A Birthday with the Birds

Monday December 7, 2015                                                 Most Recent Posts:
Curry Hammock State Park                                               Into Some Lives a Lot of Rain Falls
Marathon, Florida                                                               Lignum Vitae Christmas Open House

Here's hoping this is my last post in straight blogger.  Back to Live Writer and What You See is What You Get!  HooRAY!

Today is my birthday and my sweet daughter and her birthday helper have provided me with my first presents, CD's by one of my favorite artists, Loreena McKennitt, who is doing a US tour for the first time in a long time beginning in March.  Wish I could catch her but she's doing Texas and over to and up the west coast.  If you are there and like Celtic music with an ethereal twist don't miss her.  Thanks you two it is a great start to my day.

Not so great is seeing the Crazy Catbird sitting on the driver's mirror looking in.  He seems to be asking why we put the snake in his favorite places.  BUT he's just looking, not pecking.

It rained last night, all night long and on my walk this morning I find that a number of our neighbors now have water front property.  One site is actually closed because it is so flooded.

Looks like she's going to launch the boat right there on her lake doesn't it.
That's the only way she could get across without getting her feet wet.

And then it's out to the beach where I encounter my second bird of the day, what I think is a palm warbler.  Can you correct me or second that vote Judy?

The Reddish Egret is looking fine if a little water logged.

King of the mountain today is the lone sandpiper.


In the mornings, I walk along the shore from the campground to the day use area.  The waves here are too gentle to have done this much shoreline damage so I'm betting there have been enough storms to so undermine the ground here as to be within inches of the fence and feet of the picnic cabanas

Last time we were at Curry Hammock a few weeks ago, I ran into a woman hunting for sea beans.  These are seeds that wash up on Atlantic beaches in the Keys from Central and South America.  Curry has a chart of them that I believe I showed in a previous blog.  When we walk the beaches we often check the wrack line to see what came in.  David has picked up some today.

I'm assuming the sand on this beach is made of coral since the island itself is and bits and pieces of coral like this are strewn along the beach.

Hmmm they say birds of a feather but it looks to me like these Ibis of various ages are groupees for the Red Egret.  The dark ibis on the right is the juvenile, I guess you'd call the one next to him with the rather grey neck a young adult.  The adults are all white.

The bird gathering grows as the sandpipers fly in.

Mostly Willets here.

I think the poor ibis is greatly outnumbered.

Willets, sandpipers, plovers all getting along fine.

I'm going to think of this as a birdie birthday party for me.  Just my kind of party!

Great morning on the beach even if I do have to wear long sleeves to thwart the noseeums.  I'm being pretty cavalier this morning with capris, I usually wear long pants too.

Eric and Laurel,  aka on their wonderful blog as Raven and Chickadee, are out taking their fabulous photographs and in short sleeve attire with bare legs.  I guess the bugs don't like them quite as much as they like me.  Not sure noseeums is the group with whom I want to be so popular. 

Here are some close ups of the guests.  Glad I don't have to share their party food.

Bath time at a party?  Oh yes, it's at the beach so we'll call it swimming.

Don't you wish party guests would always pose this nicely for your pictures??

Of course it has to rain but later in the afternoon I take a chance and we head out for a paddle.
The clouds are still there but we won't go far.  So far we haven't had any lightning today and if worst comes to worst we'll use the bilge pump.

It is SO shallow that I can see the sand waves through the water.
You can walk hundreds of feet off shore and still not be in ocean water to your waist.

Along the mangrove banks a new face appears, the little blue heron

Things are beginning to look  iffy.  No more blue, everything is gray.  Notice the water though, pretty relaxed.

But it isn't long until the wind picks up and the waves increase.  Nothing to worry about yet but a clear change.

A group of cormorants has a gathering place on one side of the island off shore.  The ones in the trees don't seem bothered by us paddling by but the ones sitting on the roots are not so happy and flee into the water running across it and flapping into the air with splashes.

