And then the winds came

Wednesday and Thursday December 11 and 12, 2013
Sebastian Inlet State Park





It seems that Ron Jon has a serious in with the weather makers.

Ron Jon’s photo shoot was done over two days and they were fabulous days, Tuesday and Wednesday.  My most recent post was about Tuesday and the “models”.   If you’d like to see it, click here.





Wednesday was another beautiful day although the waves were rougher than Tuesday when they were too rough for me to go in without being tossed end over end.  I waded today.







Some folks tried their hand at a bit more.


I hope that was her bathing suit she had on.


Sunday Sebastian Inlet 093

The waves got her.

Sunday Sebastian Inlet 094


The rescue.

Sunday Sebastian Inlet 095


David tried his hand.  I tried to get his picture but the wave got him before I did. Can you see his feet??

   Tuesday December 10 086


The waves had washed two or three coconuts up on the beach.  No idea from where.





On Thursday the winds really took over. 


Just after Ron Jon’s days.  How did he work that?  The winds were gusting over 30 mph.  No beach day and no kayaking. 


Sunrise looked like this.

Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 030


But finally – it showed itself just enough to disappear into the clouds.

AM Sunrise Friday 021_thumb



The warning flags were bending over.  So were the palm trees lining the inlet as I walked back from the sort of sunrise.


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 063

Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 064 



So what did we do since we couldn’t kayak or play in the waves or even ride the bikes in this wind?


Well after I returned, David was up and we had pancakes for breakfast. Those are oatmeal chocolate chip with home made cherry syrup being poured on them.  


Sunday Sebastian Inlet 071_thumb



David worked on a pet project, getting rid of the old bedroom TV.  Not sure why this was high on the list since we pretty much never watch TV but he wanted to do it and the new one is much lighter than the old one.

So after researching the mount, the TV, the possible installation methods, here is the result.  Wonder if I can fill in the bottom and back with books?  :-))   Weight he hollers….weight….weight!


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 170Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 173 


I have no idea what I was doing but judging from the pictures I took, I spent most of the day experiencing the winds and wondering if we should bring in the slides.


In the afternoon, I  walked back over to the ocean on the campground side of the inlet.  On my way I saw the pelicans dive bombing the waves.  The wind must stir up the fish.  The pelicans were swarming.  Down they would go and then back up they would come.  Over and over. 


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 101A


 Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 105A



I don’t think the human fishermen were having such good luck from what they said. 

Although they were out in the wind, all bundled up and facing the spray.  Fishermen apparently brave all weather for the possibility of the big one.


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 118 


Out at the pier, the flags in the afternoon were even more bent.  The waves pounding the shore.  The winds more powerful.


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 114

Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 120



On the other side the surfers were absent today.


In  fact everyone was absent.  Remember the parking  lot from Tuesday’s Ron Jon post?   Well look at it today.


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 138



The flags were flapping hard here as well and the waves were crashing.


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 140


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 144


The wind redesigned my hair.

Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 157



Cajun catfish with rice and vegetables for dinner. 

You have a lot more time to think about food if you aren’t doing much of anything else.  :-)


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 163



And then in the evening when I thought perhaps I’d write this blog, I finally threw up my hands in defeat.


Sunday Sebastian Inlet 102_thumb    

I’ve been doing battle with some nasty malware for nearly a week now and have finally gotten tired enough of it to give up and give in.

My laptop woes have gotten significant enough that I am actually going to give up my beloved Windows XP – best operating system Microsoft ever made – and move to Windows 7.  This requires a complete reinstall,  not just an upgrade, so we ordered the disk and when it comes the project of wiping everything off and reinstalling will begin.  Luckily we have two laptops which will make doing this significantly easier. 



It may not have been a great sunrise but that wind does make for a grand sunset.


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 188



The pelicans were everywhere and looked wonderful against the colorful sky.


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 203

Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 198


And the sunset just kept getting more beautiful.  


Thursday Dec 12  WINDY 260


  1. I guess Mother Nature and Ron Jon are good friends... ;c)

    Can you imagine how those skinny Ron Jon models would have been blown away with those winds?

  2. I agree with you about Windows XP. Interestingly, I note that my eye surgeon's office still uses XP, although I'm sure it's a premium or professional version for medical offices.

    Just the thought of all that wind makes me uncomfortable. I sure couldn't go out in it, and think you are pretty brave to do it.

  3. I really miss my XP too, it's like saying a final goodbye to an old dear friend. The first few months were extremely frustrating but it does get easier with time. A

    I am observing a moment of silence!! IT WILL GET BETTER!!

  4. Too bad about the winds, but they did make for a great sunset. Love the photo of David being caught in the wave. You two are so adventurous. Even the pancakes look like an adventure. I love the chocolate and cherry combination.

  5. I was reading about the windy day and thought you moved far away, we had a windy day last Wednesday, but it has been calm lately. Then I noticed your date header and knew you were writing about that same time. We were in Disney and missed the wind, but the neighbors said it had been very windy then.

