General Washington and goodbye to Williamsburg

Sunday October 6, 2013
Williamsburg, Virginia



We are enjoying Williamsburg so much I hate to leave.


We are only here four days, not nearly long enough, but I turn those 4 days into 9 blog posts.  Good Grief!  But this one is the last, I promise.  We just had such a good time.   Our special passes are good until the end of this year but I doubt we will be passing this way again before then and we have doctor appointments to keep so we must go. 


For now, we leave the Palace kitchen garden and the wayward heron and walk on down the Palace green.  


David goes into the gunsmith’s shop that we missed when we visited Mr. Geddy’s residence.  I’m not so much interested in guns so no pictures from there.

I stay outside and walk over to Mr. Geddy’s garden.  Maybe he has a heron too???


Well no heron but look what I do see!


Talk about brazen – right here in broad daylight in the late afternoon just helping himself.  And right outside the gunsmith’s shop too. 


Williamsburg - Sunday 502


We have a stand off for maybe as much as 5 or 6 minutes until he finally waddles off into the shrubbery behind the garden.  


Williamsburg - Sunday 503Williamsburg - Sunday 504 



I need all the hugs I can get.  But not from groundhogs.


We’re on our way to the last of the craftsmen that we will have time to visit when we walk by another tree that really needs hugging.  I suspect this one might have been around to see all of the original events we’ve experienced in our time here.


Williamsburg - Sunday 485


We visited the printer on a previous day and wanted to come back to the bookbinder’s.  

Williamsburg - Sunday 543

Williamsburg - Sunday 545

The letterpress printer is here as well though it’s too late in the day for it to be in use.   That’s too bad.  I’d really like to see that.  Wish we had ONE MORE day.


Williamsburg - Sunday 546



It’s time to meet General Washington.


The very last thing we’ll be doing to day is attending the public audience with George Washington held in the coffeehouse backyard.  I’m afraid we are too late to run in for another cup of hot chocolate as much as I’d like to.

On our way we see the signs of coming cooler weather in all the piles of wood ready for the fireplaces and stoves which heat these 18th century homes and buildings.


Williamsburg - Sunday 547Williamsburg - Sunday 532 Williamsburg - Sunday 548


We walk by Chowning’s Tavern.  I just love the 18th century “signs” which are often symbols of the craft or service.  Shoe hanging from the shoemaker, hat at the milliners.   Chowning’s of course is a tavern.


Williamsburg - Sunday 528Williamsburg - Sunday 527




As you would expect, the place is packed when we come in.


Luckily  some very nice people in the front row slide on down so we can sit beside them.  And just in time, here comes the General.  He appears to have on his dress uniform right down to his gloves but then I guess he would to make a public presentation.



Williamsburg - Sunday 564


He is somber and talks about the war and the bravery of the fighting men.


Williamsburg - Sunday 563


Unlike Patrick Henry, he doesn’t say a great deal before turning things over to questions.  


Williamsburg - Sunday 570 


One person asks if, when the war is over, and the country is independent, he would be willing to be king.   He very forcefully assures that there will be no king here.  Although he does see that there is a need for a strong federation between the states and a federal government.


Williamsburg - Sunday 567


Somehow he didn’t look like I expected him to but it was wonderful hearing him speak.



And now it’s really over.

As we walk through the town for the last time, these are some of the memories we will take with us


of the people

Williamsburg - Sunday 474Williamsburg - Sunday 511Williamsburg - Sunday 514Williamsburg - Sunday 535Williamsburg - Sunday 558     



and the scenes.


Williamsburg - Sunday 517


Williamsburg - Sunday 491


    Williamsburg - Sunday 580

Williamsburg - Sunday 531


Williamsburg - Sunday 484



Today we have parked at the end of this lovely path.

Williamsburg - Sunday 629


We walk out of town looking back at this idyllic scene of sheep grazing in the fields and who is that at the end of the path going down to the water?



Williamsburg - Sunday 643 


He sure gets around doesn’t he??

Williamsburg - Sunday 635


Williamsburg - Sunday 645  


Bah Bah Williamsburg!

Williamsburg - Sunday 637


We’ve had fantastic days here and I’d love to spend even more time especially since all our days from now until December 31st are already paid for with our special pass.  Of course that does not include our railroad track side campsite.  


But move on we must.  
Good bye Colonial Williamsburg, thanks for everything


  1. Bravo! You've done a stellar job of sharing Williamsburg with us. Too bad you won't get to return before your passes expire. Could you pass them along to someone else? Maybe a blog contest!

  2. Wow, what a packed four days it has been! I think I would be a little dizzy by now, and wondering where I was, what century I was in, and what was going on. George W. didn't look like I would have expected him to, but it probably wasn't far off . I think of all historical figures I love Washington and FDR the most.

  3. I wondered how long you had been in Williamsburg. Your posts remind me of the detailed sharing you did of your Disney trip (which made it seem way more fun than I ever had there). I love how you took time to embrace the whole experience. I am not that good at transporting myself back in time to another era.

    Glad you had so much fun. I imagine you have a bit of work ahead at the farm.

  4. What a packed four days you had and a great job of sharing your visit. Can't wait to see what you have in store next.

  5. Loved your visit here. It has been years since my last visit and I was as mesmerized by your visit as I was when I was there. Wishing you both well at the Drs visits coming up. I know it is a stress but soon the visit will be behind you again. Then where will you be off to???

  6. I've thoroughly enjoyed re-visiting Colonial Williamsburg with you. . .fabulous!

  7. Did you ask General Washington which he liked better, his picture on the dollar bill or his face on the quarter?

  8. You did, and were involved in, so much during this visit. I like the idea of stepping into history like this. But I wonder how all these fine players make a living.
    And where to next?

  9. What roots on your tree! wonder how old… That's what makes trees so special …. to think of all they have witnessed…

    I didn't realize George W. was such as hunk! What a wonderful time you had there and a great recap… hahaa bah bah… even the sheep is gorgeous...

  10. Great posts. It is clear that one day there is not enough.

  11. Wonderful ending, nicely spun and woven yarn!

  12. You have definitely made me want to visit Williamsburg.

  13. Sherry, you're a master story teller! Excellent job capturing your visit and transporting us all back in time with you. Makes me sad that we all have to leave.

    Good luck with your doctor visits.

  14. So many amazing posts - entertaining and with great pictures :) It says a lot that you can get so many great posts out of one place; it makes you realize that Williamsburg really is quite impressive. The costumes are perfect and even the activities are true to the times. I think that groundhog and the heron picked a good place to roam around, although I do hope someone is keeping an eye on the garden and away from Mr. Greedy! Bah, Bah Williamsburg! Too funny :)

  15. Yep, you have put Williamsburg on our TODO list!! Great post of a very interesting place. We're going to miss our daily strolls through the town;o)) Thanks for taking us there!!


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