We interrupt the current programming……………

Monday January 13, 2014
Myakka River State Park,
Sarasota, Florida


………………for this not so cheery note.


We’d clearly gotten too cavalier in assuming that the initial test results from David’s 18 month visit to Moffitt Cancer center were all we needed to consider before announcing things were fine.   So you read in my post “An Easy End to a Very Nice Year” that the tests from his December 30th blood draws showed him continuing to be Myeloma Free.  That’s what they said.

David has routine blood tests every month.  But every quarter more extensive tests are done and on Friday January 3rd his hematologist/oncologist called to say that his M Spike was no longer at zero but was now at .5 indicating that he had relapsed only one year after being declared in remission.   The average remission period after a stem cell transplant is 3 years so we are pretty discouraged that he went through so much for such a short remission.

He continues to feel fine just as he did before they diagnosed him.   This Friday he will be going back in to Moffitt for a bone marrow biopsy and a bone scan to see if there has been any damage done in those 3 months from a totally clean bill of health to this latest one showing evidence of Myeloma.  Those tests will determine the next step in treatment.  

We don’t have much more to report than that and I’ve waited to mention it here until a second set of detailed blood tests were done to confirm that he has relapsed.   We are trying to carry on with life as if everything is fine since that’s how he feels and we are encouraged that there is at least one person we know who went 6 years with an M Spike fluctuating between .2 and.4 before further serious intervention was needed.  

But with this disease, every single manifestation is different and David’s initial diagnosis was high risk based on chromosome abnormalities.  It seems to be very aggressive. 

As you can imagine things are up in the air right now, but we are trying to be optimistic and continue on with our current plans as best we can.  We know things have changed but it really doesn’t seem that way since only the tests are different.  David feels no different.  How strange that you can be so sick and feel so well.  

January seems to be a bad month for David even though it’s his birthday month and should be one of celebration.  In 2012, his diagnosis came within days after his birthday and in 2014 his relapse came less than a week before it.   We think we’ll skip next January.


  1. Dear Sherry,
    I am so sorry to hear this news but Moffitt is a great place and I'm sure they will have a plan. It's good that David feels well. That will make any intervention, if he needs any, seem a little easier than if he was feeling ill. I will keep you both in my thoughts and am sending healing vibes to David. xxxooo Let me know how you are-

  2. Sherry and David ...I am so sorry to hear this news...I am
    praying for you.
    donna :(

  3. I am so sorry. What else can I say? Our prayers are with you and David. This having the men in our lives on tight ropes is horrible. Hugs to you both.

  4. Shock is an understatement. I hate that you two are going through this again. I am glad to hear that you are continuing on as best you can. I agree.... boot out January and February too if it doesn't cooperate!! Seriously you are both in my heart and prayers.

  5. Certainly not the best of news. Yet am thrilled David is feeling good. Attitude is 99% of health. Thank you for sharing this with us so we all may send the best of healing thoughts your way.

  6. Dear Sherry and David,
    You all are in my thoughts and I am also sending healing energy and strength to you and David. May the news from Moffitt be hopeful once the testing is completed. Remember I am in Florida and will be more than happy to be of help if there is anything you might need. Life sure knows how to punch us sometimes and can surely throw out some painful surprises along the way. I will keep ya'll close in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. I don't know what else to say other than I think of you both often. I will continue to send all my positive energy your way and hope David continues to fight the good fight. Please know I truly care for you!

  8. Oh, how I hate to hear this. Stay strong. Prayers are being sent.

  9. I am so sorry to hear this but so encouraged that he is feeling fine!! I am thinking of you all and sending love and healing your way!!

  10. Hang in there. I am praying for y'all every day. HUGS!

  11. Oh, we really hate to hear that. Can't imagine how you must feel after thinking all was well last month. You are in our thoughts and hope there is an easy fix.

  12. Does David have the 17p deletion factor? Gary's M-Spike had always been over .5 while he was in those six years of remission. Since his relapse, it has jumped to 1.9. This was early November 2013, and another test has not been done since then, so we don't know what it is now after the radiation and initial two months of chemotherapy. Even now he feels well, except for the side effects of the medications. On his week off, he feels perfectly well and not sick at all.

    Virtual hugs,


  13. Aw shucks! Be strong. Am sending positive thoughts your way.

  14. Gee:( We will be keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers.

  15. sigh.... carry onward through the fog... be strong....

  16. I am sending you an email Sherry, a comment isn't nearly enough. Know that I am thinking of both of you and sending positive thoughts and hugs.

  17. Sorry to hear that you have to go through this, you will be in my prayers.

  18. We know this is a real bummer, but your attitudes to carry on with the things you love is so positive!! When we are with you guys, the last thing that crosses our minds is that David could be anything but HEALTHY!! You both are in our thoughts and prayers that this set back will right itself and we will get to enjoy many more fun adventures:o))

  19. What can I say? This is sad for me - for us :( I hope dad continues to feel well - at least that. I like to think he has a great team at Moffett. I am staying hopeful. Seems unfair to have to battle this...I hope the biopsy shows the best that can be expected. I try to stay optimistic. I love you both - I am glad you are with him, Mama. I have no doubt that helps his outlook a lot :) xoxoxox

  20. I am so sad to hear the latest news. The fact that David is doing exactly what he wants to do with exactly who he wants to be with is the best cure..

  21. Being optimistic is a good thing.... that he feels well is a good thing... isn't it? Just SO wish you both well and that you can continue to bask by the beach....