    Great job on the flat screen TV install. It will save weight and power and give a digital picture, good upgrade.

    I do love Pelicans and all their antics. Thanks for the pics.

  6. I just junked the TVs all together and no have more space for weight, I mean stuff. Even the rough seas have beauty, although the sun is nice and your sunset is Gorgeous. I really loved XP, but am also happy with Windows 7. I'd stay away from 8 though. So why do you consider pulling in the slides during wind?

  7. I do hope you are installing Windows 7 Pro, and not the Home edition. Pro is much better, more secure. Personally I went through all of the Windows from 2.x through 7, but I too am staying away from 8. Good luck with it. --Dave (

    1. Quick reply pertaining to your "icons". Right click on the open desktop area, which will bring up a small menu. Choose "view", which brings up another small menu. In that menu you will see a check mark next to "auto arrange icons". Remove that check mark and now you can move your icons anywhere you wish to move them.

      We will be back in Florida in less than a month...we live in the Tarpon Springs area on the Gulf side of Florida from where you all are now and slightly north. If you are ever in the area, I sure wouldn't mind giving you the time to pick my brain about Windows 7. I am assuming you already found the "classic look" for your desktop, which helps a bunch. Another thing I do is in the control panel I select the view as "small icons", which gives it more of a XP look too. That option is in the upper right of the screen while in control panel....I hate their "category" selection, because what you have to figure out which category they put it in, and sometimes sub-categories too....frustrating.

      If you ever want to email me, it is dave "at" in normal email style. I hate to publish it with the "@" because the email harvesters have a field day with it. Don't hesitate to ask more questions. Good luck with it. --Dave (

  8. Beautiful pictures as usual. TV looks good. We don't have our rig yet, so when you say it's windy and were thinking of bringing in the slide, do you mean on the rig or the canopy? I've not heard of bringing in the slides on the 5er? Just curious.

  9. Hate that you missed a couple beach days, but glad that the winds caused no harm!!!

    We're waiting out the end of the nasty storm those winds brought our way;o(( Looks like we may finally get some decent weather this week. Hope things improve for you as well. Hate to waste good beach days!!!

  10. We always enjoyed walking up on the fishing pier and watching the surfers who probably didn't realize all the sharks that were surfing along with them. You can see a lot of marine life from those piers.

    Have you tried the free program, Malware Bytes? I have used it for years and it seems to work well. I use also use Windows Defender (I think it's called) I'm using Windows 8. It's not bad, except for no easily accessible start button and shutting down takes extra steps. grrrrr

    Hope the wind dies down for you...but you've probably moved on from Sebastian anyway.

  11. I too missed XP when I got a new laptop but now find 7 is fine though I hear nightmares about 8. Folks are saying Mustang Island will be windy, guess we'll find out tomorrow, wonder if we'll be bringing in the bedroom slide at night. 70's predicted in the forecast :) what a difference a week makes.

  12. We had a major storm here last night. Lightening, pouring rain, and high winds. Just missed a tornado a county over..whew!

  13. The good thing is that you are not on vacation for a week and lost two days to the wind. I do love the sound and the smell of the surf.

    You know that some people pay big bucks for the windswept hairstyle, don't you?

  14. Before I switched to Mac I was an XP user; but I have a Windows 7 laptop for Streets and Trips and a few other non-Mac software packages I like to use, and I have to say I like it better. For one thing, it does seem to be much more stable.

  15. I want those pancakes on our holiday morning - YUM! Catfish, eh? That looks good too. The weather was definitely "wilder" than the previous days. Rambunctious waves and wind! Still looks like a good day with the pelicans and a great sunset - excellent pictures :) Dad must be happy 'tinkering' with the TV and the computers - although, malware is NOT COOL. Glad Dad the handyman is there so you can just scoff it off on him - lol. Can't wait to be there in less than a week - whoop-de-do!!!

  16. I agree -we moved to apple when we had to give up XP. It really was the best.

  17. home made cherry syrup? oh, man… you guys and your food… I like your wind do… LOVE love love the sunset pictures and the pelicans? sigh

  18. David's tv change out looks excellent. The pelicans and sunset do too.

  19. One good thing about the winds is that they blow away the no-see-ums! We were in the Keys for three weeks and Big Cypress swamp for a few days and the no-see-ums were vicious unless there was a brisk breeze. ;-)

  20. Robinkwalton@gmail.comDecember 16, 2013 at 11:39 AM

    Finally getting over a 2 week cough and cold and started to hang garland on the porch and took a minute to check emails. What a sunset..awesome and I love to watch the pelicans too,see alot when we go to Duck. I 'll have to try some Chocolate Oatmeal cupcakes...sound awesome homemade syrup though.
    Back to get some Christmas things hung,it still looks like Thanksgiving here.

  21. I laughed out loud at the picture of David under the wave. Good thing it didn't sweep him out to sea -- he's a handy guy to have around!

  22. Maybe when Windows 7 gets to SP3 we might be able to like it too. Hope springs eternal.


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