Blogger is at it AGAIN



I tried to post a blog about East Portal and the Gunnison River three and a half hours ago.  Blogger will not put this post on the blog rolls.  If you would like to see it use this link.  Does anyone else have constant problems with this??  Let me know if this works.   I am within a hair of just tossing the entire thing – Live Writer – Blogger and this blog.   WAY too much trouble.



  1. I never did fully understand the use of LiveWriter.

  2. Right underneath your hair-raising picture is a post with the title you mentioned. Funny thing is the date. It says December 10, 2014. How can that be??? Wild stuff.

  3. Yes, I have had it happen two or three times now, once without using Live Writer just a few days ago. I have done all I can think of in researching it. One thing that helped a few times was doing the Feedburner Ping, but nothing got that post a few days ago to go out even though it did finally "ping" correctly. Wish I had better news Sherry. --Dave (

  4. Sherry, the East Portal post is showing up in your list on the right and in my blog feed on Blogger. Blogger does some wacky stuff lately. Half the time my list of blogs doesn't show up at first; when I refresh the page the list appears. Most of the time. I've started posting on WordPress, too, with thoughts that I may migrate over there one day.

  5. Yes, happens to me almost every day. I find that I have to go back into "edit post" and hit "publish" again. Sometimes I have to do this three or four times in order for it to show up on the blog rolls. Yes, very frustrating.

  6. I don'r use the blog roll gadget ... which is what I think you are talking about. No problem with the post showing up on my Netvibes RSS reader.

  7. First time it didn't show up on my Feedly. Please don't quit blogging. Maybe time for WordPress. Have only had problems with LiveWriter a few times. Usually due to poor signal.

  8. Both this post and your East Portal post showed up on my sidebar and blogroll as normal.

    I'm curious though about why the date on the East Portal blog is showing as Dec. 10, 2014? Could that be the problem - the blog date was incorrect?

  9. I have it with Blogger where several posts will come at once, and they're dated several days apart. I also have it with some blogs that don't update at all, even though they are posting regularly.

    My writer's blog has a tendency of taking hours to actually post after being scheduled. One thing that I've found that helps is that either you or someone in your blogroll clicks on a search of your blog title in the bloglist to actually get it listed.

  10. Hang in there! Just pretend you're on an extra long hike and need to push on to get it done... :c)

    For you to stop your wonderful blog posts would be a tragedy!

  11. The post showed up in my dashboard reading list. No problem there.

  12. Bite your tongue woman! It's likely something simple like the future date on the last post - in any case I would miss your blog posts very much :-(

    1. Definitely a mindless mistake there but do you really think Blogger reads the posts? That sounds scary! The date on the post in the dashboard is correct. Looks like it shows up some places and not others. My dashboard is one of the "not others". Judy's is one of the ones where it shows up. Sheesh!! What is going on.

  13. As far as I know, your blog always shows on Feedly. I always post using just the blogger template. I simply paste the text from a word document and directly load the pictures. It has always worked for me. I read about live writer but have never felt the urge to even find out how it works.

  14. Sherry, your blogs appear on my blog roll. The Gunnison River post appeared and I commented around 8:30 pm a couple hours prior to this post?? It is strange and I know you are frustrated, but it seems to only be at your end that it is not appearing!! Just know, we are out here enjoying the post:o))

  15. As long as it shows that it's physically posted, such as if you click home above, then it's posted. It might take a few hours to turn up on some blog readers.

    I do see the post directly below this and another one, so it has posted now on mine.

    Do you schedule posts in advance, say at midnight or whatever hour of the day you like?

  16. I've had TONS of problems with Blogger! Months and months ago I noticed that my blog was not updating on other's sidebars. I use Livewriter, and rarely use the blogger editor. But then I noticed that I could not make any changes in the Settings>Other section of the blogger editor and would get an error message every time. It provides a convenient 'error message and code' which I provided to Blogger countless time. Various of their techs attempted to help, but none have figured out or cured that problem which continues to this day. They all just kind of gave up on fixing it! Finally, I deleted hundreds of my posts, and it started updating again, but when I re-loaded the back posts, the dates were out by years, and I think some were in the future as well. I have placed most of my historic posts in a separate blog, and it is at least updating properly now (knock on wood), but the error messages continue unabated. I would have left blogger long ago - except that I would lose any followers and links from other blogs. Good luck figuring this one out, and don't count on any help from Blogger. Ivan


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