Post not showing up on blog rolls AGAIN


I am just on the edge of dropping the blogging business all together.  I have been trying for hours now to get my most recent post  to show up on the blog rolls from which most people who read my blog access it. The post in up but will not show up on blog rolls .  Blogger will put this note on the blog rolls but will not put my actual post there.  This is the third time in less than 10 days that this has happened and I’m just sick of blogger. So if you don’t hear from me again, that’s why.


If you’d like to read the post that I published last night and which never showed up on the rolls you can find it with this link Moving to Moraine and Visiting the Arctic.


  1. I would suggest posting the issue in the blogger help forums if it doesn't post within a day. For some reason my writer's blog never shows up until hours later after it was originally posted. That 's been going on for more than a year.

  2. It's a blogger glitch. I've also had it happen to me. Lately, mine has been fine.

  3. You're right it's not in by blog reading list in blogger, but it IS in my Feedly reading list!

  4. It is on my blog... oh, no, don't say you are stopping... I know you won't!!! So, so rely on you for adventures!!! Take care.. We are still reading!!!

  5. Move to a Wordpress blog…you can do it for free with an url or you can pay a few bucks a year and get a custom domain. While not as configurable as hosting your own platform…it's worlds better than blogger. is also pretty great…although it costs 10 bucks a month or so. My blog is on wordpress.

  6. I receive all the blog posts I read by a reader. I use Feedly and absolutely love it. Anytime someone posts, I get it immediately. All are categorized in subjects and when I want to comment one click take me directly to the blog. It's the only way I've found to never miss anyone's post and get them all in one place. Just curious as to how you realized your post wasn't showing up on blogrolls. I posted early this morning, but it was after noon before I got the first comment. That's very rare so now I'm wondering if I was experiencing the same thing. Yes, Blogger has it's issues, but of all the blogging platforms I've looked at, it's still my favorite to write from and to read from.

  7. I'd second the recommendation of Wordpress. You can move over for free and not have to deal with frustrating blogger issues. I've been happy with Wordpress for past 4 years now.

  8. I do read a number of wordpress blogs, but I have worked with wordpress for a group page- I find loading pics to be troublesome, but that could be my personal experience.

  9. Sherry please do not leave.... you are my traveling genie.... how I get to visit
    all the neat places... I never miss your post... I have a shortcut with all my favorite blogs in a folder on my desktop.... I have learned not to deepen on blogger or anything else.... I just go in the folder every night and click on the shortcut

  10. I saw both posts on my blog roll list so not sure why you wouldn't see it on others. I'm too lazy to move to Wordpress...and as much as I love Nina...I enjoy reading the blogger version of most blogs and the commenting is way easier than on wordpress....but whatever you do, you know I'll be reading. Don't get frustrated...not worth the energy to worry about it. We will find you no matter what.

  11. I use feedly for gathering blogs and as far as I can tell yours always appears in a timely manner. As for posting blogs, I continue to just prepare my document in MS word and paste it into blogger-works every time. I then paste the pictures in directly from my picture file. In the last couple of years I honestly have not had a single problem.

  12. I just read it but follow you on Feedly. Please don't stop blogging! May be time to move to WordPress.

  13. Sherry, obviously it showed up fine for me because here I am! I was so fed up with Blogger recently that I set up a blog in WordPress and have been posting on both blogs. I may at some point switch over exclusively to WP. It was pretty easy to set up over there and I almost like the look of it better even with the free WP version. Anyway, hang in there!

  14. I don't use a blogroll ... just a reader ... in my case, Netvibes. Both posts showed up.

  15. Don't think for a minute we will let you off the blogging hook....not matter where you are we will find you!! But you are allowed to stamp your foot and scream from the mountain tops if you feel the need. I so enjoy your blog...and your friendship!! Carry on!!

  16. Sherry, they all showed up in my RSS feed. Just a thought, have you tried, when you have this problem, looking at your blog in a different browser? I use Firefox, but also have Chrome...have seen times when I can't see something in one but can in the other...then I clear my cache and it clears up the problem. Just a thought....

    LOVE, absolutely LOVE these posting about Rocky Mountain National Park which I briefly went through twice, but never had time to spend there. Going through lower Colorado next month, but this and other parts of Colorado are definitely on our "must do" list. --Dave (

  17. Oh No Sherry, We cannot afford missing any of your adventures. I'd say move over to Wordpress…its user friendly :)

  18. I'm with Sharon, problems or no I find reading and posting on Blogger to be a nicer format. I hate having to put my information in every time I comment on a WordPress blog. Often I don't bother.


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