Finally, BIG NEWS!!

Tuesday March 26, 2014
St George Island State Park
Eastpoint, FL



We’ve been not SO patiently waiting.


 M-Spike DOWN

Finally he got the results.  The impatient wait is over.

Had to send this out right away since lots of folks have been wondering why I haven’t been saying anything about David’s medical condition. 

The reason is that there wasn’t anything to say yet.  He feels fine but then he felt fine when they first diagnosed him so only the medical tests can certify that he IS fine.   Or as fine as one can be and have Multiple Myeloma.

Anyone not familiar with David’s situation can go back to January of 2012 and follow along with the entire nightmare through the stem cell transplant.  Just look in the achieves.  It is an amazing tale of determination and stamina.


Once David came out of remission this  January they put him on an additional drug to see if that would control the Myeloma and keep it from getting even worse.    The big number for David is the result of some complicated tests.  It’s called an M-Spike.  Zero is remission.   He had zero all last year.  

In January his M-Spike showed up as 0.5.  The disease was on the increase, thus the additional medication.  But today when he went as he does EVERY SINGLE DAY to see if the results were in there it was 0.3.  

Doesn’t look like much but this is a BIG DEAL.  That it didn’t go up is fabulous!  That it didn’t stay the same is great!  That it actually went down is a dream come true!  

What’s your guess as to what he will do to celebrate???


  1. Hallelujah! That is absolutely the best news ever! We are so happy to hear that!

  2. David can do whatever he wants to celebrate his news. Ted and I are going on a cruise up the coast of Maine for our celebration of his cancer remission.

  3. Great news! Bet he will eat some pastries.

  4. Was coming over to turn off laptop and head out the door to my birthday getaway! saw your update and !!!! yay! ... I am soooooo happy to read this...... that's a nice before birthday surprise for me... I had another cyber pal who didn't have good news... so... glad I saw this before I left....

    Did I say Yay! yay

  5. We are so happy to hear this! Now you can relax and enjoy your summer. I'm betting a visit to a bakery is on order :-).

  6. Nice...I will help him celebrate. First beer this afternoon is in his honor!

  7. Great news! I see an IPA in his future today.

  8. Wonderful news! I think he will head to a bakery too.

  9. I vote for the bakery. I'm very happy for David and if it wasn't for the rain I'd go get some pastries to show solidarity! But with the skies opened up I will just go eat another blueberry muffin. Way to go, David!

  10. All great ideas - I will try to work them all into my celebration! I did pick up some Victory Headwaters Pale Ale last night so that is on the slate. Researching other options now... Oh happy day!

  11. FAB-ulous news, you guys! Does this change your travel plans to include The West?

    Virtual hugs,


  12. HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY, JOY!!! This is the Best News:o)) Now to celebrate... breakfast out, followed by bakery run for tomorrows breakfast, followed by homemade cherry pie, followed by leisurely shopping trip at Whole Foods, followed by a BIG TREE HUG, followed by the Best Summer Travels ever!!! Of course, you can always try to find a Brewster for some JMC along your travel route;o))

  13. Oh yes!! Have to add my comments here with this great news. David looks wonderful... healthy and smiling. We did not know he had to go every day to check his M-spike. There will be rejoicing in the Roger Boyd household over this great news. We vote for a big celebration for both of you. Looks like David may be started celebrating with some Pale Ale... but we say on to even bigger and better celebrations for both!

    1. He doesn't go every day for his M-spike. I'm sorry if it was confusing. Actually that's the problem, he goes every month for CBC and CMP but only gets the major tests done every 3 months. So we've been waiting 3 months for this information.

  14. I'm not sure about the bakery, but I am sure he will be eating mucho grande ....of anything and everything he chooses!

    Answered prayers! I am so happy for you two. I forgot that He was going through his problems the same time as John.

  15. Awesome news. Been wondering what results were - thought he was going for the test the end of February - was afraid to call and ask because I thought it must be bad news or we would have heard. So happy for this result!!!

  16. Out to breakfast and ice cream? or a bakery!!! SO glad there is positive news!!!! Good for you both!

  17. David, drop the hint/reminder to Sherry that the phone number for Esther Price Candy is 1-855-3-ESTHER

  18. Yahoo.... such great news. What ever celebration touches your fancy.... Just go for it with gusto!!

  19. That's just wonderful! I see calories in David's immediate future. :)

  20. I haven't comment on your posts before but my fingers were just too itching to type a "Great job Dave!" for kicking the Myeloma in the butt! Can't wait to read what you did to celebrate...