And then a big birthday present flies over head.  If you've been following along you might remember the Magnificient Frigate bird that I posted a picture of in a previous blog.  That was the female with white undersides.  Today the male, totally black,  is swooping around over head.  I hope that means they are both here and possibly nesting?  I'll have to research that and find out.    So glad to have him join the party.

It starts to spit rain so I away from the Cormorant island and back to the campground.

My birthday has definitely been for the birds but I'm grateful to have been able to get out between the showers, have my birdie party and see sights like this.   It's a wonderful life!


  1. I love all the bird shots and that they were there for your birthday!

  2. What a gorgeous birthday, especially perfect for you with all the birds, the water, the skies, friends around, presents from Carrie. Wow. Especially loved that glassy water. I wish I could figure out how to be everywhere at once. I am enjoying our winter snows, but want to be in the hot springs in the desert and on glassy Florida water as well. All at once. Beam me up Scotty. Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!

  3. Happy 29th Birthday! Nice of all those birds to drop in and celebrate with you! :c)

  4. Appears you had a mighty fine Birthday, thanks for sharing.

  5. Here's to having a semi-rain-free day for your bday! Wishing you a happy and healthy year ahead!

  6. Happy birthday.... and the birds gave you quite a birthday party have a good day...

  7. Beautiful shots!

    I do like Lorena McKennitt's music. It's been awhile since I've listened to one of her albums.

    The cat bird is a real peculiarity!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We too love Celtic music. We went to Ireland and heard so many choirs singing such beautiful music and we LOVED it! Never tire of Celtic music!

  9. Hanging with the birds sounds like a great way to spend a birthday!
    Haven't listened to Loreena McKennit in a while, but we really like her music, too.

  10. Happy Birthday Sherry! Glad you spent it doing what you like doing best, and with all your feathered friends there to celebrate with you.


  11. Many good wishes for the Celebrations of YOU! Happy Birthday!! A perfect day for you on the beach with flocks of birds to keep you company. Here is to many more celebrated just the way you want!

  12. Happy Birthday! Despite the rain it is a great to celebrate:)

  13. That was a special Birthday celebration...all your feathered friends were there to share the day. Now if we can just get the rain to stop and the winds to slow down and the sun to shine... you'll be all set!!! But you sure made the most of your special day!!!

  14. Beautiful birthday!! I love the bird party! Looks like it was a lovely day. That reddish egret is really neat.

  15. What a wonderful birthday filled with so many of the things that bring you joy! All of the birds were clearly celebrating with you. But you didn't tell us that it was your birthday!!! My birthday was on the 11th -- we could have celebrated together! One more thing that we have in common. Happy belated birthday, Sherry -- may this be a glorious year for you, filled with all that makes your heart happy.

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Wish I'd been at that morning party with you and the birds. Your shots of them are superb. I'm thinking there may have been more of your celebration of birth.

  17. Happy birthday! Looks like it was quite a lot of fun.

  18. What a special birthday. And you had such wonderful friends to celebrate with.....

  19. I read your last two posts this evening, so it looks like I missed wishing you a happy birthday, but I'm sending belated wishes.

    I have a number of Loreena McKennit CD's but haven't listened to them for a long time. Guess I should listen to them again.

  20. That is some birthday party Sherry, wished I was there with you and sang with the birds. We have watched Loreena McKennitt some years ago in CA and it was Steve who drag or persuaded me to watch her. She is talented.

  21. If that little warbler was bobbing its tail, I 3rd that it is a palm warbler. Looks like you had a perfect birthday!

  22. Not sure how I got so far behind! Happy belated birthday, so glad you got some time on the water to celebrate. Your party-goers are all wonderful, especially the majestic frigate. I'm afraid the bugs will like me as they do you :-( The sea beans are such a cool find.

  23. Happy Belated birthday, looks like a wonderful day of celebration...music, birds and kayaking.

  24. Happy Belated Birthday. I get a kick out of that catbird!


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