The Longest Night of the Year

Friday December 20 and Saturday December 21st 2013
Sebastian Inlet State Park



PM Beach & Sunset (14)


It was a cloudy sunset to begin the longest night of the year.  The sun dropped behind the horizon clouds but then peaked out over just above the town of Sebastian’s water tower before dropping into the clouds again.   One more sneak peak at the big orange ball and it was gone.  Setting on another year.




PM Beach & Sunset (19)



PM Beach & Sunset (23)

PM Beach & Sunset (32)



The longest night goes on and on and I wake up at 3:30AM and can’t get back to sleep so I read until it time to go out and greet the sunrise of Solstice Day. 

Today is the shortest day of the year but it brings on the waxing of the days.  Even though it seems our coldest weather is yet to come, this first day of winter is really the beginning of the increasing of the light.   The rebirth of the sun.   No more will the days be getting shorter, now they are getting longer.  What a wonderful planet.  Seems like something to celebrate!


There is color in the sky at Dawn on this Solstice morning but the clouds make an interesting sunrise for this special day.



Solstice Sunrise (34)




Solstice Sunrise (54)

Solstice Sunrise (56)


Clouds or no, here comes the sun!!!!!!!!!


Solstice Sunrise (57)



We have a special treat on this Solstice Day, we’re off to Orlando to pick up Carrie. 
Whoo Hoo!  We’re gonna have fun now!





Snow White tries to talk us into staying in Orland for a  Disney World Solstice Celebration but we have beach days planned with the Great Waters and have to decline.




What’s the first stop in a good celebration??   Why Brusters of course.  This time in Palm Bay.  Sadly they aren’t with the program and don’t JMC so I settle for coconut chip, Carrie chooses red velvet cake and David has mixed berry pie with creamsicle ice cream.   We both said….WHAT?





It’s pretty windy and we decide we need to put our cones in a cup to handle them.




When we get back, the kids go to the beach to check out the waves and the surfers.






I stay back with Winnona to get the Solstice Cake made.




And after dinner here it is, another family tradition.  Deep chocolate fudge cake with butter cream icing.  The Solstice Cake.





They look pretty happy about it here but the real cake experience is the second picture which has us all in stitches.



PM Eating the Solstice Cake (1)


PM Eating the Solstice Cake (11)



And then it is all over and the shortest day is gone.  Sure hope you had as happy a Solstice Day as we did.  Thanks to Carrie for this picture of the sun setting over Sebastian.   Another solar year has begun.




  1. Beautiful pictures. I lived it, but have no proof. Happy Solstice to you also.

  2. The mixed berry pie would be my choice, but with plain old vanilla ice cream! Enjoy the time with Carrie, and the longer days to come.

  3. Lovely sunrise and sunset pictures and YES PLEASE! I will have a piece of that cake! Have a great time with Carrie! Happy Solstice and Merry Christmas! If I wanted to send you a card, would I address it to your address here? XXXOOO

  4. I thought about you many times yesterday hoping Carrie's flights got out ahead of the weather. Our Solstice Day was freakishly (probably made up that word) warm, but the promised overnight storms never materialized. Now it's just rain, rain, rain! Carrie looks great, so does Daivd, so do you! Enjoy every moment of this season and her visit. I don't doubt that you will.

  5. Very nice pictures. Our 17" of snow from three snowfalls finally melted - just in time for the arrival of all our daughters today. After dinner we watched one of our favorite home video's - Christmas 1982. It's the one where Carrie and Abby sing Jingle Bells. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

  6. Happy Solstice Day! We didn't see much of the sun, but knowing that the days will start waxing was good enough for us.

  7. Happy Solstice! You all look like you're having a WONDERFUL time! Haha, you and Carrie with Snow White -- so many fun photos. Your delight shines through. ;-)

  8. Looks beautiful and I'm so glad that Carrie is there. I had a wonderful day that included breakfast with Santa, company all afternoon that included giddy toddlers and a new baby, plus a short visit with a Syrian refugee. We also have Florida-like weather, so everything is working. I love knowing that today will have an extra bit of sunlight. Yay!

  9. Merry Christmas to the 3 of you! Happy New Year too!

  10. Awesome sunset and sunrise photos! Happy Winter Solstice! I'm looking forward to the longer days.

  11. Great way to welcome on the new season. I almost always prefer ice cream in a cup:)

  12. Your sunrise photos are stunning.

    I will be happier as the daylight increases. When it gets dark, I feel like it is time for bed.

  13. The hunters were thrilled with yesterdays miserable weather here. Rainy overcast days means the birds don't fly very high. :( I celebrated when the storms stopped.

  14. I love the airport greeting photo with you and Carrie. Seond runner up is definitely the enjoying cake photo. Looks like a great way to celebrate the solstice.

  15. Beautiful pictures, so glad Carrie made it safely. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, enjoy your family time.

  16. Oh boy, Oh that the days are getting longer:o)) Glad Carrie has arrived and the three of you get to celebrate lots of things together. Looking at that last cake picture makes me wonder exactly what you put in that cake;o)) LOL

  17. Happy Solstice. So glad Carrie is there to share it with you.

  18. No, we didn't have a great Happy Solstice Day. Yours beat the heck out of ours. I do like longer days, so it's nice the shorter days are now over for the year. Enjoy your visit with Carrie. I hope the weather and wind cooperate for you.

  19. Lovely pics! So nice to have Carrie there to celebrate :-)

  20. Well Sherry that day is behind us and all the rest will be longer and better. Love the look on those face's with there cake, but the Christmas Tree on the motor box is the best...Merry Christmas guy's...

  21. I've never celebrated Solstice Day, but if I start does that mean I get presents? Not that I'm greedy or anything... :cD

  22. Merry Christmas to you all! Great pics and lot-o-fun!
    Lynne D.

  23. Love those pictures of the sun and sunset! Merry Christmas and all the best in 2014!

  24. ohhh the sixth picture … that gold! beautiful … and HI Carrie… look at the smiles on your and David's faces … ain't it grand?!

    Happy Solstice to you! love the cake! well, of course, I would…

  25. Yippee -- Carrie's here!! Let the fun begin!!!

  26. I relived it through this blog :) Great pictures - the cake one still makes me laugh!! It was great to hit the beach - so beautiful there! I have to say - that's a fabulous sunset picture ;) Of course it is, I took it! LOL.

  27. Florida sunshine is great, but Carrie definitely brings some more sunshine for us to brighten every day. What a joy to be feeling well again and sharing these glorious days with the women I love!


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