Just want you to know

Saturday December 12, 2015                                      Most Recent Post:
Curry Hammock State Park                                         No More blog Posts
Marathon Florida

This post was done on blogger direct.  Boy is it ugly!

I just want to thank those of you who so kindly said you'd miss my blog if I no longer publish.

I have just spent nearly 3 hours trying to move the post I was publishing from Live Writer to Blogger and it looks nothing like what I had set up to publish.  It is too simplistic and I'm just not willing to continue with this.

Blogger allows only 4 picture sizes, two of which are so small as to be useless and one of the other two is so large it takes up the entire screen.   Live Writer allows you to size your pictures any size you like.

Blogger allows only a limited number of  the same run of the mill fonts.  Live Writer allows the use of a virtually limitless number of fonts. In addition, within the post, the fonts in blogger also seem to change at will.

Thank goodness you can bring more than one photo in at a time now in blogger, but they all end up in Picassa which has limits as to how much it will allow you to store.  I'd be over my limit in less than a month.

In blogger you must be on line to create your post using your bandwidth.  We do not have unlimited data on our hotspot and I just can't justify using it for the amount of time it takes me to compose something I can be proud of.

In blogger, in order to know what the post is actually going to look like, you must go back and forth constantly between preview and compose.  What you see on your screen as you compose is not what you get and spaces appear in places you did not insert them.  Sometimes HUGE amounts of space.

If I wanted to go back and relearn HTML, I could probably fix some of this but that isn't how I want to spend my life and much of it is just the whim of google.

Many thanks to those of you who said you will miss my blog.  I was surprised to see such comments from those who seldom comment.

As I've said before the comments are what kept me posting and I will greatly greatly miss them.  Those 20 people who comment fairly regularly out of the more than 200 who view my blog are very near and dear to my heart and I will miss you greatly.

But unless live writer comes back, I am just not willing to work as hard as I would have to in order to create something I actually want to read.   It is not a give and take situation now with most of my readers, they take but they do not give back in the form of letting me know they have enjoyed it or have something to add or had a similar experience or any number of things that could be said.

I won't be back until and unless Live Writer comes back.   The blogger software for creating is just too primitive.  I am shocked that it is being kept while a program as fabulous as Live Writer is being abandoned.

Yes, this is my RANT.  Feel free to rant back.  I'll love it.


  1. So sorry to hear of your blogger issues. It's enough work to publish a blog, so I totally understand that all this extra stuff makes it impossible. I really hope the issue resolved soon. Otherwise the only other thing I can recommend is moving your blog to Wordpress. I never had any of these issues in 6 years on Wordpress. And Wordpress allows multiple pic sizes (you set them yourself), tons of fonts etc. I've never used LiveWriter tho so don't know how that works.

    Anyway really hope it works out for you!


  2. I also will miss your blog, if you decide to give it up. I suspect many of us think about doing the same. I know I do:) Lets hope live writer has a comeback:)

  3. Hi, Sherry -- I can't help with the Live Writer situation, as I am a WordPress blogger, and do not use it. But your frustrations, as well as others out there are palpable. I have experimented in WordPress with Live Writer and it works well. The limitation is that I am unable to figure out a way to caption my photos with LW, which I often like to do, so I don't use it.

    I am not sure if you have access to the HTML code via blogger, but if you ever want to give it a try, I can show you how to resize the photos via HTML. It's a short and easy step, but the downside is it must be done with every photo.

    Otherwise, I will continue to "watch this space" and hope the issue gets resolved.