  21. Beer, something hoppy like an IPA. My best guess. Wish I was there to have one with him. This is GREAT news!!!

  22. If David was in Canada he would head out to Tim Hortons for a coffee & a big apple fritter donut:))

  23. Great news Sherry and it's not until you your self have to wait out the readings of MRI's and blood.. My prayers go out to David....

  24. That is fantastic!!! So happy for you & David. A huge load is off your mind I'm sure. I sure hope that means Yosemite is in your future!

  25. I see empty shelves on the nearest bakery. Such WONDERFUL news!!! Now that certainly brightens up your travel plans. :c)

  26. Wonderful news! Congratulations David! Well, he had ice cream yesterday so maybe today it could be pie and good coffee?
    BTW, if you make it to Fort Pickens now, Rick said he'd do the brats :)

  27. Oh that,s great David! So glad to hear your news.I hope to call the day or so and be able to talk with you.You still saving minutes for weekend calls,or can I call anytime? That, the best news ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Priceless News! So happy for you both! Tom & Lynn

  29. Oh Happy, Happy Day!!! If you were in our part of Oregon, I think David AND you would go first to the Heavenly Donut Bakery, then walk right next door to Baskin and Robins Ice Cream Shop, AND we would be joining you in celebrating your joyful news. Thanking the Lord for good numbers.

  30. Well, thank goodness for the excellent news. Always a plus. Have fun, David, no matter what you eat or drink. I bet you're thrilled!

  31. We're doing a Happy Dance! That is such great news! Breakfast out, bakery, ice cream, IPA... oh heck, do it all in celebration! You deserve it!
    Syl and Gin

  32. Thanks so much for the update. I'm one of those who has been wondering, but figured you would say something when the time was right. This is WONDERFUL news! Yay!

  33. Great news! Definitely worth celebrating!

  34. wonderful, wonderful news. . .so thankful!

  35. Oh Sherry, this is WONDERFUL news!!! So happy for you both!

  36. Wonderful, wonderful news! We are thrilled for you both. And you're close enough that we can have a celebratory beer with you! How about the Owl Taproom in Apalachicola? You'll love it!!

  37. So happy for you Dave!! Go out and celebrate anyway you want! You deserve it!!

  38. That is such great news and I bet you both feel such a big sense of relief. I'd say David should get anything he wants! I see big breakfasts, home brew beer, donuts in your future. Congratulations on the good test results. I'm wondering if that will change your summer plans.

  39. Yay! Definitely cause to celebrate! The patience it takes to wait to know is immense...and I imagine hoping everyday is quite tiring. So glad news finally came and it was good! Oh happy day :) Wish I was there to share in the party (and the beer) ;) Love you, Dad! Your strength remains an inspiration and Mom your companionship through it all is priceless. xoxo

  40. Well, I'll have to say Bill is not happy with me at this moment because my shout of excitement woke him up!!! But now he's happy because I shared the news. We are so thrilled I simply have no words. How we've wished and hoped and prayed for news of stability, but for actual improvement, WOW, what else can I say?? I'm sure you'll answer this for everyone in some way, but what happens now? Does he continue with the dex as he has been?

  41. Good news indeed ... very happy to hear it.

  42. Great news worthy of a few celebrations

  43. What wonderful news!! You made my day, week, month!

  44. The beaming smile on David's face says it all. It must have been hard to be patient, but hearing such good news makes a big difference. Bravo to you both.

  45. Great News. Happy for both of you. Stay well.
    Art F

  46. Well, I know how I would celebrate! I've been waiting, as everyone else, for this post. Congratulations, David and Sherry. Once again you teach a lesson in life to all who read you. "Patience is a virtue." That you don't let the myeloma take over your lives and instead choose to live every moment is incredible and an inspiration. Have fun celebrating!

  47. Really great news!! So glad for you all!!

  48. Trying to get caught up on ya'll's adventures! So very happy to hear David's good news! May the M-Spike number can continue to decrease! Sorry I missed seeing you at St. George (and that is from the next couple of posts). May be somewhere else along the line..... Again, best news Ive heard in awhile - let David know how happy I am for him and for you.

  49. yeah, great news. Happy for both of you!! Kris

  50. Great news! Party on.


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