Moving on to Salt Springs

Wednesday December 3 and Thursday December 4, 2014
Salt Springs Recreation Area
Salt Springs, Florida



I’ll put this morning up against a Foggy Day in London Town any time.  I couldn’t see 6 feet in front of me.  My camera kept saying put up the flash and here’s what I got when I did.



It wasn’t raining but the fog was so thick it was droplets of water.  I had to keep my camera in the case when I wasn’t using it and wipe off the lens after each use.   Here’s that same picture without the camera recommended flash.  Amazing that it can somehow ignore all that water.



But I’m getting ahead of myself.  Remember the nice golden sunrise and pink clouds from yesterday as I went down the boardwalk.  Here’s that same spot this morning.




When I got around to the ocean, I could hardly see the waves and had to be up pretty close to see the birds by the shore.



As I walk down the beach, I turn around and can hardly see the pier even though I am not that far away.



I walk until I see something else which turns out to be the sign saying I’ve reached the end of the state park property.  I turn around at that point.





Things are a little better on the way back which I only notice as I pass the birds.





It is still so foggy that when I get back on the sound side I walk right past the turn up to the boardwalk and it isn’t until I see the shoreline curving around to the right  that I know I’ve gone to far.  Even on the way back I have trouble finding it.

And with that we pull out separately.  David goes straight to Salt Springs a trip of 116 miles.  Ruby and I drive the same route but we stop off on the edge of Jacksonville at the Whole Foods store for provisions.

We get there just after David had changed his mind 3 times about which site he wants.  The nice person at the gate gives me a tag for Ruby with the latest number on it.   LOL.   He is leveling up when we arrive.

Salt Springs is a National Forest campground run by a concessionaire.   Concessionaires do not have to give the Senior Discount but happily this one does and we have a full hook up site for $11 a night.  Mighty Fine!!

The duckies are not quite as happy as I am. They wish there was water in their view.







It is another foggy day.  The air is wet but it’s not raining.  I’d thought this was a function of being so near the sound and Ocean but apparently not as we are now in the middle of the forest.  I am out in time to see the sunrise but of course it isn’t visible.





Still this is a great time of day to be out.   I walk over to the Florida Birding trail very close to our site.   I have just come to this spot when a huge bird glides just in front of me.  Its enormous wings are outstretched but it makes not a sound.   If I had reached out my hand I could have touched the wings.   AMAZING!!!   I jerk around to see where it has gone and am lucky to catch a couple of quick shots of the Barred Owl before he silently wings his way onward. 

What a fabulous beginning to my day!!  







I walk on along the trail through the national forest landscape.  So Florida, fog and all.   Two deer snort but by the time I look around they have taken off like shots.




I leave the trail for the road to the boat dock.  It looks totally fogged in up there too.



And so it is.  But it’s beautiful just the same.








It’s predicted to be 80 degrees today but we have to go to Ocala for the first of the 3rd month of 3weeks of twice a week infusions.  It takes about 4 hours and this is David’s treat for afterwards.  He has a great time inside picking out potential birthday presents.  I hang out for a while and listen to the virtues of ratcheting socket sets in multicolors among other tool wonders.   I don’t want to rush him with my attempt at interest so I walk down to the Dollar Tree and pick up some wrapping supplies.




Tomorrow will be another infusion day but I don’t think I’ll go along.  That means he’ll be gone twice as long.  LOL


  1. Wow, this time last year we were working down there. Enjoy your time!

  2. Nice site and great picture of the Barred Owl:o)) Hope you get to see the manatee near the springs. But perhaps it hasn't been cold enough to bring them into the spring.

  3. I would get lost for sure in that fog!

  4. A tool store? I think I'd walk down to Dollar Tree too, but I'd be picking up poop bags for Emma. I have a hard time getting excited about tools.

  5. ohhhhhh. . .I so need to be out in nature. . .what a gorgeous, wonderful place. . .and spectacular shots of the barred owl. . .

    Love your feigned interest in the tools. . .what a woman. . .LOL!

    Surely hope these treatments get Dave's #'s to where they need to be. . .

  6. At the risk of sounding really cheap, I LOVE Dollar Tree :) I wouldn't have even hesitated. He could have found me there after his Harbor Freight peruse :)

  7. Very hard for a camera to auto focus on fog. I have same problem. Just manually focus. Having said that, these fog shots are great. I'm sure better for me to look at than you to be in. Seeing the owl is most awesome. I don't like to hang around in any store. Just get what I need and get out.

  8. It's been unusally foggy here too in the Golden Isles of GA, not far from you last stop

    1. Hi Pat, I'm so pleased you've found my blog and chosen to comment. Golden Isles always sounds so beautiful. It isn't far from Fort Clinch where we had a wonderful time.

  9. I LOVE hardware stores. Don't ask me why, but I can wander around as though I'm antiquing!! So much has kept me from reading much less posting on my blog, but I'm happy to hear that you and David are doing well and back providing us with such candy for the eyes. I like the fog. It gives everything a mysterious feeling. That's probably why Oregon weather doesn't bother me. The Columbia is gorgeous in the fog. Take care while I hope to be able to catch up.

  10. Love the owl pic. It is so rare to get a good pic of them. Lo like a super place to stay for the price..Thanks for sharing the info...I guess I should start a Florida file.

  11. I know a photoblogger over in Ocala... small world!

    That owl is amazing to see! Beautiful captures!

  12. Sometimes fog lends a special kind of enchantment to the ocean. I've spent a lot of time out in the water on days like that and enjoyed it.

    Harbor Freight = Candy store for men! :cD

  13. Love that you got to see a Barred Owl! Great photos!!

    The weather out here hasn't been very great the last few days either. Must be a coastal thing:)

    Glad you accompanied David to his treatment:)

  14. Those are fabulous photos of the owl! What a magical moment, and you captured it beautifully. Salt Spring is on our list for next winter, so I'm looking forward to your adventures. If I recall correctly, you were there last year. I think that's where I got the idea that I want to stay there. :-) The price is right, too. Gotta love full hookups for $11!

  15. What a welcome to have the owl pose so nicely for you. I kind of like the fog. Everything looks so different.

    It's too bad David has to deal with those frequent infusions, but at least he gets his treats afterwards.

  16. We've scared up an owl several times when hiking and it is such an amazing sight...but we've never had one land nearby so we could actually ogle at it! Very cool!

    Looks like another beautiful place to stay!

  17. Ahh....back inland in the Ocala National Forest...back at the springs...I do so love seeing the photos of that area, even in the fog. The owl photo is wonderful, so glad you got to see him. I hope I can get Mo back to Florida again, at least northern Florida. So many spring runs to kayak that we didn't have time to do the first time around. Harbor Freight?? Yup...that is a Mo store...she loves it.

  18. Absolutely gorgeous shots of the owl. It's been a tiny bit foggy up here at Suwannee. But it burns off by 10 or so.

  19. So cool to be that close to the owl!

  20. We never stayed at Salt Springs- looking forward to your posts.

  21. Had a few foggy mornings here too, we go for morning walks but never remember the camera.


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