  4. I so totally agree with all you have said & feel the same way you do about this Live Writer issue at the moment. Blogger is not an option. Like you I care how my post looks & Live Writer gives me the options to create it the way I like it. The word 'primitive' you used to describe Blogger is correct. I am so hoping difficulties will be resolved & we will have our beloved Live Writer back but for the moment I'm just taking a Blog break waiting to see what happens. I really don't want to give up blogging just yet. Have to guiltily admit I have been one of those not commenting these past years. In fact I've hardly been reading or commenting on anyone's blog & I can't even come up with a good excuse for that. I find writing to be great therapy for those creative little things inside that just need to get out & if anyone comments I consider that an added bonus. And yes I very well know the feeling inside when one works hard on a post & the post just seems to end up falling flat on it's face with little response. Hope Live Writer gets fixed & hope you continue on with your posts. Thinking of you way out here in this Arizona place.......AL:))

  5. I will miss your blog ...and all you news....I don't want to do blogger either...

  6. I always read your blog, Sherry, but Blogger seldom accepts my comments, no matter how many hoops I jump through. I have used Wordpress, too, without incident for over three years.

    Virtual hugsj


  7. I've been in kind of a blog funk lately, and thinking about stopping. This latest problem may just make it a no brainer...

    1. I am so sorry to hear that everyone is having problems with blogging. My husband is disabled and we cannot travel anymore so I travel vicariously through all of the blog posts from Al, Judy, and you, Sherry, as well as many others. Don't comment much, but really enjoy reading about everyone's travels and seeing the pics. Will really miss your posts if you all stop blogging. So know that there are lots of us out here who enjoy the blogs. My sister is thinking about going full-time when her husband retires and I have even sent her some of the posts/sites so she can learn from all of you. Enjoy your travels!

      Ann M

  8. Sorry that I don't always comment either but I do read all the recent posts that appear on our sidebar.
    I've never used Livewriter but compose my posts on Word using whatever font i want then simply copy and paste it on blogger. I use the medium center for our pictures though I wish I could move them around I'can live with it.
    As far as the effects to our post that was accomplished using the Layout.
    We hope you continue writing and hopefully we'll see you and David down the road.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  9. Well, bummer. Seems as though this problem isn't going to go away anytime soon. So many things about WordPress that I am not particularly happy with, and since I am not a daily blogger, I too have to wonder if it is even worth it. Except I have no idea how I would remember where I have been without it. And where my friends are and how they are doing. I would miss you, Al, Judy, so many others if you weren't there. Makes me a bit crazy actually. I know Erin had a workaround, but it was kind of complex, and of course I don't remember it. Sigh. Hope this gets resolved, but at the rate things are going I don't have much hope. Windows in general is acting weird, and my computer guy said the updates are freezing people's computers. Mo's laptop is dead this morning. I have windows 10 on this one, my laptop, but livewriter won't work here either, or on my windows 7 desktop big machine. so, I said all that to say this. I will miss you and like you and others, I am frustrated.

    1. LW is gone and won't be coming back, no sense wishing for what's not going to happen ... but there is hope that OLW (the Open Source version) might work once the Google-required authorization support is added ... the announcement for OLW clearly stated coming soon. I've liked their friend page, so will wait for the announcement. In the meantime, I will use the workaround from when we had the same problem with Blogger before ... not that difficult really. I still use LW to compose, inserting links to my photos from my SmugMug site (this is probably where I differ from most in that I don't upload photos from the computer). Then, when I am satisfied, I simply switch to the HTML tab, copy the content from there, and go to the Blogger editor's HTML tab, and paste the content. Add the tags, and click upload. Et voila ... a post just the way I want it to look. May sound complicated, but not really ... does not require me to learn html, it does however, require that photos be hosted somewhere on the web already. The two or three added steps are worth it to me at least until I finish writing the posts I committed to doing for our Rome trip. After that ... well like so many I've been debating whether to continue blogging. I'm about ready to give up ... except I don't have a good solution for a journal that will serve as a good alternative since my main reason for writing is so I can remember all of our travels when we inevitably become armchair travelers.

    2. I did this same thing Erin, composing in LW and moving the HTML to blogger but mine didn't work out so well. Apparently because I have my photos on my own hard drive. I don't want them out there where someone else can lose them as has happened to me before. If it worked, it would be a fine thing for me but I find that even without the pictures the text moves all over the blogger page and when I look at the "preview" it looks nothing like what is in the blogger compose page with the HTML I just copied over. Really can't understand why they couldn't hold off this OLW thing until after the holidays. It is no coincidence that everything broke at the same time as the OLW launch.