  22. Sherry and David, I just don't know what to say. Everything seemed to be going so well and you had some fabulous travels this past summer. I'm hoping this blip will pass with nothing major, and am sending positive thoughts your way.

  23. Bummer. But we never know what the next day will bring. Keep living and loving. Sending love and luck!

    Lynne Deucher

  24. rats. sending demolition vibes your way ... cancer is a rat bastard. !

  25. Oh no Sherry. We're shocked and saddened by this news. However you two have already proven that you're a force to be reckoned with, so no matter what comes your way we know you'll battle it head on. Praying for the very best for you both.

  26. Like so many of the others have said, you two are a force to be reckoned with. You are also an inspiration for living life with joy and exuberance--the best cure of all. Keep the faith.

  27. I'm so deeply sorry to hear that you're confronting this again. Sending you both hugs and trusting that all will be well -- you both live so fully, and with so much joy. Thank you for sharing your lives, including the challenging times.

  28. Oh my! So sorry to hear about Dave's health problems again! You can't keep a good man down! Our prayers are with you both-- if you need anything - just call-- we're not far!

  29. Think positive thoughts! Think positive thoughts! Think positive thoughts!

  30. As other have said, there just simply are no adequate words. Anything I say sounds way too trite and simplistic when I know the pit that lies in the bottom of your stomach. Keep spending your days doing what you love and know you have friends who care and some who really do understand what this feels like.

  31. So sorry to learn of this. I agree with Syl. Think positive. And try to get more alkaline foods in your diet.

  32. I am so sorry to hear this news. I, too, agree with Syl. Positive thoughts. Hope David continues feeling well and living large.

  33. We are so sorry to hear this news. Things had seemed to be going so well for you. I imagine you both feel like you've been hit by a truck. Try to stay positive.

  34. So sorry to hear the news, our thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  35. With so many comments preceding mine, what can I say that hasn't been said already. So very sorry to hear about the relapse. A positive attitude helps ... easy for us to say, but true nonetheless. Our thoughts are with you two as you once again go through difficult times.

  36. David and Sherry, This is heartbreaking news. What else can I say except how terribly sorry I am. You are both in my thoughts.

  37. Nice to have so many people sending positive thoughts your way, it's got to help some. Add mine to the pile. :)

  38. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, wishes and good thoughts! I remain optimistic that this will not get out of hand and we will simply be on a new path with different medications and testing schedules that will not keep us tied down at a cancer center. It is great to have all of your support!

    1. We are all there for you both! It appears you both are loved! Praying all goes well and you can continue on your journey west!

  39. David and Sherry,
    I'm sorry this is the news you have to post.
    I'm happy to hear David is feeling well. I hope that continues.

  40. Aw nuts.
    Sherry, you've already stated a profound truth, that it feels as if “nothing has changed”. As long as David feels pretty good, that’s exactly how you should proceed. We all have challenges, both the small and the immense, and although this is a disappointing set-back, you guys are Pro’s now. You can manage this. Carry on, and continue having fun! Duke says woof.

  41. Wow - what a following as shown by the number of well wishers. I was so saddened to hear from David about the re-emergence of the m-spike. He sounds so good every time we talk. It would be nice if that swim he was going to take after we talked would just wash away the m spike. It's frustrating to feel so helpless. I can't really imagine how trying it must be to have this lurking in the background all the time. We will pray for healing and/or remission. Keep your collective spirits up. Love you.

  42. Going to reiterate the comment above.... "Cant keep a good man down." I have had to process this information over time before I could even comment. You two have been mighty warriors against this nasty disease... and I know this latest information probably had you calling up your strongest weapons. I am so hopeful that a change in medications or different combinations will be all that will be required to keep you going on all your journeys, David. We send our love and support... and a very warm hug!

  43. Sorry I am late to the party....late to celebrate David's birthday, and late to celebrate the beautiful day TODAY that I trust you two are sharing! Because "today" is the only thing any of us are guaranteed, and if we all get hit my a meteor tomorrow, we don't want our last day on earth to be spent thinking sad, worrisome thoughts. ;-) So celebrate each other. Celebrate the beauty that surrounds us. Celebrate the love and support that you have from your faithful friends and followers. And stay focused on FEELING GOOD because that all that matters, really. Hugs!

  44. Very sorry to hear this news. Our thoughts are with you. Hang in there.

  45. Our hearts are breaking for you both. We will continue to support you in our prayers and know that we stand with you. David is a remarkable man and our hope is he will continue to remain strong as he takes on this new fight. We're sure that you, Sherry, are his strength and inspiration. Hugs, lots of hugs.

  46. Very sorry about all this - may it soon pass.

  47. I'm glad David is feeling well at this point and you guys are soldiering on making the best of life and living in the moment. Great attitude, David! Everybody is praying and hoping you will defy the odds as long as possible.

  48. This is not news I wanted to hear. Saying "I'm sorry" feels so inadequate. Carry on, carry on! Love, thoughts, and hope speeding your way . . .

  49. Been away from the computer a while and had not seen this post Sherry my prayers go out to you and Dave.

  50. Sorry to hear the news, will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  51. Since we've just recently joined your blog family, we weren't fully aware of your struggles. So sorry to read about your news. Know that you have one more prayer coming your way. So good to keep that positive outlook:)

  52. Hang in there and keep up with you positive attitude. Thoughts are things.

  53. Sorry to hear this...but glad David is feeling normal right now. Wishing you two strength as you forge ahead.

  54. Keep the faith..tests can be wrong...and also, there are so many more options today for these illnesses than there were 10 years ago...Hope David continues his positive outlook...blessings to you both.


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