great green building...they do sound creepy though - murderkill in killens..my goodness.

  10. My mother used to call it a Silver Dollar plant. Sure wish I knew if you got booted out of Assateague.

  11. I know you can't hug every tree you come across, but the one's you do hug certainly appreciate it. They feel the LOVE! :cD

    I'm with you on being frustrated about recycling on the road. Nice to see at least one place has it together! :c)

  12. Nice hike. You got a great picture of the button bush. We first saw them here in Georgia, but I've yet to get as good of a photo as you got!


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