  10. Well now I know why my posts look so cheesy. I compose on blogspot and put very little effort into it. I am amazed 24 views happen after 24 hours each time I post. I am thrilled when someone leaves a comment.

    Kathy and I have enjoyed the way you explain sites to visit and your photos have become fantastic. Will be waiting for your return. Have a Merry Christmas in the Keys!

  11. I sure understand the frustrations with blogger! We would all look so much better as writers if the issues were addressed in blogger. Will miss your posts very much. There are other programs out there. Can't remember what other people are using but there are other options. A couple of them. I will try to remember to send links soon.

  12. Wow, what a technology nightmare. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this, because I know how much effort and care you put into your blog. I use WordPress and have been very happy with it. No limit on photos and I can size them any way that I want. I don't know how difficult it would be for you to transition to a whole different blogging platform, though. I hope that somehow, someway, you find a reasonable solution so that you can continue to blog and post photos.

  13. Well I'll miss your blog if you do indeed decide to stop altogether! I have always done my blog directly in Blogger and have experienced some of the problems you mention (and learned to live with some of them - like photo size) but not all of them (such as the photos going to Picasa - not my experience). I'm sorry it won't work for you. There probably is not a perfect solution out there...like so many things in life it's a matter of compromise or nothing!

  14. I don't blog I don't comment I just read your blogs and enjoy every moment of your adventures even when you have a simple day can you just write as an email and not desert me. And all your other readers??? I get so much pleasure from reading your blogs. Now there I've commented 😊

  15. I understand completely. . .as you know, I basically abandoned my blog this past summer, and transferred to a FB Page, Evans Escapades, which I know you are not willing to do. . .

    So much simpler to simply load my pics in an album, and caption them as I go. . .

    Here's hoping you find a solution. . .

  16. I many times used Blogo off line and then uploaded it to my blog. I'm not sure if they make it for PCs, but I think it's like Live Writer. Don't know if it's something you'd consider, Sherry. I haven't been following blogs for a while, but plan to try to make more time and I would miss yours. Just don't want to get lazy about exercise...I get caught up in everyone's travels. Hi to David.

  17. Well phooey..... sorry that you can't share your adventures without going to computer school! That stinks... I hope you will be able to begin posting again. I don't blame you for wanting the blog to look like you intended and for not wanting it to be a pain rather than pleasure. Miss you! XXXOOO

  18. NOOOOO!!!! Say it isn't so. I remember frustrations with blogger way back when, and before it didn't work with LW. I love my WordPress. If you can get to a good signal without burning your data it's easy to move your blogspot to WordPress. Just the touch of a button. Please consider this. Don't let Them win and us loose. If you make an email list for posts please put me on it.

  19. I think you would miss us as much as we would miss you and we do need each other. We are family so push through so we can still have each other. I know life is so hard and frustrating sometimes and as we get older, it is hard to make such an effort. But it gives you such joy to share all the wonders of nature with us that you see and experience, and we do appreciate it. But if you do have to go, we do understand. Love to you and hubby.

  20. I am one of the constant readers who does not comment often; I would really miss your blog - I love the descriptions of all your activities and nature sightings. I can understand your frustration and temptation to stop blogging, but I for one certainly hope you can find a way around these difficulties.

  21. I hope you get your problems worked out. I write my blog in blogger and it goes to draft which I can review and correct or make change, then publish it, if I want to. I learned years ago that if I am going to use a computer, I will get frustrated quite often.

  22. Just been reading many RV blogs and EVERYONE IS SCREAMING ABOUT THIS....and I do mean SCREAMING! Mad as wet hens! Wow!

  23. Ok, so while I miss the pictures you always include with your post, I read today's blog just as well; I get it that people become accustomed to using software the way they've always used it, but welcome to my world. Everything is always changing, and then it sometimes changes back. My opinion is that you should discontinue blogging if it really pisses you off to that point, but don't quit if you just don't like the look of the blog - you post to communicate and I think today's post communicated quite well.

  24. I value the friendship we have with you and will miss not knowing where you are and what you are doing. You are so much better at blogging than I am :-). I certainly hope that we will still get to meet up again at some point in Florida...you know where we are ;-) :-).

  25. First let me say that you are a wonderful writer and photographer that shares so much about the places you visit and the things you learn!!! Also, I understand about your frustration with Blogger/Livewriter. Having blogged, I truly understand how much time and effort putting together a beautiful blog post takes. All that said...many people will miss your posts and in the future, you will miss this lovely trail of memories. Just be sure YOU are choosing not to blog and not letting Blogger/Livewriter make that decision for you. Perhaps you just need a break and some time to check out other options. What I am saying is be sure to do what is best for you!!!

  26. I do not blog but love reading about your adventures! Do not understand the problems you are having but hope they work out. I find it very hard to comment since I do not know what to "comment as". I would love to travel more but just doesn't seem to work out. Hope you can keep your blog since there are many travel adventures we can enjoy through you.

  27. I have always found you to be a great blogger (writer, photographer & composer), but you may actually be an even better ranter, if there is such a thing. ;) I am with you on this - it makes no sense for LW to fall while blogger remains standing.

  28. I don't know what is the bigger nightmare, having to use Blogger to write a blog, or waking up everyday and not having a wonderful post by your to read and make my day (sniff-sniff). :c(

  29. With all those comments there's no way you can quit. I've only used Blogger but I'm not a detail person and had no idea about the difference. I care about what you're doing, feeling, and seeing. It doesn't matter to me about the size of the photos. Actually, the smaller the better. They load faster and don't use up my gigs. Hang in there, it will get better.

  30. As one of the seldom commenters I have enjoyed your blog and will miss it! Totally understand as I started a blog and just didn't enjoy the amount of time it took. Good luck to you in all your future travels.

  31. I agree. I will miss hearing about your adventures, as well as the beach sunrises and sunsets. I know I can always email you to say hi.

  32. You'll be missed..that I know. I hope live writer comes back or you can find something else to use!! However, I do understand the decision to stop. It does sound like a lot of "work"! It's so nice for me to read about your days and see the sights you see. I also appreciate how comments help make doing it seem more worth it. Give a lot, get a little back. Hoping you can return and more people will comment even if they only say "thanks for posting".

  33. Oh my goodness! Im late to the party and this is what I got for being disconnected for a long time.
    Please calm down Sherry, I know how frustrated you are reading your ranting. But there is always a rainbow after a rain :) Although Im a WP user, I can relate to your frustration when Google changed the mapping app and upgraded our existing map. I gave up on that and let Steve handle our mapping.
    I hope you will give WP a try, for I will miss you and so does everyone following your travels.

  34. You will laugh when I tell you I use blogger. I know...crazy, but it was all I have ever used so I have adjusted to the crazy way that it works. I do have problem with large spaces when I have no idea what I did to get them but mostly they seem to move more now do to making them mobile friendly. I add myself to the long list that would miss you. I'm hoping that you can come up with something!!

  35. Hi Sherry,
    Yes Chrome works for comments, but not IE. More Google going it's own way.
    Reading your comments, I'd say you are on the spot. :O) Good going.

  36. Please say it isn't so.
    Please don't go!
    We'll miss your trips,
    your wit, your quips.
    You'll miss our smiling faces
    As you travel to new places.
    Oh, please don't go...
    If you go, how will we know
    Where you are?

    1. P.S. I guess I'm primitive. I've been using Blogger since I started writing mine. I'm not very high tech so it works for me.

  37. You are dead on with Live Writer, and frankly I don't know which issue is more important than the other....they are ALL important. Being open source I am sure they are working on it in their spare time, but trying to find information out about the problem is ridiculous. Hang in there Sherry...and by the looks of it, you have more than 20 commenters. :)

  38. I will miss your posts but totally understand why, though I've never us LW seems lots of you do. Guess that's why your blog looks so much neater\nicer than others. Hope to see you back blogging one of these days.


Your comments are the best part of this blog for me.
I LOVE hearing from you!